Black Cat Chapter 149: Rock Turtle

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 On the first day, the turtle monster did not show itself.


 The goblin, tied to a stake as bait, is left in place after dark.



“We take turns keeping watch at night too, right?” (Nyango)


“Yeah, well, I’ll keep an eye on it, but if we can kill it, we’ll kill it… that’s about it.” (Laius)



 Personally, I want to defeat is as quickly as possible to protect the Malurs, but I don’t feel any fighting spirit from Laius.



“Eh… We’re not going to kill it?” (Nyango)


“If we can beat it, I will, but first I need to determine who he is. However, it is more important to let it know that there is bait here.” (Laius)



 If they recognize the hunting ground prepared by Chariot as a place where they can find food, the damage to other areas can be reduced.


 And once we know what it is, we can use the other goblin to take it down with everything we’ve got.



“We don’t want to set up a trap halfway and have it realize that there is a trap here. If we do get it, we’ll make sure we kill it in one fell swoop.” (Laius)



 In the end, I was excluded from watch duty because I was the key to subjugating the enemy.


 I guess they were trying to prevent me from going off on my own and missing a shot, but I felt like I was being treated like a child.



 Well, it’s true that after a good dinner and bath, I wrapped myself in a blanket and didn’t wake up until morning.


 And by morning, the first goblin we used as bait disappeared into the belly of the monster.



“Did you know what monster it is?” (Nyango)


“Oh, it’s a Rock Turtle, and it’s quite a big one.” (Laius)



 The Rock Turtle is a turtle monster with a hard, rugged shell, and the shell of this particular one was said to be more than the length of two adults.



“The goblin who tried to drink the water had his upper body ripped off in an instant, and it was dead.” (Serge)



 From the way Serge describes the attack, it seems that the Rock Turtle was only visible for a brief moment.


 It seems that it jumped out of the water, bit the goblin in half, and immediately dove into the water.



 I wonder if it is possible to catch such a fast-moving opponent and shoot a magic gun magic circle.


 If the situation were such that a monster was about to jump out, I could wait for it, but after waiting for hours for something that we don’t know when it’s going to attack, I’m not sure I’ll be able to catch the moment.



“Hmmm, from the looks of it, you don’t seem confident that you’ll be able to finish it off.” (Serge)


“I-I’m just a little worried about something.” (Nayngo)


“Don’t worry, Nyango. This is the second time is the enough.” (Laius)


“Eh, second time…?” (Nyango)


“Yes, it takes a master to be able to kill an opponent who appears out of the blue with precision. If you succeed, you will be praised, but if you fail, all your preparation will have been in vain. In that case, it is the reliable adventurer who chooses the surefire way.” (Laius)


“Huh…” (Nyango)



 I didn’t quite understand what he meant, but the rest of the story made sense to me.


 The Rock Turtle had reappeared.



 The first attack had devoured the goblin’s upper body, but the lower body was left in the hunting ground.


 When it came to swallow that lower half, it seemed to move more slowly than when it first appeared.



“The first attack was probably a quick bite because the other party was still alive, and the second was probably a lax bite because it had already determined that its prey was dead.” (Serge)


“I see. In that case, we should aim for the second time it appears and take it down.” (Nyango)



 I can’t catch it the moment it suddenly jumps out, but if it appears immediately after that, I can probably time it.


 Now it’s just a matter of where to aim.



“The shell of the Rock Turtle is the toughest. It is impervious to swords, spears, and arrows, and its hardness alone is probably greater than that of a wyvern.” (Serge)


“Could my magic gun pierce it?” (Nyango)


“I don’t know. It might be possible, but there is a surer way.” (Serge)


“It has a weak spot somewhere, doesn’t it?” (Nyango)


“Yes. At the base of the neck, between the shell and the neck, there is no shell there. Aim there and shoot.” (Serge)



 Apparently, this shell-less area is also said to be almost invisible when the neck is retracted.


 When subjugating turtle-type monsters, it is common practice to concentrate on attacking this weak point, but it seems that if the first attack is missed, the second attack is often blocked.



 If the first blow is weak, it will escape, so you need to make sure to hit it with a strong attack.


 This time, I was aiming from the front, diagonally to the right, and Shure was aiming from the opposite side.



 Last night, the Rock Turtle appeared when the sun was setting and the moon was high in the sky, so we finished dinner a little early, got ready, and tied the bait goblin to the stake.


 They had given the goblin salt before tying it to the stake, and soon the goblin went to the pond to drink.



