Metro Labyrinth Chapter 156.1: [Golden Whirlwind]

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~Kawataro’s Perspective~



 It has been more than ten years since I left the Hunter’s Guild, but the man’s nonsensical legend has been told to him by my companions at the time over drinks.



 He is a legend in the world of hunters who has reigned at the top of the industry for 20 years.


 The most powerful [Mage] in history, whose ability is said to be comparable even to that of a “Master Threadweaver”.



(He really exists.) (Kawataro)



 He has not been in the limelight for a long time, and his name has been changed so often that many of my colleagues suspected that the guild had fabricated the name. I never thought I would see the day when I would meet the real one, and in this way.



“It’s an honor to meet you. Um… Mr. ‘It’s Still Good No Matter How Old You Are’?” (Kawataro)


“Hmph, that’s the name I had before. It’s a funny memory to have the character of testicles changed without permission.” (Balls)


“Right now, he ‘Dignified Fungal Balls’ pyon.” (Spooky)


“I see.” (Kawataro)



 I remember seeing such a name in a ranking I saw a few years ago. I remember laughing and wondering if he had changed his name again, or if he was still active.



 Although I am not very knowledgeable about the hunting industry these days, I have heard that we are in the midst of a generational shift in the last few years with the rise of young hunters, led by “Transcendent”.



(If he’s the genuine deal…) (Kawataro)


(He should be old enough to be retired by now.) (Kawataro)



 In front of me is a masked old man in a weird outfit. His nude body is emaciated like a mummy, and his skin has lost its luster. If it were only for his appearance, it would seem that he could be knocked down with a light poke.



 But–the unfathomable sense of intimidation that oozes from the depths of his leathery visage cannot be blocked by a flimsy cloak or turban.



 Neither I nor “Spooky” could block it.



 With each step the old man orbited by golden balls got closer, I stepped back the same distance, as if pushed by an invisible arm.



“Hehehe, there’s no need to be afraid. We won’t hurt any man who cowered in fear.” (Balls)



 Eight subordinates were made to faint in an instant without any sound. If what he said was true, the troops on the south side would have been hit in the same way.



“…‘Spooky’, are you okay?” (Kawataro)


“That’s right… I’m estimating the odds of winning, zero, pyon.” (Spooky)


“Eh–” (Kawataro)



 “Dignified Fungal Balls” spread his hands, and countless golden hypha balls spread out.



 “Spooky” immediately pulled out [Dagger] in both hands,


 I also aim a [White Bullet] in my hand at the opponent–



“–eh?” (Kawataro)



 I’m trying to flick my thumb,



“Since when–” (Kawataro)



 It was not a bullet,



“Were you under the illusion that it was your balls?” (Balls)



 I noticed that they had been replaced by golden hypha balls.


 As soon as I realized it, a sharp shock pierced my temples, chin, and nape of my neck.


 Without knowing what had happened, only my consciousness sank into the depths of darkness.





~3rd Person Perspective~



 The boy had no memory of my birthplace.


 As far as he could remember, his father had taken him wandering from place to place.



 It was in Meguro, where his father and he were staying to earn money when he was six years old, that his dormant demihuman nature was manifested.



 Although the demihuman population is small, it is said that a higher percentage of demihumans possess the qualities of good hunters than the normal “People of the Thread”. In closed communities, demihumans are often regarded with contempt and avoided called “metro filth,” but in Meguro, where the headquarters of the Hunters’ Guild is located, there was no way such discrimination could take place.



 Soon the boy was recruited by the guild, and he and his father were registered in the area. At the request of the general manager, who was eager to nurture his successor, he was educated by an exclusive teacher, and by the time he became an official member of the guild at the age of 15, he had surpassed the level of 30.



 At the headquarters in Meguro, where the best talents in the country gather, he steadily built up his abilities and achievements while hiding behind “Transcendent,” the monster of his generation.



 He has a clean mask and a dynamic fighting style. Above all, he has the peculiar charm of as a wererabbit. He was often ridiculed for his lack of popularity and ability, but by the time he made it to the top 15 in the country for the first time in his 12th year, he had lost all the jealousy.



 Even when he was an apprentice, and even after he became a top-class hunter. He was always fighting against the torment, frustration, and sometimes even the threat of death that came at him at every turn.



 But even so, compared to the rootless life of his childhood, compared to the drought, the cold, and the violence of his father, it felt like nothing.



 He was secretly proud of himself, saying that he was satisfied with his current life.



 He is respected both inside and outside of Meguro, and his work as a hunter is still rewarding, he has no problem with food, and even women are pursuing him. What more could a man want?



(If there really is such a thing as a “God of Threads”.) (Spooky)


(I can’t thank him enough.) (Spooky)



 The people who surround him, with their singing and dancing nickname of “Spooky” and their daily outlandish behavior, are nothing more than “the mask of Spooky”, the weirdo who plays the hero for the people. The real face hidden beneath the rabbit ears was that of an ordinary young man anywhere.



 That’s why he never thought that such a smooth sailing life as a hunter would come to an abrupt end.




 —Your true hometown was—



 He was brought to his father’s deathbed, a last-minute confession, and a subsequent encounter with a man who claimed to be from the “Cross Border Brigade”.



 He decided to leave everything he had built up and turn against the people who had raised and loved him for the sake of the “survivors of his hometown (Hikifune Village)”.



 Spooky’s eyes widened as he saw Kawataro crumble to the ground in front of the onrushing rain of hypha balls.



 He spotted the approaching hypha balls with his red eyes and his rabbit ears and intercepted them with his two-handed [daggers]. A deafening clash of explosions in the air surrounds him.



 His hand that swung with the force of cutting down everything does not feel his success. The golden barrage is pushed back, creating only a small gap.



“Tsk!” (Spooky)



(I’m scared.) (Spooky)


(If I retreat, we lose.) (Spooky)



 A moment later, he leaps forward with his conviction. In the blink of an eye, he closes the distance, grazing his opponent’s body, and cuts the upper part of his opponent’s head. The eyes of Dignified Fungal Balls peeking through the bandage caught his gaze.



“Pyon!” (Spooky)



 The [Dagger], which was swung down with its entire weight on it, was blocked by a golden curtain shrieking as they collide.



“This one.” (Spooky)



 Before it lands, the curtain suddenly changes its shape and approaches him. Just before being surrounded by the dangerous curtain, “Spooky” kicked the curtain, flipped backwards, and jumped sideways as soon as he landed.



 Accelerating to maximum speed from the first step, “Spooky” jumped into the shade of a tree.



(It’s coming.) (Spooky)



 Like a swarm of insects with a mind of their own, the golden pebbles follow “Spooky” with precision.



(Then–) (Spooky)



 A mere beat of stillness, then re-acceleration.


 Like a monkey, he kicks up to the next tree, then down the trunk to another.



 Without stopping, he sprints through the air at high speed, in order to shake off the hypha balls that are chasing him.



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