Drawn Mochi Volume 4 Chapter 22.2: Dragon’s Bed*6

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“…Houou. I’m sorry to bother you for a moment, but could you go tell Laocles what happened to me?” (Tougo)



 Then I asked Houou to do so. Houou chirped and then nudged me on the cheek like it was kissing me, and then flew away.


 …A little while after the Houou flew away, it returned.


 And a little while after the Houou came back, Laocles on the alicorn flew in.



“Tougo!” (Laocles)


“Laocles. Good morning.” (Tougo)



 I gave him a small wave, and he looked relieved… And then, seemingly, he had made up his mind, and he flew towards the small island.


 The Ryuu stares at the alicorn as it lands on a small island. At the same time, I also stare at Laocles.


 Upon receiving the Ryuu’s gaze, Laocles stayed still, looking a little nervous… But eventually, the Ryuu nodded once, suddenly moved their head, and closed their eyes as if they were sleeping.


 Seeing this, Laocles looked relieved and approached me again.



“…How are you feeling?” (Laocles)


“Well, my body doesn’t have much strength, but I’ve recovered a lot compared to a while ago.” (Tougo)


“I see.” (Laocles)



 Laocles held out a finger in front of me.



“Try squeezing it. Give it your all.” (Laocles)



 …Well, I don’t think Laocles’ fingers will break even if I use all my strength, so I try my best to squeeze it tightly. …But, as expected, I was much weaker than I thought, and Laocles gave me an indescribable look.



“I see. It seems like you don’t have much strength.” (Laocles)


“Yep. I feel a little squishy.” (Tougo)



 Seeing Laocles sighing, I asked what I wanted to ask.



“How many days have I been sleeping?” (Tougo)



 When I asked, Laocles looked like he didn’t want to say anything but said,



“A month.” (Laocles)


 …No way!



“…I broke the record for the longest time.” (Tougo)


“That’s right.” (Laocles)


“Oh, um, sorry. Um…” (Tougo)



 I didn’t know what to say and was searching for the right words, but Laocles gave me a wry smile.



“Don’t worry about it. I’ve already given up on the fact that you’re this kind of creature.” (Laocles)



 …I was given up on. Yeah. Somehow, I feel very bad.



“Well… you were sleeping the whole time, but it wasn’t all bad.” (Laocles)


“……really?” (Tougo)


“Ah. It seems that the spirit vein of Redgarde territory has been revived.” (Laocles)



“Really?” (Tougo)


“Oh.… Didn’t you hear from the dragon over there?” (Laocles)



 No, I haven’t heard.


 …I looked at the Ryuu for a moment and they opened one eye, looked at me, then chuckled in a purring way, and closed their eyes again. …That’s something I can’t take. No, I think it’s nice to look like a Ryuu, but…



“I heard the dragon made the water from the spring rain down. The rain fell so beautifully that it covered only the territory of Redgarde, and the land began to moisten from the edge of the rain. The day is not far off when the magic power that is not fully absorbed will eventually form a spirit vein and become the source of this place. That’s what I heard from… Ange and the fairies.” (Laocles)



 I see. …If that’s the case, then that’s good.


 For now, it seems that the fairies, horses, and birds living around here will not all die from lack of magical power. And maybe Fay and the others won’t be in trouble either. I’m glad. Yep. I’m really glad.


 When I thanked the Ryuu, he whirled around again and made a smug face. Well, it’s a little bit annoying. It’s a bit like the giant robin. It’s not as cute as that one, but it’s more beautiful and majestic.


 …Laocles, who was watching me like that, suddenly smiled and said,



“…It was spectacular. The way the dragon was making it rain was like a painting. The sun was shining, while the rain was pouring down and… as Croix said, ‘It’s like a thread of gold and silver is falling down.’ The rain was falling on the earth and the light seemed to rise again…” (Laocles)


“I wanted to see that!” (Tougo)



 When I said that from the bottom of my heart, Laocles laughed happily.



