Drawn Mochi Volume 5 Chapter 17: To The Wide, Wide Land*4

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 Then I signed a contract with the director of the museum to make the painting part of their collection. …I was a little embarrassed, because I had been worried about it until a while ago. I’m not sure if it’s a good idea, but the director was happy, and I’ve been feeling a strong desire to my painting seen, so I think it’s okay.


 …It’s a strange feeling. But I don’t feel bad. I’m feeling relatively positive. I still feel scared and anxious, and I can still hear the voices in my head. But when the voice tries to stop me, I say back to it in my head, “Shut up, you idiot.”


 So, let’s paint. I’m going to paint. First of all, it makes me happy.


 And if someone sees my painting and says they like it, I will be even happier.


 Since I came to this world, I seem to have become extremely greedy. …but I’ve decided to think that that’s all right.


 …I’m still getting used to it, but I’ll do my best.



 We decided to go back to the forest and live there. I will paint and Lila will paint. …sooner or later, we’ll need a gallery for Lila.


 Lian and Ange are playing around in the fallen snow. Before I knew it, they were rolling snowballs with the horses and making a big snowman. It looks fun.


 Laocles had more work to do chopping wood for the increased number of people. So I tried to help him… but it didn’t go too well. Laocles could lift the axe easily, but it was a little heavy for me. It is more difficult to swing it down to the firewood as intended. I’d like to get better at this… I’m going to practice a little bit at a time.


 Ms. Croix was knitting lace while saying, “It’s been a while.” Apparently, she felt nostalgic when he saw Lila doing it. The lace Ms. Croix weaves is delicate, precise, and beautiful. …When I tried it out, I was able to do it better than chopping wood. I was having mixed feelings…


 …Even though we are exposed to the cold of winter, life in the forest is still fun.


 It’s fun to stare at the flickering fireplace as the firewood crackles, and when it snows, I start sketching the white forest. The puddles will be frozen by the next morning, and it’s fun to step on them, even if I slip and fall.


 Also, it’s fun to watch the horses bundle up and not move much due to the cold, they were like steamed buns. The bird standing proudly in the middle of the horses looked a little too self-contented.


 By By the way, Ryuu don’t seem to mind the cold. As usual, she is relaxing on the crystal islet. Whenever I go to visit him, he carries me to the center of the island and feeds me fruits. …And I always end up coming back from the small island with a full stomach. Yep.



  After a few days of doing this, a letter arrived in the forest.


 The person who delivered it was Lian. He is now carrying the letter that arrived at Fay’s house to the forest.


 …When I saw the letter that arrived, I was a little surprised.



“Congratulations! Fay’s brother told me–it’s a fan letter!” (Lian)


“……oh.” (Tougo)



 I was surprised. The letter I received was a fan letter. It was addressed to me. It was about my painting. …I was so surprised. I see. Fan letters are real? I’ve seen them sometimes at Teacher’s house, but, I see, they can be sent to me, too…


  The contents of the fan letters all made me happy to read. I don’t know how they know what to say that makes me happy, but there were so many words that made me happy.


 I think it’s great that they saw the painting, thought something about it, put it into words, and wrote me a letter. I’m not very good at using words, so I probably couldn’t write a fan letter even if I had something on my mind.


 That’s amazing, people who write fan letters. Wow…



“…You’re really excited.” (Lila)


“Yep.” (Tougo)



 For a few days after I received the fan letter, I was floating. I was painting pictures while I was floating. It’s so much fun. I was extremely happy. Isn’t this the best?


 Seeing me like that, Lila was smiling happily again.



“Well, that’s good. Just like you.” (Lila)


“Yep.” (Tougo)



 I nod back with a big smile on my face. I’m happy and having fun. Then Lila giggled and said,



“…It’s good that you’re doing that after all. It’s weird for me to say that, though.” (Lila)


“…huh?” (Tougo)



I stopped moving my pencil, wondering what she meant, and Lila chuckled.



“You like painting, don’t you?” (Lila)


“Yep.” (Tougo)



 I nodded without hesitation, and Lila also nodded.



“You’re so lively. I’m having fun just watching you.” (Lila)



 …I see. Yep. Well, I’m aware that I look happy.



“So just stay the way you are.” (Lila)


“……yep.” (Tougo)



 I nod obediently.


 …That’s it. I’ll stay like this. I enjoy painting, and I’ll be happy when people praise my paintings… I decide to live my life believing that this is okay.


 I’ve been told by various people that this is okay… and I’ve come to believe that they are right. So.



“Oh, my God. When I look at your paintings, I want to paint too. It’s a strange feeling.” (Lila)


“…Lila, don’t you like painting?” (Tougo)



 When I asked her about it, Lila shrugged her shoulders.



