Black Cat Chapter 168: The New Royal Capital

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 On the second day after leaving Krager, a strategic point on the highway, Viscount Lagart’s party entered the territory directly under the Royal Family.


 They are scheduled to arrive at the Viscount’s residence in the royal capital this evening.



 Upon entering the territory, Huley trees were planted on both sides of the road.


 Huley trees grow straight and large, with leaves that look like a large maple tree and yellow flowers that bloom in spring, symbols of the Royal Family.



 The yellow flowers are large, about 15 cm in diameter, and look much like peonies.


 Just in time for the blooming season, a sweet fragrance was beginning to waft along the street.



“Meow… it smells good…” (Nyango)


“I know, the royal capital will be a city of flowers filled with the fragrance of Huley from now on.” (Novak)



 In my past life in Japan, spring was the season of cherry blossoms, but around the Royal Capital of the Kingdom of Schrendl, it is the season of Huleys.


 Huleys are planted throughout the city, and the children of the city are said to undergo the “Nest Leaving Ceremony” surrounded by the fragrance of flowers.



 In my hometowns of Atsuka and Ibouro, there are Huley trees, but they are not planted so densely, and the flowering season is about half a month later.



“It’s spring…” (Nyango)


“When we get to the Royal Capital, I’ll take you to see the flowers.” (Novak)


“Really? Do they have delicious food?” (Nyango)


“Of course, there’s a good secret spot… In exchange, please escort me.” (Novak)


“Leave it to me! I’m looking forward to Huley blossom viewing…” (Nyango)



 As we continued southward from Lagart territory, I could feel the arrival of spring in full swing under the sunlight.


 The coachman seat of the magic car heading south is naturally warm and fluffy, and the battle against sleepiness is only going to get more intense.



“I don’t remember the dawn of spring sleepiness… The most difficult enemy is the spring sunlight.” (Nyango)


“We are so close to the capital, please fight it, Nyango.” (Novak)


“Ugh… I’ll do my best.” (Nyango)



 Four royal knights are accompanying Viscount Lagart’s convoy as we enter the direct royal territory.


 The two in the front of the convoy and the two in the back, shiny polished matching helmets and breastplates, playing in the sunlight, silently intimidate the travelers around us.



“As expected, the knights of the kingdom look cool.” (Nyango)


“That’s right. That is ceremonial equipment, and apart from the helmet and breastplate, it looks like a normal uniform, but it actually has protection against physical and magical attacks and is said to be as strong as their normal armor.” (Novak)


“That’s right, it’s really cool… I hope Horacio will be able to wear one too…” (Nyango)



 The closer we got to the Royal Capital, the more my heart began to pound at the thought of seeing Horacio again.


 I wonder how robust he has become in the two years since we toured the stalls in Ibouro.



 Have I grown to the point where I can walk side by side with him?


 Tomorrow, Mr. Hailwood has asked me to accompany them to the Royal Knights to report on the attack by the Anti-noble Faction, so I will ask them how I can meet Horacio then.



 If the knights of the Viscount are with me, even a catkin will not be treated poorly.


 Once I meet Horacio, I have a lot to talk about.



 The story of the Bronze Wolf in Atsuka, the story of how I was scouted by Chariot and moved my activities to Ibouro, my daily life as an adventurer, and the story of subjugating a wyvern.


 Oh yes, let’s not forget to tell them about my promotion to B-rank.



 Even I, a catkin, can play an active role as an adventurer, so I am sure that Horacio can become a knight as well.


 The reason I can think about what I will do in the Royal Capital while sitting on the driver’s stand of the magic carriage is because the roads are well maintained so that I can see a wide range of the city.



 The roads in the direct control territory are wide enough for four horse-drawn wagons to run side by side, and there are no buildings of any kind built along the sides of the roads.


 Tea stalls and other such establishments are instructed to stay away from the road and build on the other side of the roadblock.



 Huley trees are also forbidden to be climbed, and only branches that overhang the road or are low in the ground are cut off.


 It is said that even just climbing the tree is considered as having an evil intention and is subject to severe punishment.



 I decided to hang a hammock from a Huley tree in full bloom and enjoy a nap after returning to Ibouro.



 The knights of the kingdom who had come to support the guards gave us suspicious glances.


 After all, it was unusual to see a catkin in a group of nobles.



 Even so, the suspicion disappeared when the viscount himself told them about my activities during the attack and about my subjugation a wyvern.


 However, although the suspicion has disappeared, it seems that they still continue to think that I am unusual.



 When I rest, I feel the eyes of the knights of the kingdom on me.


 I also overheard them asking the knights of the Lagart family to confirm the truth of their activities.



 Well, even in the Adventurers Guild in Ibouro, I hardly see any catkins, and I should be prepared for even more curious stares in the Royal Capital.


