Black Cat Chapter 169: Royal Knights

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 From our entry into the Royal City through the north gate, the Milligraham Cathedral is visible in front of us on the right.


 It is said that the cathedral is built facing east so that the statue of Fatima, the goddess at the altar, is directly facing the Royal Castle.



“Miss Aida, I can see the cathedral.” (Derrick)


“Master Derrick, it is dangerous to stand up while we are moving.” (Aida)


“Soon, very soon, I will be given magic. I will catch up with my brothers, overtake them, and become the next Knight Commander…” (Derrick)



 I don’t even need to set up a sound-collecting microphone in the car to hear Derrick’s excited voice.


 If you were born into the Marquis Escalante family, which has produced commanders of the Royal Knight Order for generations, you won’t have a poor magic index unless something goes wrong.



 It seems that he has been chosen to be an apprentice of the Royal Knights through the connections of the marquis family, but he will probably show a level of magical strength that is appropriate for the position.


 The expectations are different from those of me, who just wanted to be able to use magic…



 The second district has a gentle uphill slope toward the center of the city.


 Beyond that, from the first district to the Royal Castle, the new Royal City is said to be built on the plateau where it originally stood.



 The center of the Royal Capital, the Royal Castle, stands at a height that looks up from the third district and outside the capital.


 Like ancient Japanese mountain castles, it is said that it was difficult to secure water, but in this world, water can be secured by magic.



 For this reason, a moat and a wall have been built between the second and first city blocks.


 The water overflowing from the moat is said to moisten the trees in the parks and other areas in the second district through waterways.



 As expected, there is no queue at the gate to enter the first district from the second district.


 Beyond this point, only royalty, nobles, and those who serve them are basically allowed to enter.



 In front of the gate is a plaza with a radius of about 50 meters, which seems to have been constructed to keep suspicious people away.


 Two strong knights, one on each side of the gate, greeted Viscount Lagart’s party.



 Just before the gate into the first district, the convoy came to a halt and Mr. Hailwood came to pick me up.


 The magic carriage carrying the viscount party entered the first district, and the carriage carrying the attackers went along the road along the moat to the knighthood without entering the first district.



 Since it is difficult for a suspicious person to enter the first district, there is almost no danger of an attack.


 The carriages carrying the assailants on their way to the second district are more likely to be attacked by the Anti-nobility Faction, so I have been asked to guard them.



“It’s not that far away, but I’m counting on you, Nyango.” (Hailwood)


“I understand. I have no intention of letting my guard down.” (Nyango)



 It seems that Johnston, Mr. Hailwood’s adjutant, will be in command of the convoy.


 The convoy moved along the moat that separated the first and second districts.



 Two of the Royal Knights accompany the magic carriage, and the other two are stationed in front of and behind our carriage.


 The bearkin knight is standing next to the coachman seat, running alongside the carriage, and he throws a glance our way from time to time.



 I try to keep my eyes wide open, the way Shure taught me, but I can’t help but notice the knight’s head glancing toward me.


 But Johnston, who was acting as a the coachman before me, spoke to the knight.



“Are you that worried about Nyango?” (Johnston)


“Ah, well… That’s right, there are no catkins in the Knights, and you won’t see them even inside the second district, except for pilgrims. They’re inferior in magical power and physical strength… No, I don’t think they are blessed…” (Knight)


“That’s right. There isn’t even a single catkin in the Lagart family’s knight order. However, his magic is real. It’s not like a magic gun, but a magic cannon, and he’s the ‘Magic Gunner’ who can freely manipulate the magic cannon, and that is what Sir Alvaros… It’s just what Lord Escalante said.” (Johnston)


“What… the previous Knight Commander? Is that right…”  (Knight)


“No, that’s not all. His defensive magic is also amazing. Without him, our Lord Viscount would not have been safe.” (Johnston)


“Hmm…” (Knight)



 This time, the bearkin knight stared at me without hiding his gaze and let out a small growl.


 After walking along the road along the moat for about 500 meters, a wall that was the same height as the wall that divided the city blocks stood in front of us.



 The east side from this wall is the site of the Royal Castle, but the wall dividing the city district extends beyond it, I was told.


 In other words, the eastern half of the oval-shaped city, which is slightly long from east to west, is occupied by a three-layered wall and moat.



 In the current Kingdom of Schrendl, it is difficult to imagine a situation in which the castle would be surrounded by enemies, but it is built to be able to fight even in the unlikely event of a war with another country and an invading army.


 The convoy turned left at the end of the wall and headed for the gate a short distance down the hill.



 Most of the second district of the castle grounds is the property of the Royal Knight Order.


 It is said that in case of emergency, this gate will be opened, and knights will be deployed throughout the second district to protect the royal family and nobles.



