Drawn Mochi Volume 5 Chapter 6.2: Painting Excursion*5

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“Yeah. That’s right. The picture of the stormy forest.” (Tougo)



 I really think so. That painting was wonderful.



“I could feel the strength of the wind and the coldness of the rain. If I were to go inside this painting, I would be scared. It was as if I could hear the rustling and swaying of the trees.” (Tougo)



 What I thought was true. I don’t want to lie about my thoughts. So, I put words together to try to communicate somehow. …When I try to put it into words, I can’t express it well, which is frustrating.



“I’m sure that picture will be accepted. I haven’t seen the other paintings… But it was really good.” (Tougo)



 …When the girl saw me like that, she had a self-mocking expression, but at the same time she looked a little lonely and pained.



“Then you must have lived in a very naïve world.” (Girl)


“Do you know? The only paintings that are valued in this country, that win prizes in competitions and are displayed in royal castles and royal museums, are those painted by aristocrats or those who have connections with the aristocracy.” (Girl)



“Did you see the paintings in the museum here?” (Girl)


“Yes.” (Tougo)



 When I nodded, she let out a small sigh and said,



“Then, you understand, don’t you? The paintings here are either the favorites of the aristocrats who were allowed to hang them as a courtesy of the aristocrats, or they are garbage painted by the aristocrats.” (Girl)



 Garbage made by aristocrats. Garbage. …Garbage, huh? Hmm, that’s a harsh way to say it…



“In particular, the garbage displayed in the central room is nothing short of a pile of garbage. It’s not what I was aiming for. Poor strokes. Poor observations. It’s crazy to think that something like that would be appreciated.” (Girl)



 The girl shook her head, her chestnut hair flowing, an exasperated expression on her face. …It’s like a storm. I feel that kind of roughness and coldness. Like a picture she painted.



“The only thing of value in that room isn’t a painting. It’s the nameplate. The name tag that says, ‘Who painted this?’ That room is just a gallery of names.” (Girl)



 However, right now I am standing in front of this storm-like girl.


 …I am not without my doubts about the paintings in that museum, somehow. I can’t accept it, and I feel like I am still unconvinced.


Still… I like some of the paintings in that museum. Until then, I don’t want to let the storm blow me away. I don’t want to lie about my feelings.



“It’s true that the gallery may only be displaying names, but there were some excellent paintings there, too.” (Tougo)



 That’s what I say to the girl in front of me. Be as dignified as possible. I’m not sure if I was able to do that though.



“…If that’s the case, your eyes aren’t that big of a deal. Those pictures hanging there…” (Girl)


“I liked the picture of the Royal Capital.” (Tougo)



 I hardened my claim. I make my point so that what I thought was “good” wouldn’t be blown away.



“It was apparently drawn by a guy called Orin Hulk, and it was very powerful and cool, and I liked that it had a slightly dreadful, or rather wicked, feel to it.” (Tougo)



 When I said that, she looked… confused.



“…If you haven’t seen it yet, you should. It’s not garbage.” (Tougo)



 …The storm has stopped. It felt like that.


 The girl blinked her blinding eyes slowly, and then, with a huff, her anger subsided.



“…I see. That’s what you thought.” (Girl)


“Yes.” (Tougo)



 After nodding with confidence, the girl let out a deep, long sigh. She then ran her hand through her hair in annoyance, frowned for a moment and looked contemplative…



“…you’re weird.” (Girl)


“Yep. I hear that often.” (Tougo)



 When I said that while looking at the three people who thought I was a “weird guy,”
Laocles looked cool and nodded, Ms. Croix chuckled and nodded, and Fay said, “That’s right!” He was nodding vigorously. That much…?



“Well… that’s fine. No matter what I think, it’s your choice. And no matter what you think, it’s my choice.” (Girl)


“Yep.” (Tougo)



 That’s right. My feelings are within me, and that doesn’t change the fact that I like some of the things she calls garbage. And she doesn’t have to like what I like. Yep.



“So… you submitted it under my name because it wouldn’t be selected if it was entered under your name?” (Tougo)



 When I asked her again, she smiled sarcastically.



“…Maybe so. If you are saying I’m a fake Tougo Uezora, then maybe that’s the case.” (Girl)



 I see. Does mean that she paints pictures because she wants to be appreciated? Huh, but if she had exhibited the work under my name, it wouldn’t be her evaluation. But does she want to be selected? Hmmm…



“…Why do you want to be selected? To be appreciated by the king?” (Tougo)


“Haa. Do you think I’m happy to be appreciated by that damned old fart?” (Girl)



 …Damned old fart. Hmm, the sharpness of her tongue is amazing. It goes “Swoosh, slash”. Amazing.



