Black Cat Chapter 188: Inauguration

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 The evening dinner was held in the hall facing the gardens on the south side of the castle.


 At this table, the “Nest Leaving Ceremony” for the children of the nobles, which could not be performed the other day, was also held, so it was necessary to go outdoors to perform the magic.



 The tables were arranged to fan out around a doorway that opened wide into the garden, so that the ceremony could be seen clearly as the magic was performed.


 Since tonight is also a memorial service for the first prince, His Royal Highness Ernest, every nobleman with a residence in the royal capital has someone in attendance.



 When all the participants were seated, the king rose from his seat and began his speech.



“Everyone, I am glad you have gathered here. Tonight, we gather to mourn Ernest, who lost his life in the attack the other day. Ernest would have been pleased if we could share a small meal and reminisce. Prior to the meal, we will honor those who were unable to attend the ceremony and those who have contributed to the suppression of the attack.” (King)



 The order of the ceremony was explained by the royal steward before the opening.


 Facing the king, Princess Elmerine was in the center, the children of the nobles receiving the “Nest Leaving Ceremony” were on her left, and I was on her right, bowing my head in a line.



“Viscount Lagart, Nyango, come forward…” (King)


“Y-yes!” (Nyango)



 The plan is that the “Nest Leaving Ceremony” is supposed to be held first, and my inauguration is supposed to come later… but the king was smiling with a hint of mischief.


 It’s a memorial service for his own son, but he’s probably having too much fun ad-libbing or something.



“Your Majesty, first of all, I would like to return this medal to you.” (Nyango)


“Hmm, don’t you want the position of Elmerine’s royal guard?” (King)


“Yes, I am an inexperienced man, and I would like to learn a little about the world and be of service to the royal family in the field.” (Nyango)


“I see, Elmerine, this is what Nyango says…” (King)



 Eh, wait a minute, this question and answer was also taught by the butler in advance, and the king was supposed to accept the medal and take it…



“Mr. Nyango, do you really dislike being my personal guard?” (Elmerine)


“Ye, no… How should I say… Um, about being castrated…” (Nyango)


“No need to worry about that. If you promise to take me as your wife, you will not have to be castrated.” (Elmerine)


“Whaaat… w-wife…???” (Nyango)



 I was supposed to just return the medal, but why are we talking so much about being a wife?



“Elmerine, that can’t happen.” (King)


“Why, father?” (Elmerine)


“It is written in the Royal Code that the royal family of Schrendl may not marry a commoner. The royal family, which is supposed to be a model for the people, is not allowed to break our own rules.” (King)


“I understand. Then, father, let’s continue with the reward…” (Elmerine)


“Hmm, that’s right…” (King)



 No, wait, wait, if we proceed with the reward, I will be appointed an honorary knight.


 That means being upgraded from a commoner to a noble…



 The king took the medal, as I had knelt down and held out with both hands and handed it to the steward who had been waiting for him and took the dagger in his hand instead.



“Nyango of Lagart Viscounty. In the chaos of the hall, you have not only defended Elmerine against numerous assailants, but you have also saved the lives of many. The way you deflected the rain of stones and flaming bullets was a magnificent performance that deserves the title of ‘Indestructible’. In honor of your achievements, I hereby bestow upon you the title of Honorary Knight.” (King)



 The king declared in high spirits as he drew his dagger and placed it on my left shoulder, then sheathed it and presented it to me.


 It would probably look great if someone with a stronger physique was inaugurated using a normal-sized sword, but with a sword sized to fit my body, it just looks like a slightly longer knife and feels a bit unwieldy.



“Yes, I’m so grateful and happy, Your Majesty…” (Nyango)


“From tonight onwards, you will be called Nyango Elmer.” (King)


“Yes, Your Majesty…” (Nyango)



 Eh… I heard that I would be made an honorary knight, but I didn’t hear that I would be given a family name… Elmer was taken from the princess’s name, right?


 Well, now I’ve become a nobleman…



“Father, there will be no problem with me marrying Sir Nyango now, right?” (Elmerine)


“No, I haven’t even completed the ‘Nest Leaving Ceremony’ and you are not familiar with the common sense of the world. You can only proceed with the marriage proposal after you graduate from the academy.” (King)


“Oh my… I guess it can’t be helped.” (Elmerine)



 What kind of comedy is this, with the king refusing to discuss marriage with his strict attitude and Princess Elmerine not hiding her dissatisfied expression?


 When I received the sword with both hands and raised my eyes, both the king and Princess Elmerine were smiling meaningfully.



 Nyooo… Scary, so scary, you can’t be serious about a marriage proposal, are you?


 The butler urged me back to my original position with his eyes, but my back was soaked with unpleasant sweat.



“Next, we will hold the ‘Nest Leaving Ceremony.'” (King)



 At his prompting, the priest stepped forward, and the king returned to his seat leaving it to him.


 The priest who would perform the ceremony was younger than the one who had performed it the other day.



