Black Cat Chapter 176: Curiosity Makes The Catkin…

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“Everything is delicious with Nyango.” (Curtis)



 It’s all Curtis’ fault for introducing himself like that.


 The chiffon cake has already got me drooling, and I was glared at by Aida and the female gazelle knight.



 Isn’t it really good? Even Princess Elmerine was enjoying the cake.



“Then, Nyango, it is time for you to tell us about the raid in the Grobrus territory.” (Fabian)


“Yes, the raid took place in the village of Flos, where we stopped for lunch…” (Nyango)



 I told Fabian about the series of raids in order, starting with the suicide bombing attack by a brown catkin and ending with the attempted suicide bombing of Caballero.


 After I had finished my explanation, Fabian asked me about my void magic shield.



“I’ll explain that one.” (Curtis)



 Fabian seemed to be even more intrigued when Curtis told him about the situation when he broke the shield with a full-body blow.


 The woman knight who is waiting behind Fabian also seems to be looking at me differently than before.



“Nyango, do you mind if I try it on our Giselle?” (Fabian)


“Yes, I don’t mind, but… how would you like to try it?” (Nyango)


“That’s right… How about this?” (Fabian)



 Fabian’s conditions were that I and Giselle, the female knight escorting him, would face each other, and if I could block her movement with my Shield, I would win; if she could break my shield or stop me before I block her, she would win.



 The match was to be done on the terrace leading down from the reception room to the garden.


 The terrace was about the size of a volleyball court, large enough for a serious sparring.



“Okay, ready, begin!” (Fabian)



 We faced each other at a distance of about seven meters, and the match began at Fabian’s signal and was decided in an instant.


 Giselle stopped moving and her eyes widened as she took a step forward, her hand on the hilt of the sword hanging from her left hip.



“I give up…” (Giselle)



 Hearing Giselle’s words, everyone who had been watching her expressed surprise.



“What’s wrong, Giselle?” (Fabian)


“Your Highness Fabian, do you see that there is a shield here?” (Giselle)


“What did you say?” (Fabian)



 There were no restrictions on where to deploy the [Shield], so I deployed it in front of Giselle instead of near me.


 Giselle, who stepped forward not noticing it at all, seemed to only realize its existence when she touched it with her hand.



“Even if you have it right in front of you like this, if you don’t touch it, you won’t know it exists.” (Giselle)


“If you knew where it was, you might be able to cut it, but there is no way to cut something you don’t even know where it is placed.” (Curtis)


“I see… Nyango, would you mind if I let Giselle slash your shield?” (Fabian)


“Yes, please go ahead…” (Nyango)



 After Fabian nodded, Giselle checked the position of the shield once more, took two steps back, and gripped the handle of her sword.



“Shaaa!” (Giselle)



 Giselle’s instantaneous strike with a short forceful burst of was bounced back off the shield with a dull thud.



“How is it, Giselle?” (Fabian)


“It feels like I’ve slashed at the scales of a wyvern. I don’t think I can cut through it.” (Giselle)



 After Curtis destroyed it, the shield was further improved.


 First of all, the shape has been rounded and thickened at the edges, like a pizza with a sausage stuff crust.



 Curtis’s blow hit the corner edge of the [Shield], causing it to crack and break, so that the weak point was strengthened.


 The material was also made more malleable to make it even more difficult to break.



 In fact, Giselle’s blow did not destroy the shield, although the tip of the blade bit into it.



“Nyango, this shield of yours protected the Viscount and his family from the blast, didn’t it?” (Fabian)


“Yes, it has a different shape, but I was able to successfully deflect the blast by quickly placing it at a slight tilt.” (Nyango)


“How far can this shield be deployed?” (Fabian)


“As long as I can see it, I can deploy it, but from too far away, the accuracy decreases a lot.” (Nyango)


“I see… What if it was the stone stage of the venue where the children participating in the ceremony?” (Fabian)


“It’s not impossible to do, but the accuracy and strength may be compromised.” (Nyango)


“I see…” (Fabian)



 Fabian stroked and tapped the void magic shield, then asked everyone to return to their seats.


 After confirming that everyone was seated, Fabian began the conversation.



“Let me be frank, Curtis, I don’t care if it’s just for the ‘leaving ceremony.’ Could you lend me Nyango?”


“I can’t decide on that one on my own, but I’m sure it will be allowed… Are you going to let him guard the princess?” (Curtis)


“Yes, that’s right. Nyango’s shield is invisible to others and can be deployed from a distance.” (Fabian)


“In that case, I have one request… Could please let Aida stay nearby in the name of protecting the princess?” (Curtis)


“I see, then that means he can protect the two of them.” (Fabian)


“What do you think? Isn’t that a good idea?” (Curtis)


“Oh, not bad at all.” (Fabian)



 The two sis-con brothers admire each other’s ideas, but they forget the most important thing.



