Dream Life Vol 3 Chapter 30.1: “How To Use Life”

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 July 19th, 317 in the Tria calendar, around 5:00 p.m.



 After discussions with the Frontier Count Roswell and others, my plan for retaliating against Lux was approved.


 In order to persuade the key person, Harrison Gunnel, I head for the room where Gunnel is being held with Baron Manfred Brailsford, Commander of the First Order. Walking in front of me, the Knight Commander and his two knights, his bodyguards, remained silent throughout, creating a heavy atmosphere.



 Gunnel was detained in a room near the knights’ stuffing station at Welburn Castle.


 A soldier of the First Order standing guard recognized the Knight Commander and saluted him, reporting that there was nothing wrong. The Knight Commander replied with a salute and ordered the door to be opened.



“Sir Zacharias Lockhart will now conduct the interrogation. Open the door.” (Manfred)



 The sentry soldiers looked surprised for a moment at these words, but they obeyed without saying a word because it was the Commander’s order.



 I was the only one to enter through the open door.


 The room is dimly lit, and the orange sunset coming in through a small window illuminates one corner of the room.


 Gunnel was tied to a chair in the center of the room. His hair was disheveled, and his clothes were noticeably stained, but he had a calm expression on his face, which was hard to imagine from someone who had assassinated his enemies for so long.


 He stared at the small window without reacting when I entered the room.


 He seemed to notice my entry by the sound of the door closing and slowly turned his gaze to me.



“Sir Zacharias Lockhart?” (Gunnel)



 There was no question or confirmation in his question, only the feeling of “what are you doing here?” When I nodded, he quietly closed his eyes. His appearance was peaceful and even had a kind of godly air, like an enlightened high priest.



“I have a favor to ask you.” (Zack)



 I started talking straight to the point.



“To me? What are you planning to make me do as I am awaiting execution?” (Gunnel)



 Despite my words, there was no sarcasm in his tone. It was as if he was simply asking the question, “What do you want me to do?”



“On the condition of Sir Gateskell’s life and his reinstatement, I would like you to testify to the story I am about to tell you.” (Zack)



 Gunnel reacted to the words “Sir Gateskell’s life.”



“Is Master Desmond alive? I heard he had already committed suicide?” (Gunnel)



 I shake my head,



“That’s false information that I spread. I’m planning to meet with the person later.” (Zack)



 His calm expression, as if he were enlightened, suddenly changed. Gunnel turns his naturally sharp gaze on me, then looks down pensively.



“False information? …Master Desmond is alive… I was forced to dance…” (Gunnel)



 He mutters, then turns his sharp gaze on me again.



“So, what kind of nonsense are you going to make me say? No, to whom?” (Gunnel)



 I asked, trying to sound as flat as possible,



“I’ll tell you first. You can’t change the fact that you’re going to be executed.” (Zack)



 He nodded. He seems to have no particular feelings about my words that cut off his chances of a way out.



“You will be executed in public. I want you to tell your story to the people there. I want you to tell the people there that you were a pawn of Lux…” (Zack)



 I explained the scenario I’m describing. We will execute Gunnel in public when the excitement of his brothers’ marriage ceremony has calmed down. At that time, Gunnel will begin a monologue, mocking the crowd.



“…You were captured by the Lux on the Western Front and betrayed your country because you could not bear the torture. Then you went to Sir Gateskell to wreak havoc on the empire. You then puppeteer Sir Gateskell and Viscount Tysburn with drugs obtained through Aurella’s merchant Oulette, becoming pawns of Lux. …Not only did you drug the Viscount and Sir Gateskell, but you also assassinated the eldest son of the of the Frontier Count to bring chaos to the northern regions here. You assassinated Master Patrick…” (Zack)



 Gunnel listens to me without saying anything.



“…though we lost Master Patrick, there was no great confusion in the House of the Frontier Count. So, Lux, in their impatience, planned to cultivate the drug Blood of Lucidus, and sow uprisings with it…” (Zack)



 There he gave a small nod and muttered to himself, “That’s close to the truth there.”


 I nodded back at his words with a small nod and proceeded to talk.



“…And when you decided that the time was ripe, you used your puppet, Sir Gateskell, to get the Fourth Battalion to revolt, and to try to bring about the death of the Count. But it was thwarted by the elites of the First Order…” (Zack)


“It was Lockhart who prevented that rebellion. I hear that you were particularly instrumental in preventing it.” (Gunnel)


“The Lockhart family should not be at the forefront. It had to be the Knights, the guardians of Welburn, who minimized the tragedy of the Fourth Battalion. Such things don’t matter…” (Zack)



 Gunnel nods slightly in agreement.