“If you have a problem with that, tell it to yourself, you were sleeping.” (Laocles)



 Those words are definitely intentional! More than mean! Normally, Laocles wouldn’t talk about scenery like this! Ah, but I can’t complain because I was the one sleeping… Ah, I wanted to see it…



“…well, it will probably rain periodically for a while, so we can see it again then.” (Laocles)


“…yep.” (Tougo)



 When I told the Ryuu to wake me up properly then, he turned away… Oh, this is one thing that if I don’t wake up on my own, no one will help…



 From that day on, I did nothing but rehabilitate myself.


 I was so happy that I was able to do it, but I couldn’t paint if I couldn’t move my fingertips. I hate not being able to paint, so I put a lot of effort into rehabilitation.


 …During that time, I couldn’t go home. Because Houou wouldn’t take me outside the small island.


 Naturally, Ryuu wouldn’t pick me up and carry me, I couldn’t cross the water on the Pipe Fox, and above all, I couldn’t bring myself to go swimming in the cold since I couldn’t move my limbs properly. Since there was no other method, I was essentially trapped on the small crystal island.


  No, in case you were wondering, I insisted on a lot of things. In particular, the, you know, bathroom.


 When I insisted that I didn’t want to relieve myself on the crystal island, the Ryuu looked shocked and lightly tapped my stomach with its tail. …And then, somehow, it disappeared.


 …Yeah. What I wanted to release has disappeared. Suddenly. That’s what it felt like. Well, I wonder where it disappeared.


 No. …Well, it would be weird if I thought about it too much, so I decided not to think about it too much.



 Even the bathroom was like this, so naturally the food was like that, too.


 Every day, Lian would bring me a basket of food and I would eat it.


 The drink was either water from the spring or fruit juice from the tree. I felt that it would not be good for me to eat fruits because I would consume the magical power that would have to be returned to Redgarde, but Ryuu would pick one of the fruits for each meal and Houou would break the shell, so I felt bad and drank the fruit juice. I was happy because they were very tasty.



  And so, about seven days after I woke up.


 Finally, Ryuu and Houou gave me permission to go back to my house.



 When I went back to the front of the house after a long time, horses started to come to me. Hmmm, I can’t move. But it was warm.



“Oh, Tougo! Welcome home!” (Croix)


“Ms. Croix. I’m home.” (Tougo)



 As I was being herded by the horses, Ms. Croix, who seemed to be nearby, waved to me with a smile. I waved back.



“I was so worried about you! You’ve been out of magic for a month!” (Croix)


“Yeah. I never thought it would turn out like that.” (Tougo)



 I think it probably wasn’t a good idea to draw the tree and then draw the Ryuu. Yeah. But thanks to them, the Redgard territory seems to have been enriched while I was sleeping, so that’s good.



“But, you’re a forest spirit, aren’t you? I decided to think that maybe this is what it’s like.” (Croix)


“Yep…” (Tougo)



 I still have some reservations about being a human, but I’m steadily becoming less and less human. I’m not sure what to do.



“For now, please say hello to Fay as well. He seems busy, but I think he’ll be happy when he sees your face.” (Croix)


“Huh? Fay, busy?” (Tougo)



 I wonder if he became busy after all because the number of spirit veins increased.


 …That’s what I was thinking.



“Yeah. It’s kind of expected… A second dragon has appeared in Redgarde territory, and it seems like there’s been a bit of a commotion.” (Croix)



 Oh, I see. Did the Ryuu leave the forest when it rained? If someone were to witness them… It would cause an uproar, right?


 What should I do? I felt sorry for Fay. He is already in a difficult place…



“Ah, it’s okay, Tougo.” (Croix)



 However, Ms. Croix smiled mischievously and continued.


“The reason why there is such a fuss and trouble was because of the Royal Family.” (Croix)






T/N: Invasion? Confiscation? What BS is the royal family making? Tsk, tsk, tsk. 



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