 Seeing this, Laius calls out to me.



“Nyango, don’t let your guard down. When the goblin goes to drink, be ready.” (Laius)


“I got it!” (Nyango)


“When it stays still away from the water’s edge, relax a little. In any case, the second time it appears, that’s when the fight is on. Aim well.” (Laius)


“Yes!” (Nyango)



 The goblin was fed and kept in a box before noon.


 This is to ensure that it is active during the time it is acting as bait.



 It must have been sleeping during the day and is getting hungry. When Laius occasionally throws a lump of salt, it immediately licked it clean and go for a drink of water.


 It seems as if it is using salt and water to cover up their hunger, but that’s what we are trying to do.



 The temperature drops dramatically as the sun goes down, but I was forbidden to use void magic to protect myself from the cold.


 Instead, I wrap myself in a blanket with my brother, and Shure holds Miriam for warmth.



 If you have a high-performance catkin warmer with you, you’ll be warm even on midwinter nights.


 Laius, Serge, and Gad are also all in one place, trying to survive the cold.



 If we build a fire, the smell may alert the Rock Turtle, and it may not show itself a second time.


 Above the pond, the sky is cloudless and starry, and the temperature on the surface of the earth is being robbed away.



 The goblin, shivering and shaking, still approach the pond to lick salt and drink water.


 The goblin, its arms tied behind its back, crawled on the cold ground and pushed its face in the pond.



 The surface of the water, which had been calm like a mirror in the moonlight, suddenly rose to the surface, and a large mouth swallowed the goblin’s upper half body.


 With a clang, the goblin’s body was sliced in half by the Rock Turtle’s beak and vanished.



 The pond water that the Rock Turtle had hoisted up rushes over to us.


 When Serge saw it, after swallowing the goblin’s upper body, the Rock Turtle had once disappeared into the pond, but now it showed no sign of returning to the pond.



 Just like that, the Rock Turtle tries to take a bite out of the lower half of the goblin that fell into the hunting ground.



“Attack!” (Laius)



 I instantly reacted to Laius’ sharp command and deployed a magic gun magic circle.


 Leaving behind a heavy booming sound, the flame bullet hit the base of Rock Turtle’s neck without missing its target.



 Just like that, the flame bullet pierced through the area around its hind legs, and the water in the pond was blown away.


 At the same time, a spray of blood rises from the Rock Turtle’s neck.



 It seems that the wind magic that Schulte had fired had also cut deeply into its neck.


 The Rock Turtle, which had tilted its head to bite into the goblin’s lower body, dropped to the ground and stopped moving.



 The water from the pond that my fireball had blasted away poured down like a torrential downpour, and then there was silence all around me.


 The amount of blood gushing out of the neck of the Rock Turtle, which had stopped moving, continued to visibly decrease.



“Gad, please…” (Laius)


“Leave it to me.” (Gad)



 As Laius signaled, Gad put his hands on the ground of the hunting ground and activated his earth magic.


 Then the ground of the hunting ground, which had been gently tilting toward the pond, rose up, and the Rock Turtle’s body also emerged completely out of the water.



 Laius, who had walked up beside me, looked at the Rock Turtle’s wounds and groaned.



“What’s the problem?” (Nyango)


“Ah, I think I miscalculated.” (Laius)


“Miscalculated…?” (Nyango)


“With this line of fire, the magic stone might have been shattered.” (Laius)


“Oh… I see.” (Nyango)



 The monster’s magic stone is encased in an organ located near the heart.


 I’m not familiar with the structure of the Rock Turtle, but the flame bullet I shot passed diagonally through the center of its body and exited around the top of its hind legs.



“Well, I can’t really say anything without trying to dismantle it…” (Laius)


“Laius, let’s load everything up and leave it to the guild guys.” (Serge)


“Yeah, that’s what we’ll have to do.” (Laius)



 Just as Serge said, it seems impossible for us without specialized knowledge to dismantle the Rock Turtle, whose shell alone seems to be over 4 meters long.


 Besides, although there are places where flame bullet has penetrated, the carapace has not been burned at the stake, so it should fetch a high price.



 I got soaked from the water spray, so we finished loading the car while I was there.


 Chariot’s carriage has a structure that allows the load bed to be extended by extending the ridgepole.



 In addition to that, we were finally able to load the Rock Turtle by reducing the frame of the hood, but it seemed to be just barely the weight limit.


 During the loading process and on the way home, I kept the Rock Turtle close to me and activated the weight-reducing magic circle, so we made it back to Ibouro safely.




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