Drawn Mochi Volume 5 Chapter 7.2: A Stormy Competition*1

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“Well, regardless of whether Lila and the Brompa family are on bad terms or not, there may be something behind it, or rather, that may be the purpose.” (Croix)



 Ms. Croix said so while elegantly picking up a fairy cookie. …I wonder if the purpose is to get them in trouble. While I was thinking about it, Ms. Croix swallowed the cookie and said softly in a whisper.



“…That’s right. Maybe her purpose is to have the Redgarde Family punish the Brompa family.” (Croix)



 After that, Ms. Croix and Fay returned to the capital. …Well, it seems like it’s n investigation. What kind of investigation? Hmm.


 And I’m searching in the woods, thinking about the composition of the picture I’m going to submit to the competition.



“…What would be good?” (Tougo)


“If it were me, I’d paint the horses here. There are so many of them, and they look so cool!” (Lian)



 While I was mumbling, Lian said that to me. Since Lian started taking care of the horses, he has become good friends with them, and the horses look at Lian as if they were looking at their own little brother. …Yeah. The horse treats him like a younger brother. The horses here are a bit cheeky.



“What about you, Ange?” (Tougo)


“Um… me… Um… the fairies while baking sweets.” (Ange)



 I asked her about it, and that’s what she said. I see. I think that kind of picture would be good. It’s kind of simple and nice.


 But… somehow, I think.


 Lila Raswald, under my name, drew motifs that I would draw, but in a way that I would not.


 In that case, I thought it would be a good idea to use the name Lila Raswald and draw a motif that Lila Raswald would draw, but in my own way.


 …But what is a Lila-like motif? Hmm.



 After that, I walked around the forest and tried to find a “Lila Raswald-like motif.”


 However, it doesn’t go well. I have no clue. I don’t know where to start. Hmm…



“I guess I don’t have anything to think off, huh?” (Tougo)


“Hmm…” (Lian)



 But I have to hurry. The competition has a deadline. There are 20 days left until the deadline. I have to complete the painting in just 20 days.


 So, I need to decide on a motif, decide on a composition, try to visualize the colors and details, and start painting right away…



“Brother Tougo, the fairy is tying a ribbon, is that okay…?” (Ange)


“Yep…” (Tougo)


“…Ah, you’re deep in thought again, aren’t you?” (Ange)


“Yep…” (Tougo)


“Ah, that’s enough. Fairies, do whatever you want. Tougo, you don’t notice anything at all. Then, I’ll ask you to reflect on yourself after you have come to your senses.” (Lian)


“Yep…” (Tougo)



 …I was a little worried, and before I knew it, I was wrapped up in ribbons.


 There was also a ribbon tied in my hair, and before I knew it, Ange had also braided her hair, and a ribbon was tied to it, while swaying. “We match,” Ange said with a smile, and Lian was laughing when he saw me wrapped in ribbons.


 Hmm… Fairies and angels are carefree…



 I started to draw a picture of fairies and angels as a distraction, and also started to draw a picture of candy in a jar, but I was still, somehow, ill-fitting.


 Time is passing quickly in the meantime, so I paint a picture of a forest so that even in the worst case, I won’t have nothing to exhibit.


 I thought about painting a picture of stormy forest… but that didn’t seem right, so I painted a picture of a normal forest. I thought about painting a stormy forest, but that didn’t seem right. It’s the usual one. Just by looking at it, you can tell it’s a Tougo Uezora painting.


 …is this okay?



“Hey, Laocles.” (Tougo)


“…what is it?” (Laocles)



 I called out to Laocles, who was chopping wood outside.



“What do you think the Lila Raswald-like motif is?” (Tougo)



 I ask, and Laocles stops and starts thinking… He throws a few words at me to organize and guide my thoughts.



“What did you think when you saw Lila?” (Laocles)


“I thought she was like a storm.” (Tougo)


“I see. What kind of storm is she?” (Laocles)


“Cold and violent, like it was going to blow everything… away, maybe a snowstorm mixed with hail.” (Tougo)



 Yeah. The more I thought about it, the more I realized she was like a storm. It would whip up the wind, pound the rain, and even roll in hail or knives or something, and then it would go by. That’s how I picture it.



“Then that’s what it would be.” (Laocles)



  Laocles says so simply, but I wonder if that’s really alright.


 But is that really enough? The elements that make up her. What is it that she likes? Is there something that she likes?


 I try desperately to think of something, but I can’t come up with anything. I tried to recall yesterday and dig up my impression of Lila Raswald, but no matter how many times I replayed the short time I spent with her in my mind, I could only come up with the impression that she was just like a storm for almost the entire time we were talking.


 …But then I realized that.



“…Now that I think about it, I hardly know anything about her.” (Tougo)


“I guess.” (Laocles)



 Yeah. I was. I only talked to Laila once yesterday. Well, there’s no way I’d know anything about her.


 I don’t know what her favorite food is, where she lives, her family… why she paints or why she used my name. I don’t get it.



“Thank you. I realized something.” (Tougo)


“I didn’t do anything in particular.” (Laocles)



 After all, the best way to gather my thoughts is to talk to Laocles. Yeah. Just like Teacher said, “Talks during duck meal”. “Talks with the world’s greatest plaster statue” is just as effective.



“After all, I need to know more about her. I’m going to use her name.” (Tougo)


“…The other person probably doesn’t think that way.” (Laocles)


“I don’t care if she doesn’t know me when she uses my name, but I feel like I can’t draw her if I don’t know about her.” (Tougo)



 I felt like I couldn’t draw her without knowing about her. I’d like to get some hints about “Lila Raswald” for my painting.



“Then I’ll go to the Royal Capital for a while.” (Tougo)



 So, I immediately readied myself to go to the Royal Capital…



“…Hey, wait.” (Laocles)



 When I tried to go to the Royal Capital, I was stopped by Laocles.



“Right now, Fay and Croix are working in the capital. Think about it after they return.” (Laocles)



 …Yep. That’s right. Well, I will wait a little longer.



…But just waiting is a little too uncomfortable. I feel like I’m no good if I’m not doing at least a little bit of something.



“Um, I’m going to make some see the animals in the forest.” (Tougo)



 So, I decided to do what I could.



“…what is it?” (Laocles)


“I got an idea about asking for a storm to come. Well, the storm should start at noon today…” (Tougo)


“…Hey. Wait. What do you mean?” (Laocles)



 When I tried to go to the animals right away, Laocles grabbed me by the collar.



“Storm? Are you going to cause a storm?” (Laocles)


“Yep. I was thinking of asking the dragon to create a little storm. After looking at it and drawing it, I think it would look good.” (Tougo)



 Maybe a dragon can do it. Since he can make it rain, I think he can make a storm. It doesn’t have to be localized. It doesn’t have to be very big. I just want to see the storm with my own eyes and see what it looks like…


 …Laocles let out a deep, exasperated sigh, and then said,



“I’ll board up the windows of the houses, so wait until then.” (Laocles)



 I knew it, Laocles is the best!




T/N: A storm huh? Quite the request. I guess art idiots are just that crazy. I can feel Laocles’ giving up and giving in to Tougo’s antics.



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