 It seems that the bishop who was performing the ceremony on the day of the attack was the most senior bishop in the church, but he must have been injured that he could not come.


 To be frank, I was so busy protecting the princesses that I didn’t see what happened to the church officials or the others at all.



 I mean, I have a little suspicion that there was a smashing magic circle set up after the statue of the goddess, or that the attackers came down to the venue through the interior of the church, or that they are working on the inside.


 Naturally, the Knights would investigate, but since the Fatima Church is an organization that is spread throughout the entire Kingdom of Schrendl, it would be troublesome to clearly antagonize them.



 However, judging from the king’s attitude at the funeral, I don’t think they would effort interfering.


 If the Royals and Nobility, the Anti-Noble Faction, and the Fatima Church were to engage in a three-way chess match, the situation would become even more confusing.



“Her Highness Princess Elmerine, the fifth princess of the Schrendl Kingdom, come forward…” (Priest)


“Yes.” (Elmerine)



 When I received the “Nest Leaving Ceremony,” I was called before the priest and made to kneel down as if I was being looked down upon, but as expected of the princess, a chair was prepared for her.


 The priest seemed to be nervous, and his hand was trembling as he held the staff in which a large jewel was set.



“To Her Highness under the protection of Goddess Fatima, live in good health and bless the faithful as they at the time they leave the nest……”



 When the jewel emitted a white light, Princess Elmerine’s body was enveloped in a dazzling light.



“Oh… The attribute is wind! Your Highness Elmerine, show the Goddess Fatima the blessings she has bestowed upon you.” (Priest)


“Yes…” (Elmerine)



 Rising from her chair, Princess Elmerine strode toward the garden, then stopped abruptly and turned around.



“Your Highness, what is it?” (Priest)



 After finishing the “Nest Leaving Ceremony”, they were scheduled to go out to the garden and perform their magic, but Princess Elmerine stared intently at my face, as if she hadn’t heard the priest’s voice, and then returned.



“Your Highness…?” (Nyango)


“Sir Nyango, please don’t move.” (Elmerine)


“Y-yes…” (Nyango)



 Princess Elmerine took a deep breath and placed her right hand on the side of my face.



“In the name of the goddess Fatima, let the light heal you!!” (Elmerine)



 Princess Elmerine’s right hand emitted a warm glow that illuminated the retina of my left eye through my closed eyelid.



“Eh…?” (Nyango)



 Yes, my left eye is sensing the light.


 As soon as I realized this, my body began to tremble.



“Sir Nyango, please open your eyes.” (Elmerine)



 When I timidly opened my left eye at the urging of Princess Elmerine, my blurry vision immediately turned into a beautiful smile, and then immediately after that it distorted into a mess.


 I can’t stop the tears from flowing.



“I can see… I can see with my left eye…” (Nyango)


I’m glad. I was a little worried I wouldn’t go well since it’s my first time.” (Elmerine)


“Thank you… Thank you very much…” (Nyango)



 It is said that only 1 out of 10,000 people are gifted with light attribute magic.


 If someone has a magic index that is high enough to perform advanced healing magic, they become even more valuable.



 Therefore, there are no healers in remote areas such as the Atsuka Village, and when people fall ill, they rely on Grandma Carisa’s medicine.


 I heard that there is a healer in Ibouro, but the treatment is expensive, and the villagers of Atsuka can never afford it.



 Moreover, I heard that only a renowned healer in the royal capital could perform such an advanced treatment as restoring the old wound in my left eye and that the cost of the treatment would be enough to buy a mansion in Ibouro.


 So, when I lost my left eye, I decided that I would have to live with my right eye alone, and I have been working on detection magic and other such tricks.



“I can see… I can see. I can see with my left eye… Thank you. Thank you, Your Highness.” (Nyango)


“It is my gratitude to you, Sir Nyango, for saving my life. Please allow me to express my gratitude. Thank you. I will use this power to save many people’s lives.” (Elmerine)



 Before I knew it, the venue was filled with thunderous applause.


 Even royalty with excellent magical qualities rarely acquire the light attribute.



 In addition, she had restored the old injury in my eye that had caused me to lose my sight after just her first treatment, so there was no doubt that Princess Elmerine would do well in the years to come.



“Your Highness, congratulations on your ‘Nest Leaving Ceremony’. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.” (Nyango)


“Thank you. While studying at the academy, I will further improve my healing skills and save many people, so eventually… You may take me as Elmerine Elmer.” (Elmerine)


“Eh……?” (Nyango)



 The face of Princess Elmerine came close to me and after the quiet “Chuu”, she moved away. [T/N: ( //>///<//)]


After this, Aida and Derrick’s “Nest Leaving Ceremony” took place, but I didn’t get a good look at it because I was struggling to accept the sudden turn of events.



T/N: Nyango you playboy!!! But be careful, she’s still a noble. She might like you, but she definitely wants your skills more.




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