Dream Life Vol 3 Chapter 29.3: “Aftermath of Confession”

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 The Frontier Count quietly asked, “Require?”


 In a calm voice, I told him,



“To declare that the Viscount Constance Tysburn and the Baronet Desmond Gateskell are innocent of any wrongdoing.” (Zack)


“Are you saying Constance and Gateskell will not be held accountable for their crimes? Those people tried to ruin us, including Master, and the Lockhart family. Due to Master’s plan, they became the victims of Lux’s schemes, but that is not the case. You know that, don’t you?” (Hubert)



 I nodded at that, but since it was a hypothetical question, I quickly expressed my thoughts.



“That is certainly true. But, aside from Viscount Tysburn, Baronet Gateskell was not trying to overthrow you from the beginning either. It was only as a result of succumbing to the threats of Ouellette, a Lux agent. If we make it a condition that the baron’s crimes will not be charged against him, I am sure that Gunnel will be willing enough to do whatever we ask of him…” (Zack)



 Viscount Tysburn’s punishment is rescinded and the charges against Baronet Gateskell are dropped.


 Viscount Tysburn has lost support in this case, and it will not matter if we revoke his punishment. If the Viscount tries to make anything more happen, it will only be thought that he intends to be used by the enemy Lux again, and no one in the country will cooperate with him.


 As for Gateskell, he will be exonerated of all charges and will be given a heavy role in the Northern Governor’s Office. He was originally a competent civil official and is regarded as one of the most capable officials in the empire if only he had more experience, so it would not be unnatural if he did not know the truth.



 What will happen if these things are conveyed to the leaders of the Light God Church?


 They will realize that their plan to cause chaos in the northern region of the empire has not only failed. The only result is that not only was the family feud within Frontier Count Roswell’s family settled without incident, but Viscount Tysburn, the poorest of the northern provinces, was developed. The empire had successfully developed a poor region without using its own funds.


 It’s fine if that’s all.


 This failure will cause Aurella to declare itself against Lux, which will be economically damaging. It means that the Lux will no longer have the means to obtain foreign currency.


 Furthermore, since the use of dubious drugs will be widely publicized, it will surely hinder the missionary activities of the Light God Church. In other words, the damage would not only be economic, but also political.


 The leaders of the Light God Church will be outraged by this outcome because they only look at the superficial. In other words, the feud between the Holy King’s Office and the headquarters of the Church will deepen further within Lux’s territory.



 The Holy King’s Office is to blame for this failure. The failure in the Kingdom of Caum – where problems with the Blacksmith Guild caused dwarven blacksmiths to leave Lux’s territory–is the perfect opportunity for the Lux Order’s headquarters, which has lost power due to the failure in the Kingdom of Caum, to regain it, there was no doubt that chaos would ensue within Lux.


 In order to minimize that confusion, the upper echelons of the Holy King’s Office would have the executors take responsibility for this blunder. Naturally, Ouellette would also be subject to punishment.



 As for whether or not Gunnel would go along with this plan, if he was told that he could save Gateskell from a tight spot, his loyal self would immediately agree to it. Furthermore, we could tell him that if the plan succeeded, he would be able to retaliate against Ouellette. He is sure to testify as I tell him, since he believes that the baronet is in a tight spot because of Ouellette, whom he brought into his life.



 When I explained it, Frontier Count had a bitter expression on his face.



“It’s true that I can land a devastating blow to Lux. But I can’t kill Oulette, who killed Patrick, with my own hands…” (Hubert)



 Before I could answer that, Baron Brailsford spoke up.



“Master’s plan was not wrong. However, the fourth Battalion was killed by Gateskell’s schemes! No matter how cornered by Lux he was, he still led the rebellion in the castle and caused it. That’s what happened! There’s no way I could agree to let that go unanswered!” (Manfred)



 Emotionally, I understand what the Knight Commander is trying to say. However, I dared to argue with him in a strong tone.



“Then are you saying that we should use the dwarves in accordance with the Count’s plan? Do you think that will give the dead knights and soldiers peace?!” (Zack)



 The knight commander was not convinced by the plan to use the dwarves, either, and only glared at me and did not argue.



“This is a war. However, it is only a war between the Empire and the Lux Holy Kingdom. Is it permissible to involve people who are not related to the war?” (Zack)



 As I asked these questions to the frontier counts, I looked at their expressions. The cold, murderous expressions on their faces disappeared, and I could see that they were slightly distressed.


 I confirmed this and continued to persuade.



“…It’s not just that. The Roswell family may be destroyed. Do you think that’s what the deceased would have wanted?” (Zack)



 Silence spreads at my words. The silence is broken by the Count.



“That’s true… It seems like the blood rushing to my head because of news about Patrick. I don’t think Patrick or the heroes of the 4th Battalion would want us to sacrifice our Roswell family to take revenge…” (Hubert)



 And to Baron Brailsford,



“I understand how you feel. I’m sure the knights feel the same way. I’m not going to tell you to accept Master Zacharias’ plan. I’m not going to tell you to get along with Constance and Gateskell without getting angry…” (Hubert)



 Then he bowed his head,



“However, this time I will go with Master Zacharias’ plan. Will you bear this with me?” (Hubert)



 Baron Brailsford hurriedly said, “Please raise your head, milord,” and then,



“At least emotionally, I can’t accept it. However, since I can’t come up with a better idea, I have no choice.” (Hubert)



 Baron Oldham also nodded,



“Thanks to Master Zacharias. If we were alone, we might have only had the enemy benefit with our blood rushing to our heads.” (Oldham)



 The Frontier Count nods with a calm expression and turns to me.



Master, I want you to convince Gateskell and Gunnel to work with the plan. We will not be able to maintain our composure in the face of them. It’s a bother, but will you do it for me? Of course, you have full authority.” (Hubert)



 I nodded and replied, “I understand. I’ll try to convince them somehow.”



 This time, I persuaded the Frontier Count who was responding rationally. However, if I were to put myself in perspective, I don’t think I would be able to respond rationally.


 If my family or friends were to be hurt for an unreasonable reason… or if Liddy and the others were to be killed, I would certainly use all the means at my disposal to take revenge.


 I would not only use all the means at my disposal to hunt down the schemers, but I would put an end to them myself. Whether it be the emperor of the Caelum Empire, which is said to be the most powerful in the world, or the king of the demonfolk tribe at the end of the Aquila Mountains, the Great Mountains of the East, I will use every means to retaliate.


 In this respect, I am emotionally closer to Baron Brailsford.



(In fact, if such a thing were to happen, I am not confident that I would be able to restrain myself. If I make the most of the knowledge and magic from my previous life, which I have now sealed away, it is not so difficult to produce a primitive nuclear weapon… A uranium bomb with gold magic, uranium can be easily extracted, and indeed has been. It would take some time to separate and enrich the uranium 235, but …detonators can also be made with magic…) (Zack)



 When I thought that far, I realized I was getting ahead of myself. And I shudder at the thought of what I was thinking myself.



(It seems that my thoughts have become radical because I have some power. I shouldn’t even be thinking about this… but this is no one else’s business. We should be careful not to get caught up in the conspiracy. I have been continuously caught up in conspiracies during this visit to Welburn. Even though we can’t control everything, some things could have been prevented if we had been a little more careful…) (Zack)



While thinking about this, I headed to the room where Harrison Gunnel was.




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