“I never really thought about whether I liked it or not.” (Lila)






“That’s unexpected…” (Tougo)


“…Well, you know? Not all humans enjoy painting.” (Lila)



 That may be true. Teacher didn’t seem to like painting very much, probably because he wasn’t very good at it. Yep.



“Even though you’re that good?” (Tougo)


“Hmm… I mean, for a long time, painting for me was a way to make money, a way to buy medicine for my mom, to buy food… so I… I couldn’t say I liked it, or I didn’t like it.” (Lila)



 …I see. Lila didn’t live to paint, she painted to live.


 I’m not sure how I feel about that, but somehow, I feel a pain in my chest.



“But… yeah. I guess I loved it. I do. I’ve only recently realized that I like to paint.” (Lila)



 However, Lila smiles brightly and says so.



“Yes, it’s thanks to you that I realized that.” (Lila)


“Eh?” (Tougo)


“When I see you painting, I feel like painting. When you paint a picture, you smile and say, ‘This is fun, so fun!’ And when your drawing is appreciated, you say, ‘I’m so happy…’ and fidget. When I look at you, I remember that painting is fun, and it makes me happy to be appreciated.” (Lila)



 …Am I smiling and fidgeting that much? …I don’t like that part.



“So, it’s thanks to you that I remembered that I like painting. …Ah, but it’s also thanks to you, Lord Fay. I was allowed to live in the forest, I had no shortage of money, and I just started painting for no purpose, so maybe that’s how I came to realize it.” (Lila)



 …I see. Yep. That’s good.


 Living in the forest is not as luxurious as it is in the city… as Ms. Croix said before. Also, it’s inconvenient and I know that not all people like living in the forest.


 But even so, I’m happy to live in the forest and have enough food, clothing, and shelter for now, and if Lila is satisfied with that, then I’m happy. …both as a painter and as the spirit of the forest.



 Then we painted again, leisurely, and after about six hours… Laocles came to call us to take a break in the middle of it, so we decided to take a break.


 When we took a break, tea, cookies, and little cupcakes were served. …It seems that fairies have learned to make cupcakes. The cupcakes were small enough to pick with the pips of two fingers, but they were so cute, with sweet cream on the top.



“It’s delicious! It’s fluffy and sweet… it’s a taste that makes you happy!” (Lila)



 When Lila said so, the fairies and Ange were embarrassed. That’s nice.



“This forest is really a strange place, isn’t it? There is no other place in the world where you can eat sweets made by fairies. …There are so many strange creatures, it’s really a strange forest.” (Lila)



 When the forest is praised, I get a little embarrassed. …Oh, is this normal? It’s true that I have become the Spirit of the Forest, but the fact that I get embarrassed when people praise the forest feels a little different…



“…What’s with that weird look?” (Lila)


“No… it’s nothing.” (Tougo)



 As I was thinking about it, Lila became suspicious. Um…



“Well, that’s fine, but… Oh, the forest is like this, so I’m a little lost.” (Lila)



 Lila said that and let out a little sigh as she bit into the cookie.



“What?” (Tougo)


“The location of the field. I’m getting this feeling that I don’t want to mess with this forest too much.” (Lila)



 Lila said and let out another sigh.


 …I know that there is already a field next to her house that is big enough for one of her, and it is already tilled.


 But apparently, Lila is planning to make more than that.



“Hey, are there any plans to make this place bigger?” (Lila)



 …bigger place?



“Maybe the number of people will increase. If that happens, the size of the field will have to be much larger, right?” (Lila)



 I see. Well… I hadn’t thought about it.


 But I have never done that before. Still, it would be better to be self-sufficient to some extent only in this forest, wouldn’t it?



“If you think about expanding the field later, it’s better to put it outside the forest. But I don’t want to ask a horse each time…” (Lila)



 The journey would take less than an hour with Fay’s summoned beasts. If we were to walk, it would be a terrible idea. I’d really like them to ask the horses for help…



“Also…” (Lila)



 Then, Lila said one more thing while sighing.



“Do you remember this?” (Lila)



 Lila reached into the collar of her dress, fished out a chain, and pulled out a pendant. It’s a jeweled pendant with an indigo blue stone in it… I remember it. It was Lila’s mother’s pendant. It’s the one with the seed-like things inside.



“I remember.” (Lila)



 I remember it, including what’s inside. I also remember that Lila was unsure about what to do with the contents.


 When I answered, Lila asked again with a slightly confused look on her face.



“…Hey. If it were you. Would you plant this?” (Lila)



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