Black Cat Chapter 195: Sir Elmer (Rubero)

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A/N: This is a story from the perspective of Rubero, Horacio’s roommate.



“We make gifts with all our hearts, not the kind of goods you sell to philanderers.” (Store Owner)


“It’s a misunderstanding. These are goods to be given to the guild staff to whom I am indebted, the older sister at the tavern who helps me, or the colleague at my party who is my martial arts teacher. Please put me in the position of being made a toy, not a womanizer…” (Nyango)


“Ahahahaha, then, please forgive my mistake. If that’s the case, I’ll lead you around and let you choose.” (Store Owner)



 The third jewelry store, Sir Elmer, who is a childhood friend of Horacio, asked us to come with him because it would be a good lesson for us later, we stepped in, but we felt extremely out of place.


 Zacharias, who usually has a strong aura, is trying to squeeze his big body and become smaller so as not to get in the way of other customers.



 Horacio and Torre, who have not lost the naivete of their country upbringing, are frozen like statues at the entrance.


 I would have been the same as the other three if it were not for the purpose of observing Sir Elmer.



 In the end, Sir Elmer purchased three pendants with different colored stones.


 He paid one gold coin and had a change of one large silver coin.



 The fact that he was so unconcerned about spending such a large sum of money must be because he is an active adventurer.


 After being urged by Sir Elmer to leave the store, Horacio let out a big sigh.



“Phew… I felt so out of place and nervous.” (Horacio)



 Torre was nodding furiously at Horacio’s words, but Sir Elmer was just smiling wryly.



“Take care, Horacio. If you become a knight, you’ll be able to frequent more high-class shops, and you’ll have more opportunities to meet royalty and aristocrats.” (Nyango)


“I know… I know, but it’s not something I’ll get used to quickly.” (Horacio)



 Exactly, as Horacio said, it’s hard for us who grew up in the countryside to adapt to the glamorous city so easily.


 It’s been two years since we came to the Royal Capital, but our training takes place on the training grounds, and when we’re in town, we’re just taken to and from the city by our superiors.



 This is the first time we have been so far away from the training ground by ourselves.


 Horacio was thinking the same thing I was and told me that if he was told to go home from here, he would get lost.



“That’s pathetic… How will you be able to protect the Royal Capital like that?” (Nyango)


“But…” (Horacio)


“I mean, you wouldn’t get lost in the Royal Capital. The sun’s position indicates that the center of the city is that way. Look, you can see the tower of the cathedral there.” (Nyango)


“Oh, it’s true…” (Horacio)


“The cathedral is just inside the west gate of the Second District. If you head south along the wall from there, there’s no way you’ll get lost on your way to the training grounds.” (Nyango)


“I see, so I should use the cathedral tower as a landmark.” (Horacio)


“That said, if you’re going to protect the peace of the Royal Capital, it won’t matter if you don’t know where you are in an instant. On your days off, walk around the streets of the Royal Capital and carve the geography into your head.” (Nyango)


“Yes, I will.” (Horacio)


“Alright, Horacio, let’s go to that sweet-smelling food stall.” (Nyango)



 Sir Elmer trots towards the stall hand in hand with Horacio.


 I wonder if they get along so well because they have completely different physiques and personalities.



 I used to have a lot of friends when I was back home, but after I came to the Royal Capital, I’ve been so busy keeping up with my training that we’ve drifted apart.


 If I complete this year’s training and pass the sifting test, I will be allowed to return to my hometown temporarily.



 I wonder how many of my friends will be there to greet me when I return home, like Horacio and Sir Elmer.


 I felt a little… no, I felt quite envious of them.



“Uncle, give me seven.” (Nyango)


“Here ya go!” (Stall Owner)



 Sir Ermel hit the deep-fried bread stall, where the dough is fried into sticks and covered with a generous amount of honey.



“Okay, Zacharias, Torre, here, Rubero, okay, Horacio, and for those two.” (Nyango)


“Hey, Nyango. Where are you going?” (Horacio)



 Sir Elmer, with a piece of fried bread in each hand, runs back the way he just came.


 After running back about 20 meters, he suddenly changed direction, crossed the street, and stood in front of a couple of Hyaenakin, handing them a piece of fried bread.



 The couple was surprised when he suddenly offered them a piece of fried bread, and they refused, but when Sir Ermer said something to them, they slumped their shoulders and accepted the bread.



“Maybe those two are the Guild Master’s observers?” (Zacharias)


“Oh…” (Rubero)



 Zacharias told me and I remembered what Sir Elmer had talked about before lunch.



“But Nyango didn’t seem to be paying attention to his surroundings…” (Horacio)


“Horacio, can you ask when he gets back.” (Rubero)


“Okay…” (Horacio)



 Horacio asked while handing the fried bread to Sir Elmer, who had returned, and he readily admitted that was the case.