 Led by the bearkin knight, we entered the gate and found ourselves in a different world.


 Huley trees had been planted on the grounds of the Royal Castle, and a sweet fragrance was in the air, but the air was different.



 As soon as we entered the grounds of the Knight Order, I was confronted with many stares.


 The stares were wary of the unusual and irregular presence, which made my whiskers tingle.



 The carriage went further and further back, passing through iron fences and gates.


 As they pass and take over, the wary glances never cease.



 Since the Kingdom of Schrendl has been peaceful for a long time, I had thought for a moment that the Royal Knights would be relaxed… but I was mistaken.


 The more the carriage moved forward, the more I felt as if I was being swallowed into the dragon’s body.



“Are you okay, Nyango?” (Johnston)


“No, the pressure is amazing…” (Nyango)


“If you can sense it at that age, that’s a big deal.” (Johnston)



 Next to the coachman’s stand, Johnston was smiling, but he looked a little twitchy.


 We went through the first gate, and after more than a kilometer, the carriage finally came to a stop.



 The sturdy-looking stone building seemed to be a detention facility for so-called political prisoners.


 The men who attacked Viscount Lagart’s party were to undergo severe interrogation here.



“There is no need to be vigilant here anymore, so Nyango, please sit still.” (Johnston)


“I understand.” (Nyango)



 Maybe if I a catkin and was wandering around, I would get under suspicion.


 I had no choice but to use detection bits and a microphone to find out what was going on during the handover, when I heard yelling.



“Who is it! Who is using magic! Stop using magic now and present yourself!” (Knight)


“Sorry… It’s me.” (Nyango)



 When I timidly raised my hand on the coachman’s seat, I was surrounded by knights holding spears.



“Who are you! What were you doing!” (Knight)


“Wait, he…” (Johnston)


“Stand back! I’m asking this guy a question right now. Even if you’re a knight from the Viscount family, you cannot interfere!” (Knight)



 Johnston’s attempts to intercede were easily cut off.



“I’m Nyango, a B-rank adventurer belonging to the Adventurer Guild of Ibouro. I accompanied you here to help escort the attackers.” (Nyango)


“A while ago, we observed the movement of magic essence over a wide area. What were you trying to do?” (Knight)


“I was trying to use detection magic to observe the handover process.” (Nyango)


“Detection magic? Are you a wind user?” (Knight)


“No, I have void attribute.” (Nyango)


“Void attribute…? That’s suspicious. Do you really have void attribute?” (Knight)


“Yes, I can show you the evidence, but…” (Nyango)


“The void attribute is the attribute that solidifies the air, right? Then let me see if you can harden this place, but I forbid the use of magic over a wide area.” (Knight)



 Apparently, the use of my detection magic with an extended range was noticed.


 As instructed, I solidified the air around the specified area.



“I did it…” (Nyango)


“Huh? It is quite solid… What is this…” (Knight)



 The knight stroked the solidified ball of air and then began to check it by lightly tapping it with his fist.



“Hmm… So, this is void attribute. I’ve never seen one before.” (Knight)



 The knights, who had been readying their spears with killing intent, watched with interest as the knight checked the ball of air.



“Didn’t you say you used detection magic earlier? How do you perform detection with void attribute?” (Knight)


“I scatter particles of air that are much smaller and more fragile than that ball, and I detect the shape of objects that touch them.” (Nyango)


“Is that even possible?” (Knight)


“Yes, I practiced so much that I collapsed from running out of magic.” (Nyango)


“Ohoho, I see… But the use of range magic is prohibited within the grounds of the Knight Order. This time I’ll let the Viscount family get away with this and let it pass. There won’t be a next time, so be careful.” (Knight)


“Yes, I’m sorry. Um… Is it prohibited to use anything other than ranged magic?” (Nyango)


“What kind of use?” (Knight)



 When I told them that I would be trampled if I didn’t make a foothold and walk higher, the knights who had surrounded me relaxed their expressions.


 I was asked to demonstrate, so I stood on a [Step] at a slightly lower eye level than the knights.



“Is it possible to build that scaffolding at a higher location?” (Knight)


“Yes, that’s possible.” (Nyango)


“I will allow you to go up to the height of an average adult, but if you try to climb up and look into the royal castle or attempt to break in, expect to be shot down.” (Knight)


“Yes, I understand.” (Nyango)


“A catkin adventurer with a void attribute…The frontier seems to be quite an interesting place.” (Knight)


“Um, yes…” (Nyango)



 Perhaps the knight meant no offense, but I somehow got the impression that he sounded condescending to the locals.


 My inadvertent use of magic caused a bit of a commotion, but I was acquitted, and with Johnston’s berating, we took a carriage to Viscount Lagart’s mansion.




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