Dream Life Vol 3 Chapter 26.2: “Cleaning up”

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“It’s possible… that’s true. It’s not strange to think that if I wasn’t there… But it was a stroke of luck. I wouldn’t have been caught by surprise at the venue, but while I was on the move… There was a possibility that I would be targeted.” (Zack)



 Everyone nods at my words.


 If Gunnel had taken action yesterday, there is a high possibility that the Frontier Count would have been attacked.



 After that, we began to discuss specifics.


 First, Commander Brailsford expressed his enthusiasm to the Frontier Count, “We will definitely catch them before Lady Rosalind’s wedding.”



“What exactly are you going to do?” (Hubert)



 The Commander paused for a moment in response to the Count’s words,



“We will sweep away all suspicious people to strengthen security for the ceremony. We, the Northern Governor’s Army, will definitely capture Gunnel!” (Manfred)



 Although he said that, no specific measures came out.



(It would be impossible to actually wipe out suspicious people. The population of Welburn is 30,000. If you include the surrounding towns and villages, the number must exceed 100,000. There will probably be an influx of them during the ceremony… First of all, the Knights are probably not suitable for investigations. The targets are professionals who can infiltrate enemy countries. I feel bad for the knights, but it’s better not to have high expectations…) (Zack)



 The Frontier Count was thinking the same thing as I was, and after nodding to the knight commander’s opinion, he asked me for my opinion.



“I would like to hear Master Zacharias’ opinion. What would you do?” (Hubert)



 I don’t have a great idea myself, but for now, I’m going to talk about what I can think of in terms of possible actions that Gunnel could take.



“First of all, this is just a possible action that Gunnel could take, but if he has already infiltrated Welburn, there is a high possibility that he will remain hidden somewhere and not come out until the wedding ceremony.” (Zack)



 I saw a high probability that he was already in hiding. I also knew that they would have set their priorities in terms of what they wanted.


 The first target, of course, would be Hubert Roswell, the Frontier Count. Next would be one of his family members. And then the Lockhart family. In particular, my brother Roderick, who is the son-in-law of the Frontier Count, and myself, the cause of Gateskell’s downfall, are likely to be targeted.



“If they were to make an attempt on His Excellency’s life, it would be at the time of the parade at the end of the ceremony. There, we can find him among the crowd.” (Zack)



 Everyone nods.



“As Sir Knight Commander said, it is important to capture him before the ceremony. To do so, we need to lure him out of his hiding place. We will have to give him a bait to make him want to pounce.” (Zack)



 Knight Commander Brailsford asked, “Bait? Specifically, what kind of food are you thinking about?”



“Me.” (Zack)



 Everyone gasped at my statement.



“Of all Gunnel’s targets, I am probably the only one who would not be unnatural to leave the castle. It would be unnatural for His Excellency and his family to leave the castle, and it would be unnatural for my brother to go anywhere but the Order’s headquarters and premises. It would not be unnatural for me to take a stroll through the city.” (Zack)



 The Knight Commander nods at my words, then,



“But if Sir would go outside the castle. Then Gunnel, wouldn’t he realize that it was a trap?” (Manfred)



 I nodded and,



“So, first, we will create a situation that will make him want to come out.” (Zack)



 The Frontier Count asks, “Specifically?



“First, we will spread the rumor that Baronet Gateskell has already committed suicide. Then we will reinforce security in Welburn. Yes, specifically, we will announce the parade route, and then thoroughly check the places on that route where ambushes can occur over and over again…” (Zack)



 Commander Brailsford crosses his arms as I speak and asks, “I understand that you are going to strengthen security on the parade route, but why are you going to spread rumors of Gateskell’s suicide?”



“If the baronet was already dead, Gunnel would not have chosen a rescue. If that were the case, he would only consider assassination.” (Zack)


“But didn’t you say earlier that he wasn’t thinking about rescuing Gateskell?” (Manfred)



 I bowed my head and said, “I didn’t explain myself well enough.”



“It’s just my opinion that Gunnell won’t rescue the baronet, but I don’t know how Gunnell will actually act. If Gunnell learned of the baronet’s death, even if he was thinking of rescuing him, he would give up. It can’t be helped. It makes his behavior more predictable.” (Zack)



 The Knight Commander understood my intention and nodded deeply, “I see.”



“If we can give Gunnel no choice but to go for assassination, and furthermore make him think that assassinating at the parade is impossible, he will have even fewer options.” (Zack)



 At that, the Frontier Count nods deeply.



