Friendly Reincarnator Chapter 114: Killer Octopus Part 1

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 The Raptor ran smoothly, and the weather was pleasant, so we started off with a perfect day to start our journey.



 We spent a few days steadily heading toward the ocean, defeating the monsters we encountered as we went along.


 Every day I talked to Amber and learned about this world, and I found it interesting that he was more naive than I had expected since he had spent most of his whole life without meeting anyone, and that the information he knew was several hundred years old.



 I found it more comfortable to sleep in an encampment than to stay in a village, and I even thought that I could live in an earthen house. However, I wondered if this could be called camping.



 On the 10th day, I arrived at the seaside town, presented my guild card, and entered.


 First, I went to the guild and looked at the quest board.


 There was a subjugation quest that B-ranks could accept and not see inland, called Killer Octopus Subjugation.


 The reward for defeating the Killer Octopus was 200 gold coins, and materials were to be purchased separately.



 The reward of 200 gold coins is quite high, and the fact that the materials are purchased separately means that the reward is not included in the price of the quest…


 I went to the reception desk for information and first asked about places where spirits might be, recommended inns, and a good restaurant.



“Welcome to the Konju Branch. My name is Maru. I don’t know about volcanoes or springs, but if you are looking for a good place to stay, I recommend Lucky Catch Pavilion, about 1 km from the guild. They serve fresh seafood.” (Maru)



The receptionist, Maru, is a bright and cheerful woman with eyes that remind me of a small animal.



“Oh, and also please give me information on Killer Octopus.” (Louis)


“Please refer to this monster encyclopedia. Killer Octopuses are monsters that usually wait until adventurers disappear before reappearing, and since our guild has no record of successfully subjugating one, we do not have any information on it other than the illustration. Please ask the fishermen directly for the location of its appearance.” (Maru)


“What? Then why don’t we just wait for them to show up?” (Louis)



 What’s the point of requesting for a subjugation? I thought, so I asked her honestly.



“The fishermen are in trouble because they can’t go out fishing, and since they have accumulated some money from before, they believe in the possibility of sending out a request to take down the sea monster.” (Maru)



 She explained that there is no penalty for failure, so I asked her carefully, and she told me that there is no record of success, but there are records of people who have tried to kill the Killer Octopus in the past but failed.


 When I asked him for records of failed attempts, she told me about the record of a six-person C-rank party that went to subjugate it but was unable to do so, and as a result was only able to fight it off.


 In summary, it seems that they dragged the Killer Octopus on the shore with a rope and spears that were magically reinforced by stringing together a fairly thick rope. Still, leading to the result that it was still able to escape after several days of fighting after bringing it on shore. The details of the battle were not recorded in detail.



 It was okay to think that we could fight to our advantage a little if we brought it into our field because it is a monster that lives in the sea, but the vitality of the Killer Octopus was probably more than I had imagined.


 The difficulty of this demon is that it is unusually strong when it attacks, it runs away very fast, it fights for a long time even if it is brought up on land, and it can easily escape even if it is dragged on land.


 If it were invincible, it would be very helpful to have them repelled. So, it is okay to repel them, but if possible, they want us to defeat them.



 I decided to ask them to introduce me to a fisherman who knew the details of the situation.


 I walked for about 20 minutes and visited the area of the fisherman’s house and asked around where he was on the beach.



 A man of about 30 years old with short brown hair, brown eyes, dark skin, and a muscular body who looked like he was working hard on his boat. Hmmm… He would look more like a fisherman if he had a twisted headband, but… that was not the case.



“Hello there. My name is Louis, and I’ve been sent by the guild to subjugate the Killer Octopus.” (Louis)


“Hm? Ah, I’m Gael. Um? Are you really going to take it down?” (Gael)


“Huh? Oh, I’ll do my best, but I can’t make any promises. Can you give me some information such as where Killer Octopus is located?” (Louis)


“Are you planning to fail the request to subjugate the Killer Octopus?” ()



 He looked at me with an obviously dubious expression and spat those words out.



