Metro Labyrinth Chapter 143.1: Parent and Child

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“…I can’t believe it… Kinko and Tarochi’s child…” (Kinami)



 A yellowish-furred carbuncle named Kinami stares at Tamiko, stunned.



“Tarochi is he that childhood friend of yours…” (Wanda)


“Yeah, you’ve met him, Wanda, haven’t you?” (Kinami)


“Yes… Well, I remember. Just once, but…” (Wanda)



 Diana Wanda, a one-armed huntress with Kinami on her shoulder. Is it just my imagination that it feels a little chilly?



“If I remember correctly, I heard that his mate left this town a long time ago and never came back. So this child is hers?” (Wanda)


“Yes, she’s Kinko’s daughter. She said her father’s name is Tarochi.” (Shuu)



 I answered in place of the dazed Tamiko.



“What about Kinko? Where is Kinko?” (Kinami)



 Tamiko was startled. She looked up at my face with eyes that were ready to spill, but she speaked for herself.



“…Mom is no longer here…” (Tamiko)


“…how…” (Kinami)


“She fought a Metro Beast to protect Tamiko and lost her life. Her partner, a hunter named Usui Katsuo…also died years before her.” (Shuu)


“…I see…” (Kinami)



 Kinami dropped her shoulders and wiped her eyes languidly. Tamiko sniffed.



“I don’t doubt you, but do you have any proof that you are Kinko’s daughter?” (Wanda)


“Wanda, we don’t need that.” (Kinami)



 With a flick of her head, Kinami moved from Wanda to Tamiko. She then gently touches Tamiko’s arm.



“She looks just like… that girl when she was little, with her fur and her strange way of talking…” (Kinami)



 Kinami wrapped her arms around Tamiko’s neck and hugged her tightly.



“I’ll let you meet, Tarochi.” (Kinami)



 This is where I will part ways with Kumagai, who has guided us so far. He whispers something to Wanda, who seems to be his boss before leaving.



“Let’s go, then. Kinami, please show us the way.” (Wanda)



 It was already dark as night. Our group started walking through the town, which was lit by a series of lamps.



 Although much smaller than Sugamo and Ikebukuro, the town has a population of 1,000. The log houses lining the streets are quite solid, and the sidewalks with gutters and facilities around the wells are meticulously maintained.



 People passing by cheerfully greet Wanda, saying, “Good work, Ms. Security Chief,” but their faces instantly turn stiff and they turn away from her when they see me and my party walking behind her. The town does not seem to have a bad atmosphere, but its exclusionary nature toward outsiders seems to be true to its reputation.






(I see, interesting.) (Shuu)



 Although I could not get an answer from Kumagai, I found it with my own eyes.


 The answer to where and how do the Carbuncle tribe live in this town.



 –The answer was above my head.



 There were many properties that had been extended on the roof, including a small room with another window. In addition, ropes like bridges were connected from the roofs to the roofs of neighboring houses, and were stretched here and there like electric cables in a residential area. At first I thought they were drying ropes, but upon closer inspection, I realized that they were a series of small planks, in other words, a rope bridge.



“The Carbuncles live on top of private houses.” (Shuu)


“Huh? Yeah,” said Wanda. “They live in the attics and the small rooms on the roof.”



 There is a small shadow that twitches across the suspension bridge overhead, as if to confirm my guess. Even from directly below, I can see the bushy tail wagging. It is a carbuncle.



 The attic, the top floor, and the walkway in the air that connects them. I feel a little envious of the athleticism or childlike spirit of the people who live there.



“Do they live in other people’s houses?” (Shuu)


“Well… it’s not that they don’t exist, but they’re a minority. Because of my job, Kinami and I live together.” (Wanda)


“It’s a popular trend nowadays to share a room. We’re both single.” (Kinami)


“I see.” (Shuu)



 Wanda is the head of the town’s security force and Kinami is the deputy head of the Carbuncle side.