“The important thing is that you show that you are a believer of the Light God Church. You must ridicule Lord Tysburn and Sir Gateskell. And that too with the fervor of a zealot.” (Zack)



 Gunnel looks a little troubled, which is unusual for him, as he has no expression on his face.



“It would be a problem if people expected me to act, but…” (Gunnel)


“I don’t think it would be that difficult. All you have to do is spit out your lines with the air of mocking at the Light God Church zealots.” (Zack)



 He quietly closed his eyes, thinking,



“I see. I certainly have a lot of things I want to say to them. I’ll just have to let those feelings out…” (Gunnel)



 Then, looking convinced, he nodded and said,



“I’ll take you up on your offer. I’ll go along with your plan. I’d like nothing better than to give them a good beating, and at the same time, allow Mater Desmond to live on. But Master Desmond is… no, that’s right…” (Gunnel)



 After thinking about it for a while,



“Wouldn’t the Knight Commander not allow it? After all, Master Desmond manipulated the knights and caused them to rebel.” (Gunnel)


“His Excellency the Governor has been persuaded about this, and His Excellency Brailsford is also satisfied with it. And I will take responsibility for it… Well, I swear in Lockhart’s name that I will clear Sir Gateskell of his crimes. However…” (Zack)


“However?” (Gunnel)



 When I stammered, Gunnel asked me back.



“However, I wonder if Sir Gateskell will accept this. From what I’ve heard, he’s not going to sacrifice you to survive…” (Zack)



 Gunnel gave me a small nod of the head, but immediately looked at me.



“Don’t you already have a plan in mind? Even Sir Desmond is afraid of you, so there’s no way you would say something like that without a plan.” (Gunnel)



 I couldn’t help but be surprised. I was told that he was Gateskell’s hidden blade, but I was under the impression that he was the commander of the actual combat troops, and I didn’t expect him to have that much insight.



“…Yes, I’ve thought of something.” (Zack)



 That was all I could manage to say.



(Perhaps I had underestimated Gunnel. I only thought of him as a soldier who could do some underhanded schemes. …If he had worked for someone like the Frontier Count, he might have become a good commander or politician…) (Zack)



“When I say ‘plan,’ I don’t have much of a plan. I was only trying to persuade you.” (Zack)



 Gunnel, perhaps surprised by my answer, asked, “Me?” he asked me again and expressed his concern.



“If I told Master Desmond that I would be sacrificed, he would definitely oppose it. He considers people like me as kin. And he is not the kind of man who would sacrifice his own people to prolong his own life.” (Gunnel)


“I know that. But if you tell him honestly how you feel… you regret it, don’t you? I know you regret that you brought Ouellette to him. And that Lux used you.” (Zack)



 Gunnel’s face shows a slight expression of anguish. I ignored him and continued talking.



“I want to take revenge on Lux. To that end, I want you to go along with my plan even if you don’t want to. If you can tell me that much, I will convince him.” (Zack)



 He seemed to hesitate for a moment, but then he seemed to have lost his steam,



“I leave everything to you, and I’ll bet everything I have on bringing these Lux fanatics to justice.” (Gunnel)



 Once I was satisfied, I contacted Commander Brailsford, who was waiting outside.



“Sir Gunnel will cooperate with us. Send Sir Gateskell this way as arranged.” (Zack)



 The Knight Commander still looked as if he was biting a bitter bug, but he said nothing in particular and ordered his men to bring Gateskell to me.



 A few minutes later, an exhausted-looking Baronet Desmond Gateskell was brought in.



“Master Zacharias… What are you planning to do?” (Gateskell)



 His tone was not as theatrical as when we first met, but rather he spoke in a matter-of-fact manner, as if he was simply confirming the facts.



“Sir Harrison Gunnel would like to speak with you.” (Zack)



 Gateskell, upon learning that Gunnel had been captured, muttered, “Why didn’t he run away?” Nut he immediately began speaking with a hint of self-mockery.



“There’s no way he’s going to run away. He attacked the Frontier Count to avenge me, right? No, since you’re here, he came after you…” (Gateskell)



 Then, he shook his head slightly and muttered, “…But I don’t have the right to face him…”


 I appeal to his heart with a sincere expression.



“Sir Gunnel is about to be executed. I would like you to listen to his final wishes…” (Zack)



 Gateskell seemed to be lost. Then, after a few seconds, he mutters, “I will meet him.”



 I nodded to the Knight Commander as if to signal him. The Knight Commander nodded back and ordered the soldier to open the door.




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