“What? I don’t understand what you mean?” (Louis)


“There was no way a young adventurer could defeat a Killer Octopus, and that the ones who had tried before are just proud of themselves for trying, but left without doing anything.” (Gael)


“I may be small, but I am an adult, and I am a B-rank adventurer who has defeated five Kraken in the waters of the Avrigny Kingdom. Besides, I’ve never fought a Killer Octopus before, so I’m not sure if I can do it. I will say that I will subjugate them properly.” (Louis)



 I replied, a little miffed.



“I am sorry about that. I want to try to expect more from you.” (Gael)



 He bowed his head and apologized honestly, but he still seemed to be doubtful of me, although he must have been feeling hopeless up to now.


 I changed my mind and decided to ask him for information about the Killer Octopus.



“So, where does it appear? And does it appear during the day or at night?” (Louis)


“The Killer Octopus is often appearing during the daytime, and probably at night as well, but it does not come ashore. During the day, boats that are having trouble making a living and go fishing far and are caught off guard are attacked. It’s hard to put into words where it hunts.” (Gael)



I took a piece of paper out of storage and scribbled a map with a brush.



“Here is a map of this area. This is where we are right now.” (Louis)


“You’re amazing. Well, it is around here.” (Gael)



 He pointed to a spot about a kilometer offshore from here.


 I looked around and checked out a place where I could take down a Kraken like I did before.


 There it was. There was a place where I could drag it on the shore and fight it, but it was a little rough, but at this point it would be good if there was no damage to the surrounding area.


 I found the place, but I don’t know the ecology and size of the Killer Octopus well.



“Do you have any clues as to the size of the killer octopus or its weaknesses?” (Louis)



 Gael thought for a moment and said.



“I am not sure, but it hugs a boat with arms to spare, so I’d say it’s about 20 meters long with its legs all stretched out. But it seemed much bigger when an adventurer caught it with some kind of tool and dragged it ashore about ten years ago. The Killer Octopus can stretch and shrink and can’t be restrained, and they’re very good at escaping. It was on land for four days during that time, but it didn’t seem to tire.” (Gael)



 The information was probably reliable, as it generally matched the guild’s information.



“I see… Twenty meters is big. And it’s very good at escaping and it can stay on land for more than four days without tiring.” (Louis)



 Gael nodded with a bitter expression.



“I’ll have to think of a strategy before I attack. That concludes my investigation for today.” (Louis)



 Gael once again pleaded to take care of it, and I replied that I would do my best before leaving.



 Remembering the habits of the octopus, I walked to the inn recommended by the guild.


 Lucky Catch Pavilion, the inn has a sign with three fish lined up in a row.



“Hello. This place has been recommended by the guild. I wish for overnight lodging.” (Louis)


“Welcome to Lucky Catch Pavilion. My name is Sookie. Our hotel charges 5 silver coins per night, paid in advance. How many nights do you plan to stay? Would you like me to fill out the guest book for you?” (Sookie)



 She was about 30 years old, with brown hair and green eyes, tall for a woman, and large bosoms.


 I was short, so my eyes inevitably landed on her assets.


 I looked away for a moment and then answered,



“I’m planning to stay here for seven nights. I’ll write the logbook by myself.” (Louis)


“Thank you very much. Then this way please. Also, please try our fish dishes, they are very tasty.” (Sookie)



 I wrote my name and Huey’s name in the guest book and received a key.



“Can I have dinner right away?” (Louis)


“Yes, that will be fine. Your baggage is…?” (Sookie)



 I answered that I had no baggage as it was in my magic bag, and after asking the location of my room, I was shown to the dining room.



 The meal I was served was a soup of white fish similar to sea bream, with hard bread, and boiled greens.


 It was not bad, but not good either. I thought it was not a meal that would raise my spirits, but I would rather not put it into words.


 There were chili peppers floating in the soup, so I decided to accept that some people might find it better than others because of the spices used in the food here.



 Huey telepathically said that “Louis’ cooking is more delicious”, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. 



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