Drawn Mochi Volume 5 Chapter 10.1: A Stormy Competition*4

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“End it all?” (Tougo)



 When I asked her what she meant, she looked at me as if saying, “I didn’t mean to tell you this.”


She sighed in resignation and began to speak.



“Yeah, I’m ending it all. I’m done. The Brompa family will be damaged, and I, who have been deceiving many people, will be accused, chased out of the Royal Capital, and cease to be a painter. In addition, the commoners in the Royal Capital will probably riot when they hear the ugly news that someone else’s painting was exhibited in a museum under the name of a nobleman and praised.” (Lila)



 Lila said that and laughed a little sarcastically.


 …That’s no good.



“Are you going to stop painting?” (Tougo)



I asked, and Lila looked a little surprised.



“Yes. Well, of course I will.” (Lila)



 I knew it was a terrible plan!



“Please don’t stop. I like your paintings. Um… Even the ‘Orin Hulk’ drawings!” (Tougo)



 When I said that, Lila looked a little surprised… then she looked relieved.



“What is it? It’s already working. I’m glad. You’re so fluffy. I thought you hadn’t done your homework.” (Lila)



 Yep. It wasn’t me, but Fay and Ms. Croix who investigated…



“…I painted the picture of Orin Hulk. The one displayed in that museum and a few others.” (Lila)



 Lila let out a small sigh and said so.



“I was surprised. Really. And… I was happy. You said, ‘I like the painting of Orin Hulk… it’s not garbage.’” (Lila)



“If you only have a name, you will be appreciated and put in a museum. If you don’t have a name, people don’t pay attention to you. That’s the way it is. That’s how art is.” (Lila)



 Lila said that, sounding a little embarrassed.



“You’ll never understand it anyway. If I called myself ‘Tougo Uezora,’ people would think my paintings were by Tougo Uezora.” (Lila)


“I see.” (Tougo)



 I’m sure that’s true. Especially now that I know that she has been doing things like ghost-painting.


 In museums in this country… or in this country as a whole. It’s not so much what was painted, but who painted it, and really it doesn’t even matter who painted it, it’s who it’s supposed to be.


 …I don’t understand it, and I’m kind of angry, but I guess that’s just the way it is. Really sad.



“But then I thought, I’ll use a name like that… I drew under a lot of different guys’ names, because I figured if I could use a fake name, then people would see my drawings, which would be fine. For so long.” (Lila)



 Lila is now confessing to me that she was some sort of ghost-painter, but I listen without saying a word. I listen to her quietly, because I already know, and Lila probably knows I already know.



“I don’t want to be appreciated. It’s fine if only my paintings are appreciated. I don’t need to be appreciated. I want to be seen by many people, give them something, or As long as they take away something and it affects them, that’s fine… It doesn’t matter who they say painted it, it’s still the same thing. It doesn’t change anything about the painting itself.” (Lila)



 Lila then looked down at her hand.


 What she had in her hand was the drawing she had made. It is a meticulous drawing in a sketchbook. Apparently, she had drawn the outside lights in the park.


This drawing, indeed, has not changed. No matter what nameplate is attached to this painting, the painting itself will certainly remain the same.



“I’ll give them the evaluation for the painting. Anyway, people who rate the paintings in the Royal Museum are just flatterers. I’ll give them all that, including the nobles. But… I’ll give them something other than flattery. With my painting, nothing else, I wanted them to think of something. It’s none other than my painting. If it’s for that reason… well, I’m glad. Even if someone else is getting complimented with my painting.” (Lila)



 Lila’s pencil that she was holding in her hand was shaking. This makes her pencil look bendy like it’s made of rubber. Yeah. I do it sometimes too.



“…Still, you found me.” (Lila)


“Eh?” (Tougo)



 After a short pause, Lila suddenly said that.



“Being nothing, it would have been alright.” (Lila)



 And when Lila said that… She laughed a little.



“Thank you. I’m satisfied with this.” (Lila)



“…So, you don’t have to think about me. I don’t care about it all anymore, I’m relieved… I’m already satisfied.” (Lila)



 Lila said that and stood up.



“If I had to ask for something, I would ask Master Fay to destroy the Brompa family. The country’s aristocrats are happy to display their nameplates, the museums, and everything else, destroy them. The Redgardes can do it, can’t they?” (Lila)



 And then he says something like a storm.


 “Destroy everything.” …What can I say, this is the kind of person she is, I thought once again. She’s truly like storm.



“… Well, I’m sorry for all the trouble you guys have caused me. I’ve taken advantage of you without your consent.” (Lila)



 Then, Lila said that and looked embarrassed. I feel like this is somehow rare expression, and it makes me feel a little strange.



“But, well, you’re working for the family that owns the Red Dragon, so you should be able to handle it. The Brompa family is just a family that depends on the support of their ancestors, you know. I’m sure if you give them a good beating, they’ll be left in tatters.” (Lila)



 After saying that, Lila laughed a little harshly. Like, “Heh?” That’s it.



“…well, that’s just the way it is. You’ll get your reputation back soon. If you sue me, I’ll confess to the crime.” (Lila)


“Well…” (Tougo)



 When I saw Lila’s face, I didn’t know what to say, but I felt like I had to say something… so I said,



“I think it would have been better if you had consulted me first.” (Tougo)



 As soon as I said that, Lila looed shocked, then burst into laughter.



“Really, you’re such a strange person! There’s no benefit for you to doing that! …Oh, but you’re right. If I had known you were like this, I might have talked to you before I did it.” (Lila)



 Somehow, I feel lonely hearing her words.



“But… I won’t ask you to forgive me, but I will say please give up.” (Lila)



 Lonely. Very lonely.


It is lonely to be made to give up, and it is also lonely to have been given up on. I feel a stirring in my chest.



“Then, say hello to Master Fay.”



 After saying that, Lila quickly started walking away.



“Um…” (Tougo)



 Even when I called out to her, Lila didn’t stop. However, she left with one final line.



“I’m looking forward to seeing the results of the competition and your painting.” (Lila)



 I stared at her until the carriage she had boarded started moving.


 My heart was racing. I knew I had to do something about it, but I didn’t know what exactly to do.


 …As Lila said, I think I’ll have to ask Faye to do something about it. I’m not strong on relationships between aristocrats, and if it’s a something between aristocrats, I guess it has to be done between aristocrats.


 However, if that happens, Lila will definitely stop painting.


 On the contrary, I’m sure she’ll just wander off somewhere and disappear.


 Ms. Croix said that she lost her mother. Lila herself said, “I’m relieved.”



If that’s the case… Maybe she really would just disappear… Just like that…



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