“You were thinking of making Gunnel think that he had no choice but to assassinate Master.” (Hubert)


“Yes, of course, Master, if Gunnell has enough information sources, he may be able to use my ideas against me. But judging from the information I have, I think he has very few moves he can make.” (Oldham)



 Baron Oldham agrees to that, but objects, saying it’s too dangerous.



“However, that man is very good at this kind of thing. I understand what Master Zacharias is thinking, but I think it’s too soon.” (Oldham)



 In response, Commander Brailsford said,



“Let’s have a skilled man from the Order as your escort. Even though Gunnel specializes in assassinations, he will not want to be delayed.” (Manfred)



 I shook my head in response,



“I won’t need an escort. I want Gunnel to think that I don’t care about him.” (Zack)



 Stunned that I said I wouldn’t have an escort, the Knight Commander slammed the table and stood up, saying, “You’re too reckless!” and retorted quite emotionally.



“Are you planning to become a bait without an escort? Even if it wasn’t Gunnel, I’d think you were conceited!” (Manfred)



 Certainly it would be reckless to challenge someone like Gunnel, who excels at ambushes, to a fight in which I would hand over the initiative. But in my case, as long as I don’t die instantly, I can manage.


 I forced a smile.



“As long as I don’t die instantly, I’ll be fine. I think it’s much more difficult to prevent him from escaping.” (Zack)



 Everyone except my father shook their heads in dismay at my words, and even the Knight Commander seemed to have lost his nerve.


 Then my father spoke for the first time.



“Even if you say you’re going out into the city, it would be unnatural to wander around aimlessly for a long time. And I don’t think he’ll suddenly attack you like you thought.” (Matt)



 I was relieved that the topic had shifted to means. If the Frontier Count  objected that it was dangerous, I might not be able to leave the castle.



“Yes, I have thought about that too. I have a date with Mel and the others. It will be just the two of us, all day long. We have two days until the day after tomorrow, the day before the marriage ceremony. During that time, if we continue to show them our vulnerability from morning to night, they will stop feeling weary of us. After all, it looks like I am enjoying myself with a beautiful woman with me.” (Zack)



 I said that playfully, but my father kept his serious expression and objected.



“I understand that Lydia and Beatrice are first-rate adventurers, but I will not allow Mel and Sharon, who are still young, to be put in danger.” (Matt)


“It’s true that with Sharon it will be difficult, but Gunnel won’t be able to attack if I am  with Beatrice. I think Mel and Liddy are the most suitable. The other party will also see how things are going on the first day, so the second day is the most likely time they act. I will ask Liddy to be my partner that day.” (Zack)


“But… will you really okay?” (Matt)



 I looked back at my father with a serious expression and declared, “At the very least I’ll protect Mel and Liddy.”



“I can’t let them know, so I’ll protect them even if it costs my life.” (Zack)



 My father was surprised and asked, “You are not going to tell them?”



“Yes, because if I tell them, it won’t look like a date. If they don’t look happy, it won’t be a trap.” (Zack)



 My father was speechless and did not pursue the matter further. Instead, the Frontier Count disagreed with my plan.



“Master is not my subordinate. Moreover, you have already saved my life. There is no need for you to put yourself in any more danger.” (Hubert)



 I shook my head and said,



“This is for my own good, too. If we take too much time, we don’t know where they will come after us, and Gunnel will not be able to adequately prepare if we’re early. Now is the perfect time.” (Zack)



 The Frontier Count seemed to be wondering whether he should take me up on my offer. But he is hesitant to put me in danger.



“But…” (Hubert)


“Of course, I have no intention of taking any unnecessary risks. But it is most reasonable for me to act as bait…” (Zack)



 He seems to be troubled, but decides to take my advice.



“…I will end up incurring a debt that I will never be able to repay…” (Hubert)


“If so, I would like to ask Your Excellency to deal with Lydiane and the others later when they find out. I’m more afraid of them than I am of Gunnel.” (Zack)



 When I said that playfully, the Frontier Count also smiled and nodded.


 Captain Brailsford, who was watching from the side, spoke to me with a serious expression.



“I seem to have misunderstood Master. I made you feel uncomfortable because of Grenfell, the commander of the 4th Battalion who was forced to rebel. I’m sorry.” (Manfred)


“Don’t worry about it. It’s true that I said terrible things to Captain Grenfell. Besides, I meant it at the time. Therefore, there is no need for you to apologize.” (Zack)



 Commander Brailsford didn’t say anything else.



 And it was decided that the operation to capture Gunnel would begin the next day.




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