“Nyango, how did you know those two were watching you?” (Horacio)


“Hmm… That’s a secret. Adventurers don’t reveal their secrets easily.” (Nyango)



 Certainly, unlike knights, adventurers, who sometimes receive requests alone, might expose their weaknesses to their enemies if they easily reveal their hands.


 Still, I wanted to know that one thing, so I took the plunge and asked.



“Ah, um… Sir Elmer, how can you use multiple attribute magics?” (Horacio)


“I can’t use it. I can only use void attribute magic. You saw me examined by the guild’s magic tool earlier, right?” (Nyango)


“But just now you said you can create fire, pour water, and create lights, right?” (Horacio)


“That’s… it’s Engraving Magic.” (Nyango)



 He just said that he would not reveal his hand, but Sir Elmer easily revealed the reason why he can use more than one magic.



“M-maybe, you can use other engraving magic as well?” (Rubero)


“I can use it. But, I can’t tell you more than that. If we have a chance to take on a request or mission together, I’ll tell you more about it… Yummeow, the fried bread is sweet and crispy, yummeow!” (Nyango)



 Torre, who had been silent all this time, asked Sir Elmer, who had begun to take a bite of the fried bread as if the conversation was over.



“Um… Can you also use the magic gun’s magic circle?” (Torre)


“Yes, I can use it. If I couldn’t use it, I wouldn’t have been able to deal with the attackers.” (Nyango)



 If he could use the magic that trapped the adventurers who tried to fight in the guild and the magic circle of the magic gun, it is no wonder that he was able to protect Her Highness and repel the attackers.


 Judging from the magic index measured by the guild, he must have considerable defensive and offensive power.



“Wow, it’s sweet, sweet and delicious, Nyango.” (Horacio)


“Yummeow, it’s so sweet, Horacio. After we finish eating this, we will go to the weapon shop next.” (Nyango)


“Nyango, do you want to buy some weapons?” (Horacio)


“It’s a souvenir for my friends in the party.” (Nyango)



 Sir Elmer, having learned the location of the famous weapon store from the uncle at the fried bread shop, started moving toward it, but he stopped every time he saw something that looked delicious or interesting.


 He says he can’t eat that much because he’s a catkin, but he buys us every single pastry and dish he can find and asks Horacio to just give him a bite to taste it.



 No, it’s not like we can eat infinitely…


 Zacharias is still smiling, but Torre and I are at our limit.



 Sir Elmer entered a knife shop and after listening to various explanations from the staff, he purchased seven knives that each cost two large silver coins.



“Nyango, you belong to such a big party.” (Horacio)


“No, I only have three knives to bring back as souvenirs. The other four are for Horacio and your friends.” (Nyango)


“Eeeh! I can’t get such expensive knives!” (Horacio)


“It’s not a bad thing to have, is it? A good adventurer uses good knives. If you camp out, you’ll eat roasted meat or ham by shaving it with a knife, right? If you have a knife that can cut, you can eat that much better.” (Nyango)



 We refused to receive ours since were not like Horacio who is a childhood friend, but he asked us to support him in the future and pushed us to take it.


I knew it was a great knife when Sir Elmer was selecting it, and to be honest, I wanted it so badly I was shaking when he handed it to me.



 After we left the weapon store, Sir Elmer continued to laugh as he wandered this way and that way, making Horacio panic.


 By the time we got back to the training ground, he’d bought enough treats for all of us to hold and pushed it on us.



“Please share the food with everyone at the training ground, then, Horacio. I don’t know when I’ll see you next, but please stay healthy.” (Nyango)


“Yes, Nyango be well too…”(Horacio)


“Don’t cry, idiot… it doesn’t mean we won’t be able to see each other again.” (Nyango)


“But, but…” (Horacio)


“Become a knight properly and return to Atsuka Village with pride. Oh, I’ll visit Miguel first, he might be following behind.” (Nyango)


“Okay, Miguel was quite troubled too.” (Horacio)


“Well, you’ve been making fun of us all these years, now he is going to pay the price.” (Nyango)


“Nyango, I’ll keep writing letters.” (Horacio)


“Oh, please address it to Ibouro’s guild, so I can receive it when I get requests.” (Nyango)


“Yes, I understand.” (Horacio)



 Sir Elmer turned and walked back to Viscount Lagart’s mansion.


 When his small figure disappeared from sight, Horacio stood still for a while.



“Horacio, let’s go. We need to give out the sweets to everyone in the dining room and talk about Sir Elmer.” (Rubero)


“Yeah, you’re right.” (Horacio)



He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his sleeve and returned to our quarters shoulder to shoulder with us.


 There is a person who is the same age as me, and despite being a small catkin, has risen to become an honorary knight and an A-rank adventurer.



 So, there’s nothing that we can’t do.



 I will never forget the day I spent with Sir Elmer.




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