Uh… where should I watch the two of them from? At my height, I might be buried in the crowd and not be able to see the two of them.” (Nyango)



 The children who will be attending the “Nest Leaving Ceremony” will be two years younger than me, but if they are of a larger race, they will be taller than I am.


 If I watch from around the attendees, there is a risk that I won’t be able to visually confirm their location.



“I see, visibility… I hadn’t thought about that.” (Fabian)


“On the other hand, Nyango, from where can you protect them?” (Curtis)


“That’s right. How about setting up something like a watchtower on both sides of the ceremonial hall that can see the stone stage, like at the top of stairs?” (Nyango)



 If it is further up from the spectator seats on both sides, it would not block the view of the gathered crowd, and it would be closer than the stone stage in terms of distance.


 The knights watch from a vantage point allowing them to respond immediately in the event of any unusual events.



“I see, a surveillance tower… But I wonder if we’ll be able to make it in time if we make it now.” (Fabian)


“It doesn’t need to be that tall, so why don’t we just have it made out of a simple wooden structure and wrap cloth around it to hide the crudeness?” (Nyango)


“I see. It would be like decorations for the festival.” (Fabian)



 It seems that there were originally plans to place knights to guard the area around the venue, and Fabian, thinking that this would help, sent Giselle as a messenger to the knights to build a total of six towers, three on each side.



“Phew, thanks to Nyango, we were able to prevent a bombing from happening, and now we can reinforce Elmerine’s protection, so we can welcome the ‘Nest Leaving Ceremony’ with peace of mind. Curtis, will you come to the ball tonight?” (Fabian)


“I can’t refuse an invitation from the prince himself… Of course, you’re scheming something, right?” (Curtis)


“Scheming something is terrible… I’m just going to sneak out…” (Fabian)



 The royal family and the nobleman’s son chatting casually… A scene that would make the rotten women of my past life in Japan fantasize about lewd things if they saw it, but I think they might be a little too relaxed.



“Ah, uh…” (Nyango)


“What’s wrong, Nyango?” (Fabian)


“Do you think Your Highness Fabian will be safe on the day?” (Nyango)


“What do you mean?” (Fabian)


“If those who attacked the village of Flos and those who set up the pulverization magic circle on the cathedral are from the same organization, they will attack with at least five steps in advance, and if they think you are the real deal, they will attack with at least seven or eight steps in advance. But we have only prevented one of them.” (Nyango)


“So, you think there will be more attacks?” (Fabian)


“Yes, it’s the pulverization magic circle that was discovered in the cathedral earlier, but it seems like it was connected to a thread that channels magic power…” (Nyango)


“Ah, it’s a magic wire. I’ve heard that improvements have been made over and over again as magic carriages have developed.” (Fabian)



 It seems that the magic wire is made by finely grinding materials that easily channel magic, such as monster horns and bones, and soaking them into threads using the same method as dyeing.


 It is used to operate the magic carriages, and it seems that the transmission efficiency is increasing as every day passes.



“In other words, they can activate the pulverization magic circle from a distance, right?” (Nyango)


“That’s true, but what does that matter?” (Fabian)


“For example, if they pretended to be repairing a road but buried a pulverization magic circle in the soil in advance and led a magic wire outside…” (Nyango)



 The method of burying bombs by the side of the road was seen many times in the news in my previous life as a means of terrorism used in war zones.


 In this world, it has probably never been used before, and not only Fabian, but also Curtis, Aida, and Princess Elmerine are changing color.



“Nyango, how can we prevent this?” (Fabian)


“Well, we should at least have them check to see if any repairs have been made on the road from here to the cathedral in the past year, and if so, to see if there are any suspicious magic wires around the area.” (Nyango)


“I see…” (Fabian)



 Fabian ordered the maid to bring a piece of paper and a pen and briefly summarized the precaution against bombings along the street expected from the discovery of the pulverization magic circle in the cathedral.


 Judging from the way he moves the pen without hesitation, he seems to be quite quick-witted.



 Almost as soon as Fabian put down his pen, Giselle, who had gone to deliver a message, returned.



“Giselle, I have an additional order: order the knights nearby to take this to the knighthood. When that is done, come back and listen to what I have to say. …Well, Nyango. What else do you think we should do?” (Fabian)



 Fabian looked at me with a truly amused gaze.


 I feel like this meeting is going to be a little long.



 I’m starting to feel like the price for three cakes is going to be a bit high…



T/N: Tut, tut. Playing dumb is a weapon that is rarely used by protagonists. Knowing when to play dumb will help a lot of people avoid trouble. After all who expects anything from idiots?

But being a cute, fluffy catkin with smooshy toe beans is a call for trouble on its own. 




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