“I don’t know why other artists want to be selected. Some of them might want to be recognized by His Majesty the King. But I want to be selected because I want my paintings to be displayed where many people can see them. That’s all.” (Girl)



 Her eyes lit up. They were as strong and sharp as her words, and her indigo eyes looked like freshly sharpened blades.



“……I see.” (Tougo)



 I don’t know all of what she is thinking. I don’t understand how she wants so many people to see her paintings.


But there were parts of it that I could understand… and I’m glad I talked to her.


 I don’t fully understand… I don’t know, so I want to know.



“…So? Are you asking me to withdraw my entry into the competition?” (Girl)



 She said that and glared at me, trying to regain her composure.



“If you’re going to treat me as a fake, then you have to make it formal. Ask Lord Fay of the Redgarde family over there to interact with Lord Brompa.” (Girl)



 …Lord Fay. I see. Fay is a “lord”?


 When I looked up at Fay thinking that, he had an indescribable expression on his face.



“No… stop it, stop it. Tougo. Tougo. Don’t add ‘lord’. It looks like you’re about to say lord’. It makes me itchy.” (Fay)



 I see. Well then, Fay.


  I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and I’ve been talking to the nobles without using honorifics. I’m not sure if this was a good idea. No, but Fay is my best friend… so please excuse me. Yep.


 Also… I would like you to forgive me for not calling you names or using polite language, and I would like you to forgive me for one more thing.



“You can leave the entry as is.” (Tougo)



“…eh?” (Girl)


“For now, let’s think about it after the competition is over. Is that okay?” (Tougo)


“Huh? Well… well, during that time, if you don’t mention Tougo Uezora’s name outside of the competition, well, I don’t mind. If Tougo makes his decision, I won’t say anything. Yeah.” (Fay)



 Thank you. I really appreciate and love this part of Fay’s personality.



“A-are you okay? Then why did you guys come to see me?” (Girl)


“Um… just to talk to you, I guess?” (Tougo)



 After answering, I thought about it again, and it was still true. I wanted to talk to “Tougo 3” in front of me.



“W-what are you… you’re really weird!” (Girl)



 Yeah. I’m a weird guy.


 And because I’m a weird guy, I do weird things.



“I’ll do the same thing. I’ll enter a picture in the contest with your name.” (Tougo)



 I say this, and she lets out a sigh that is a mixture of surprise, agitation, and something else, something a little brighter.



“…that’s right. Well, first of all, to answer your first question.” (Girl)



 The first question… ah, “Are you Tougo Uesora?”


 I was a little nervous as I waited for her answer… and she laughed a little and said,



No. I’m not Tougo Uezora.” (Girl)



“I’m Lila Raswald, a painter who uses the name Tougo Uezora.” (Girl => Lila)



“Yeah. Nice to meet you, Lila.” (Tougo)



 I see. Lila. So, she’s called Lila.  One thing I know about her.



“Oh, hey, hey. Are you okay? You just confessed that you were a fake, right?” (Tougo)



 But when she said that it was like she was admitting that she was a fake. I wonder if it’s okay for her to say…?



“Hmph. Lord Brompa might not think so, you know? Maybe he’ll claim that I said that because I was attacked and threatened by a thug? Maybe.” (Lila)



 I see. Tough.


 I mean, she’s not going to publicly admit that she’s a fake, and Fay would have to go to Mr. Brompa if we wanted to do anything about it. …But Lila did open up to me a little. I’m not going to admit publicly that she is a fake.


 When I happy to meet her, then Lila gave me a big, bold smile.



“Prove it to me, Even the real Toguo Uezora’s paintings are can be appreciated without his name.” (Lila)


“I don’t know. I might get selected using your name.” (Tougo)


“It would be interesting if that happened.” (Lila)



 Lila said that and returned to the carriage. Then, the alicorn seemed to greet the carriage horses, and the carriage horses were reluctant to leave, but they dutifully led the carriage. [T/N: Alicorn is such a superstar.]



 After Lila left, Fay let out a deep sigh.



“…She is one heck of a girl.” (Fay)


“Yes. She was an incredibly wonderful girl…” (Tougo)



 However, as soon as I said that, Fay stared at me with a sigh and a look on his face.



“……wonderful?” (Fay)


“Yeah. She’s really nice. I’m sure we’ll get along well. Yes, I want to get to know her. I want to be friends with her.” (Tougo)



 I am happy. I got to know a wonderful person who paints wonderful pictures! Moreover, we will probably meet again!


 What should I do. If we meet again, I think I’ll just say, “Please let me draw you.” But a painter is not a model, so maybe that’s rude…



“You… You’re such a weird guy!” (Fay)


“Yep!” (Tougo)



 Fay was laughing hard, as if he had lost his mind, but I felt like laughing too.


 Because today was such a wonderful day!



T/N: Tougo is such an art idiot. Hmm… There seems to be more to Lila’s wish… Oh well, at least Tougo met another artist like him.



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