Dream Life Vol 3 Chapter 31.1: “The Incident In The Garden”

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 July 20th, 317 of the Tria calendar.




Today, the marriage ceremony of my brother Roderick Lockhart and Rosalind, the daughter of the Frontier Count Hubert Roswell, takes place.


With the capture of Harrison Gunnel yesterday, the series of disturbances has been settled. Although there are still sanctions against Lux, people’s faces were cheerful because the most dangerous person was captured before the ceremony.


The Lockhart family members were all looking forward to today’s ceremony, and their smiles never ceased.



As for today’s schedule, the morning is devoted to preparations, and the marriage ceremony is scheduled to begin at noon. In a commoner’s wedding ceremony, the priest of the god of man Whyt, who presides over the marriage ceremony, simply gives his blessing, but as the family is indeed a large noble family, they are supposed to receive blessings from all 12 gods. The ceremony alone takes nearly two hours.


Afterwards, they are to be paraded through the city in an open carriage and shown off to the citizens. In a large city of 30,000 people, it is expected to take nearly two hours just to go around the main streets, and the parade is scheduled to end around 4:00 PM. The parade is scheduled to end around 4:00 p.m. The feast is scheduled to begin after 4:00 p.m., making it a very demanding schedule for my brothers and me.



Unlike the ladies who are busy putting on their dresses, I only have to change into my formal attire and preparations will be over in no time. Incidentally, I am wearing a short jacket with two rows of buttons decorated with silver lines on the cuffs and shoulders, a white jabot that looks like a fluttering tie, and form-fitting slim pants and long boots that do not look like a military uniform. Needless to say, everything is black except for the jabot.


My hair is usually pulled back, but today he wears it down. When I look in the mirror, I feel like the emperor of a galactic empire whose flagship is a white space battleship, and I feel somewhat uncomfortable. I am not that good-looking, though.



I was not the only one who had too much time on my hands. Liddy and Beatrice, who are also dressed like me, have already finished changing their clothes and have nothing to do.


Liddy is wearing a pure white linen shirt, a dark green tailcoat-like jacket, and a white jabot like mine. She wears slim white pants and long black boots in the motif of an aristocrat’s riding outfit. Like me, her semi-long hair is down and flowing naturally down her back, slightly revealing her distinctive elf ears.



Beatrice is wearing a black military-style jacket trimmed with silver thread and embroidered with a shoulder patch, slim white pants, and long black boots with no jabot. This is my own design, also based on the military uniform of the Golden Bough Empire. With her dignified face and short haircut, she would not look out of place on the bridge of a space battleship shouting “Fire!” on the bridge of a space battleship, it would not be so strange. No, she might look strange because she has tiger ears and a tail.


Both of them are wearing light makeup, which makes them look even sexier than usual.



Only members of the Lockhart family are allowed to attend the ceremony this time, but Liddy, Beatrice, Mel, and Sharon will be there because they are my fiancées. Dan, who is treated as a squire, cannot attend the marriage ceremony and the feast in the evening. Of course, his father, Guy Jakes, and Byron Seedorf will also wait in the antechamber as squires.



Around 11:00 a.m., after Mother and the others had finished their preparations, we went to the main hall where the ceremony was to take place for a preview.


The structure of Welburn Castle is such that the entrance is on the west side and the buildings are arranged around the central courtyard of the castle. In other words, it is shaped like a “square” when viewed from above. The far end, or east side, from the entrance is the main hall.


Incidentally, the knights who guard the castle use the north side of the building, while the civil servants use the south side. The second floor on the south side is the area for visitors, where nobles who have come from far away like us are staying.



On the east side of the main hall is the garden that Liddy and Sharon magically destroyed during the recent rebellion of the fourth Battalion. Thanks to the hard work of the gardeners, the garden has been restored to its prior state, and it has regained its splendor with hastily planted flowers.


The courtyard on the west side has a fountain in the center, and the flowerbeds around it are planted with a patchwork of beautiful red, yellow, and orange flowers.



The main hall is 50 meters wide and 70 meters long, with a high arched ceiling. As might be expected, it is difficult to support such a long beam span, and there are some thick pillars in the hall, but they are hardly noticeable, perhaps due to the good design.


The windows near the ceiling are made of a lot of glass, making the space very bright despite being a castle.



As we were wandering around the castle, my mother Tanya stopped us.


There was my maternal grandfather Jacob, my grandmother Mabel, my mother’s brother, and my uncle Dale. My grandfather runs a tailor shop for the Knights here in Welburn and had been invited to his grandson’s wedding, despite the fact that he is a commoner.


Grandfather is nearly 70 years old, and when he came to see us the other day, he seemed to be an always-smiling, good-natured old man, but today he seemed quite nervous about meeting the Frontier Count. My grandmother and uncle were similarly nervous.



“I’m glad Tanya came.” (Jacob)



When they found my mother, the two let out a big sigh of relief.


Then, perhaps seeing my father, they hurriedly bowed their heads and said, “I apologize for the delay in greeting you.”


Father asks the three of them, “You seem nervous, are you all right?”



“I had no idea that the Governor’s princess would be the one to marry my grandson,” he says. Master Rodrick is a grandson I am very proud of, but still …” (Jacob)



It seems that my grandfather and his family are unable to realize that they are related to a high-ranking aristocrat.


That being said, my father is also a knight, which is a different status for them. However, the marriage between my father and mother was not so troubled because my grandfather Govan was a commoner. Of course, they were surprised to learn that he was the son of the hero Lionheart Govan.



But this time it’s very different.


For these people who have lived in Welburn for a long time, the Frontier Count is as powerful as the emperor. His beloved daughter is to be married to their direct grandson. It seems that they have yet to come to terms with the fact that they are marrying the “Princess” who is immensely popular here.


As for how my parents met, my mother was helping out at the store when my father happened to visit and fell in love with her at first sight. My father asked her when he was drunk, but I haven’t been able to ask him about it in detail.



We have been in Welburn for quite a few days, but I have yet to visit my grandfather’s house, as we were not free to leave the castle until Harrison Gunnel was captured. From what I’ve heard, the family seems to be relatively wealthy.


My grandfather calls my brother by a title, but that is inevitable between them, who are commoners, and us, who are of knightly rank. He called my mother “Mrs. Lockhart” or “Your Ladyship,” as he had done in the past.


My grandfather called me, my brother Theo, and my sisters Sera and Sophia by “master/young lady”, it felt strange to me, as I still have Japanese sensibilities. I still can’t get used to it, especially since I have been in a place where there is no hierarchy of status since I came to this world.


However, they seem to love their grandchildren, especially the young Sophia, and I was relieved to see that they love their grandchildren the same way in any other world.




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