 We arrived at the Royal Capital in the late afternoon and found it to be much larger than we had expected.



“It’s amazing! As expected of a Royal Capital…” (Nyango)


“Nyango, this is still outside the capital.” (Novak)


“What? But there are so many buildings.” (Nyango)


“The Royal Capital is inside the wall you can see over there.” (Novak)


“Eeeee…” (Nyango)



 I thought I had arrived at the Royal Capital, but the town spread out on both sides of the street is called “outside the capital” and is where the people who overflowed from the third district, where the commoners live within the Royal Capital.


 When the New Royal Capital was built, the city was said to have been contained within the city walls, but it soon filled up with people who had come from all over the country in search of work and wealth.



 If one were to take an approach from my past life as a Japanese, the idea would be to build high-rise buildings and underground spaces, but it is said that in the third district of the Royal Capital, it is forbidden to build more than three stories above ground and less than one below ground level.


 The reason, it seems, is that any building overlooking the aristocratic city is irreverent, and underground is to prevent the dark activities of suspicious organizations.



 On the city walls surrounding the royal city, there are five large gates on each street, and passersby are said to be required to show identification.


 Adventurers can use their Adventurers’ Guild cards, and merchants and craftsmen can use their Merchant and Craftsmen Guild cards as identification.



 However, it is said that those who have a low guild rank for their age may be refused entry into the city in some cases.


 This is because they may be suspected of being newly registered after causing some trouble.



 Cards from the Adventurer’s Guild and cards from the Merchant’s Guild are basically registered using magic patterns and blood, so double registration is not possible, but there is a reverse pattern when switching from the Adventurer’s Guild to the Merchant’s Guild. However, you can only re-register once.


 At the entrance to the Royal Capital, they are apparently wary of this.



“So, people who are not registered with a guild cannot enter the Royal Capital?” (Nyango)


“Basically, yes. However, only pilgrims to the church are allowed to enter the Royal Capital.” (Novak)


“Pilgrims…?” (Nyango)


“Ah, Milligraham Cathedral in the Royal Capital is amazing.” (Novak)



 Milligraham Cathedral, located in the second district of the capital, is said to be the headquarters of the Fatima Church.


 The area around the cathedral is a special ward where ordinary people are allowed to enter.



“If you are not registered with the guild and want to go on a pilgrimage to the cathedral, you must obtain a letter of introduction from the church. The letter of introduction form is not easy to fake, and I heard it has a special mechanism to detect forgeries.” (Novak)


“Huh, I wonder if it’s some kind of special magic circle…” (Nyango)



 In front of the gates of the Royal Capital, there was a long line of people waiting to be examined to enter the capital.


 I just glanced at it, but it seemed to go on for over 500 meters.



 Of course, Viscount Lagart’s convoy was led by a Royal Knight, so we did not have to go through any screening process to enter the capital.


 Inside the 20-meter-wide moat and 10-meter-high walls, the buildings were lined up in rows.



 The road leading from the gate to the center of the royal city has a path in the center for royalty and nobles only, and on either side of it, a path used by commoners.


 It looked like a bypass and a side road, and to cross the road for royalty and nobles only, one had to go under the underpass.



 Both sides of the road are crowded with stores of various sizes, and the road is also overflowing with passersby.


 It was as if we were looking at Shibuya’s Center Street, Harajuku’s Takeshita Street, or Ueno’s Ameyoko.



“Isn’t it amazing, Nyango?” (Novak)


“Well, I didn’t expect it to be this crowded.” (Nyango)


“Here in the Royal Capital, power and wealth are concentrated. People come from all over the place like butterflies attracted by sweet honey.” (Novak)



 If we are talking about the degree of development of civilizations, Japan in my previous life was definitely more advanced, but in terms of concentration of power and wealth, this one seems to have far surpassed Japan.


 Even in the world of my previous life, huge structures and magnificent buildings were built by the powerful people and religions of their time.



“Now we can see it. That’s Milligraham Cathedral.” (Nopvak)


“Wow… it’s huge…” (Nyango)



 The cathedral, with two towers that seem to be about 50 meters high, is made of marble and shines white.


 On the day of the vernal equinox, the children of royalty and aristocrats also participate, and a grand “Nest Leaving Ceremony” is held. Every year, a child with enormous magical power appears, so many spectators flock to the venue.



 There is also a water moat and a wall between the third and second districts, and it is said that the inspection to enter the third district is more elaborate than that to enter the second district.


 This seems to be the reason why I was told by Mr. Hailwood to tell the Viscount’s family to get a certificate if I want to go outside the second district.



 But now that the Royal Knights are with us and we are in the viscount’s carriage, the inspection is a bare minimum.


 Again, I got envious looks from people in the long line.




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