Dream Life Vol 3 Chapter 29.1: “Aftermath of Confession”

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 July 19th, 3017 in the Tria calendar, around 3:00 p.m.



 This morning, I was almost assassinated by Harrison Gunnel, a subordinate of Baronet Desmond Gateskell. Although the wound itself was not serious, the dagger used in the attack was coated with poison, making the situation quite dangerous.


 If it weren’t for my poison resistance skills, the detoxification magic I immediately applied, and Liddy’s healing magic, I might have died.




 It’s true that I let my guard down this time.


 I had heard rumors that Harrison Gunnel had been assassinating people in the war against the Lux Holy Kingdom, but no one knew how he had actually done it. To begin with, his past is a mystery. It is said that Gunnel was born in the imperial capital and has no acquaintances here in the northern region, and no one knows about his past except Baronet Gateskell.


 My carelessness was my assumption about imperial knights. I had assumed that no matter how well-known I was as a magician, their pride would not allow them to use such a poisonous and dishonorable method to assassinate someone like me. If I had proceeded a little more carefully, the situation would not have become so critical.



 In the end, he was carried back to Welburn Castle by soldiers of the Second Order patrolling the city. The wound on my shoulder was shallow and the poison itself was completely gone in about 30 minutes, so there was no problem at all, but I returned to the castle at the behest of the worried Liddy.


 I reported the incident to my father and explained to Liddy and the others that I had acted as a decoy to lure Gunnel out of the castle.



 Liddy and Beatrice started lecturing me furiously.


 I kneeled on the floor for the first time in a while.


 On the hard stone floor, with boots on. Of course, it was done voluntarily. It was not instinctively out of fear of the two women.



 Mel and Sharon’s sermons were worse than the other two.


 They seemed to be quite worried about the battle in the castle the other day, and when they heard that I almost died, they begged me with tears in their eyes, “Please don’t do anything reckless.”


 I moved from kneeling to kowtowing and apologized to everyone while groveling.



 I learned later that my father was scolded by my mother for the same crime. My mother is usually mild-mannered, but at times like this, she is scarier than a hungry dragon. Anyway, I was the one who asked him to keep quiet, and so, I feel bad for my father.



 While I was apologizing to everyone, a messenger from Baron Brailsford, the First Knight Commander, arrived.


 The messenger, a knight, looked surprised that I was on my knees apologizing. But he immediately pretended not to see me and told me that Gunnel had made a shocking confession and wanted me to come with my father to the Frontier Count’s office.


 I let out a slight breath of relief that I was now saved. However, Liddy and Beatrice seem to have noticed, and even if we return after our work is done, I am certain that the sermon will begin again. [T/N: You deserve it. Just saying.]



 I thought I should get up anyway, despite my bleak future. But in my haste, I forgot about my numb legs, and as I rose to my feet, I tripped over my own feet.


 Liddy, who is still angry at me, gives me a cold stare.



(It’s no good. My legs are numb, and I can’t walk… Is it okay to use magic against paralysis for numb legs? Or would normal healing be more effective?) (Zack)



 I was thinking about such unimportant things to escape reality.


 The messenger’s throat clearing brought me back to me, and I hurriedly applied ordinary healing magic to numb my legs. After confirming that he was able to walk, he walked quickly to the office of the frontier count.



 When I entered the office, I found only the Frontier Count, Baron Oldham, and Baron Brailsford, and not even the civil servants who were supposed to be standing by my side.



 The first thing that struck me was the heavy atmosphere that covered the room.


 Although the capture of Gunnel should have removed the gloom of tomorrow’s ceremony, it was as if the crisis had not yet passed.



(I guess the confession must have been quite heavy. I can’t imagine it at all…) (Zack)



 When we took our seats, Baron Brailsford slowly opened his mouth.



“I found out something unexpected in Gunnel’s confession…” (Manfred)



 The Knight Commander talks about Gunnel’s confession with a bitter expression.


 He begins by recounting how Gunnel was framed by the great nobles of the imperial capital and lost his family and subordinates, how he returned from Lux in retaliation and entered the service of Baronet Gateskell, and how he assassinated those who stood in the way of him and Viscount Tysburn for the sake of Gateskell’s prosperity.


 At the mention of the assassination of the Frontier Count’s eldest son, Patrick, the knight commander’s voice shook with anger,



“If that person wasn’t there… I believe Master Patrick… due to that Lux fanatic… something strange. Master Patrick, who was so healthy, suddenly became sick…” (Manfred)



 The Knight Commander can no longer continue speaking.


 Baron Oldham took over the conversation and explained the contents of Gunnel’s confession.



 The story of Gunnel’s confession ends.


 No one speaks and silence rules the place.


 I, too, was at a loss for words after learning a fact that I had not expected at all. My father, who was standing beside me, was similarly unable to open his mouth with a look of astonishment on his face.



(The Holy Kingdom of Lux is a more troublesome opponent than I thought…) (Zack)



 This was my first impression after listening to it.



 This Gunnel matter may be a coincidence. However, it is a fact that they have been plotting to cause chaos in the empire for nearly ten years. At the very least, there is no doubt that he has sent many agents into the empire, including the imperial capital.


 In fact, Olaf Ouellette, who claims to be a merchant in Aurella, has been registered with the Merchant Guild for several decades and seems to be well-versed in the affairs of the Imperial Army.


 Furthermore, his knowledge of drug-related matters is probably a threat.


 The drug Blood of Lucidus, the poison he used when he attacked me, and the two drugs he used when he killed Patrick… are all undoubtedly terrible drugs. I don’t know what the restrictions are, but when used for terrorism like this, they are difficult to defend against.



 While I was thinking about this, Count Hubert Roswell, who had been listening to the conversation with his eyes closed, slowly began to speak.



“I must give Lux what they deserve. I won’t reveal all the assassinations and plots, but I must make it clear to them that they have meddled with someone they should not have meddled with.” (Hubert)



 He said this in a tone so cold that it was hard to imagine from the mild-mannered Frontier Count.


 Hearing these words, a chill ran down my spine. And even though it was midsummer, I felt a chill that made my skin crawl.


 Both Baron Oldham and Baron Brailsford nodded in agreement with the Frontier Count, and the room was enveloped in a deadly atmosphere that resembled winter air.



“That’s where we stand. I would like to borrow the wisdom of Master Zacharias. Of course, your abilities as well.” (Hubert)



 The Margrave looked at me with fixed eyes and spoke to me in a voice barely audible.


 I was almost swept up in the atmosphere and did my best to say, “Wisdom is one thing, but power is another…”



“If it is you, Master, you can move the Blacksmith Guild. Use the dwarves to put pressure on any country.” (Hubert)


“Pressure…?” (Zack)


“That’s right. We’re going to put pressure on Lux and declare war. If they don’t cooperate, the dwarves will be forced to withdraw. The Merchant Guild will also have no choice but to cooperate with us in this case. The Blacksmith Guild. If the Merchant Guild moves, Lacus and Saltus will have no choice but to move as well. Of course, Caum too.” (Hubert)



 The Frontier Count, through the Blacksmith Guild, would threaten each country to move the allied kingdoms of Lacus and Saltus and the Kingdom of Caum, which are neutral, and also to influence the Merchant Guilds so that the cities belonging to the City-State Union would join the war.



If the Frontier Count’s plan is correct, Lux will make enemies all over the world, and the country will collapse in an instant.




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