“By the way, what kind of work do the Carbuncles do?” (Shuu)


“Well, there are various kinds of jobs. …For example, mining in the metro area below here is what most of them do for a living. Only a few of the ‘People of the Thread’ are allowed in.” (Wanda)


“Isn’t that dangerous?” (Shuu)



 The Carbuncle race is basically a race that is not suited for combat. Tamiko is a tough squirrel because of many things coming together, but even so, it’s quite tough when dealing with beasts of the same level.



“They don’t work in such deep places. It’s not an exaggeration to say that the resources they extract are what keep this town going.” (Wanda)


“People aren’t allowed in the metro because the entrances are too narrow?” (Shuu)


“No… that’s just the custom. There have been people who have tried to sneak in, but they will be punished very severely. Even the ‘Hero of Sugamo’ is no exception. Please keep that in mind.” (Wanda)


“(A custom?) …I understand… Wait, you didn’t talk about that, did you?” (Shuu)


“Fufu… No matter how distant we are, we do read the newspapers that are brought in from time to time. It’s rare to see a hunter with a Carbuncle today. It’s even more so if he has the title of the strongest rookie in the history of hunters. So, it became a bit of a topic in this town.” (Wanda)


“That’s embarrassing.” (Shuu)


“Yes, Sugamo Abe… Abe…” (Wanda)



 I just told you my name.



“I think, Abe… Ri, Ri, Ri…” (Wanda)


“Sh, sh, sh…” (Shuu)


“Abe Shiri?” (Wanda)


“That’s still wrong.” (Shuu)



 Proceeding to the middle of the residential area, Kinami pointed up and said, “The attic over there.”



 Most of the houses in the village are equipped with ladders. However, in most attics, the outer doorway is sized only for carbuncles, so people need to climb directly up from inside the house to enter. With the consent of the elderly couple who own the house, we were allowed to climb up together using a folding ladder stowed in the ceiling.



 The attic is too small for everyone to climb up, so Noa and Aomoto are asked to wait downstairs.



 Wanda and I crouched, avoiding the beams and pillars, and with lamps in our hands, they make their way through the dark attic, only to find their way blocked by a partition with a handle. A door allows people in and out, and it seems that beyond this door is the attic.



(Here.) (Shuu)


(Tamiko’s dad.) (Shuu)



“Abe, Tamiko, are you okay?” (Wanda)



 Wanda turns around and asks this, and I nod silently, and Tamiko replies in a muffled voice, “…squeak….”



 “Tamiko,” I call out in a whisper, and she hugs me tightly around the neck.


 I can feel her hands trembling. I gently stroke her furry back. The hand that strokes moves into taps because what she is squeezing now is my carotid artery. Let go of me because I’m going to faint.



 And finally.


 Wanda knocks on the door.



“I’m sorry for the late night, I’m Diana, the head of the guards.” (Wanda)





“Ah, yes… wait a minute…” (Voice)



 The voice coming from the other side of the door is somewhat lower than Tamiko’s and Kinami’s. Do carbuncles, like humans, have a different pitch of voice depending on their sex?



 Before long, the door will be unlocked with a click.



“–Thank you for waiting, what is it?” (Voice)



 The sound of gulping echoes helplessly. Wanda gripped the handle and pulled the door open.



“I’m sorry, Mr. Tarochi.” (Wanda)


“No…” (Shuu)



 A carbuncle is there.



(…chubby.) (Shuu)



 He’s bigger than Tamiko, somewhat stocky, or rather rounded like a prairie dog. He looks more like a chipmunk than Tamiko, perhaps because of the light from the floor lamp. He wears small glasses like a toy and a collar or choker around his neck.



(He is…) (Shuu)


(Tamiko’s dad?) (Shuu)



“So, what can I do for you—” (Voice => Tarochi)




 As soon as his eyes met with those of mine, who was peering in from behind Wanda’s back, the expression on his face turned grim in a flash.



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