Metro Labyrinth Chapter 162.1: Slime Raid

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~Kure’s Perspective~



 There is a little-known theory.



 Animals that have definite roots before the “Tokyo Judgment” are thought to have evolved through the action of Super Fungi. But where did slimes, golems, and other “beasts whose shape and ecology, among other things, are distinctly different from normal animals,” come from?



 Could it be that some of these Metro Beasts were created by the Metro itself?



 In a sense, this is an outlandish hypothesis, but to date there has been no clear denial or confirmation of it. There is no evidence to support it, and there is not enough material to declare it as a load of nonsense.



(Honestly, it was a good hypothesis.) (Kure)



 However, through my experience in Ouji Metro and my adventures with Abe Shuu and his friends, I had been exposed to the mysteries surrounding this country, and I myself was becoming somewhat interested in such things. It was a change that would have been unthinkable for me when all I cared about was martial arts and becoming strong.



(…so.) (Kure)



“Why are they here?” (Kure)



 A giant slime with a height of 7.8 meters. It was right in front of me.



(Yeah, this one is crazy-looking.) (Kure)



 There is probably no other creature whose size is in proportion to its threat level as much as a slime. Including the famous Satan Slime of Outsuka Metro, bloated individuals classified as so-called “super-size slimes” have been treated as boss creatures in every metro.



 Above all, one can intuitively understand that the level of the slime in front of us is not ordinary. Even if I don’t have eyes like Tamiko’s.



“…we’re surrounded.” (Kure)



 I muttered. The [Indestructible Sword] is already pulled out and in Yoshitsune’s hand.



“…aren’t we?” (Kure)



 I also had my [White Armor] under my jersey.



 They come down from the ceiling.


 Oozing out from the gap in the walls.


 Creatures crawling out of cracks in the ground.



 Countless medium-sized slimes surround me and the diversion team. I felt the inorganic killing intent of these faceless, headless beasts being directed at him.



“Hey, do you know?” (Balls)



 The one who took a step forward was “Dignified Fungal Ball”.



“There used to be a saying in the world: ‘Conflict only occurs between those who are on the same level’. I am the only one who has what it takes to stand up to the big guy. You weaklings can go take care of the small fries.” (Balls)


“But Mr. Dignified Fungal Balls, it seems they are rather too weak…?” (Kure)



 Although I was glared at like an enemy of his parents for my careless words, I decided to follow the words of my superior. Leaving the gigantic slime to Fungal Balls, I pointed my fist at the other slimes.



 For a [Fighter’] hunter who didn’t have a hypha weapon or a hypha ball, a slime, a mass of acidic bodily fluids, are my natural enemy.



 In addition, for me, who has sealed my fists dues to my beliefs, I had no choice but to “throw them against the wall or floor or crush them”, so they are a particularly troublesome opponent.



 However, that is a story of the past.



“Shuu.” (Kure)



 Closing the distance in one breath with a stance that erases the preliminary movement.



(Just a touch.) (Kure)



 It only takes a moment to touch. In that instant, the flow of information from the body to the shoulder, to the elbow, and to the palm of the hand, is twisted all at once.



“–[Booty].” (Kure)



 The energy passed through the layers of fluid, destroyed the internal organs, and penetrated to the backside. The fluid spurts out and shrivels up and spreads out like a jellyfish washed up on land.



“That’s a scary move, no matter how many times I see it.” (Yoshitsune)



 Yoshitsune, with a lighthearted grin on his face, uses his sword to reap the slime. It is impossible to keep slaying slimes with an ordinary hypha weapon, but the [Indestructible Sword] is strong against dissolution.



“Yes, by adding a spiral movement to the energy penetration of the [Booty]. At the moment of impact, I twist my whole arm like this (blasts another slime) and, you know, the energy swirls around to increase the penetration. Amazing, isn’t it, my [Booty]? I’m still improving my weapon!” (Kure)


“Huh.” (Yoshitsune)



 As As for the other members, they are indeed a group of martial artists, and even against a large number of opponents, they are able to form a proper formation around Sudou and steadily deal with the situation. There seemed to be no fear of falling apart.



(After all, the main goal is…) (Kure)



 I dared to keep my distance so as not to get in the way, but if I’m lucky, I’d like to fight myself. A great chance to stand shoulder to shoulder with my beloved Abe Shuu in both name and reality–I turned around and unconsciously said, [T/N: Beside him, really? I thought it would be behind Shuu.]



“…seriously?” (Kure)



 The super-size slime stopped moving. It’s like it became a statue.



 Just when I was thinking, it suddenly started jiggling, and the top part burst. Countless golden hypha balls broke through from the inside.



“Hmph. Even if they dive into the corrosive liquid, or if they grow old and wrinkle, they will never lose their luster—they are true golden balls.” (Balls)



(You know, that’s the one that almost killed Shuu in his Outsuka Metro days.) (Kure)



 Of course, there would be individual differences and level differences, but from the pressure I experienced, he must have been around level 60. It took him less than a minute and he casually defeated it… as expected from the strongest ball skill user in New Tokyo.



“Oh, are you okay? It looks like you’re all done.” (Balls)



 Saying that, Sudou rushed over.



“Mr. Sudou, this is different from what you said.” (Kure)



 I didn’t expect a battle in a place like this. It’s not that it’s a bad thing per se, but if you do it this flashy, it can’t be helped that the guys in the lower floors will notice our intrusion.



“No… there’s never been a sighting report of slimes before. Let alone a super-sized individual appearing on such a shallow floor…” (Sudou)


“If that’s the case… that self-proclaimed Tsuruhashi…” (Kure)


“No.” (Balls)



 The one who interrupted me was Fungal Balls.



“The blue beast he uses is not the same as the slime he just saw. I, who actually faced them, know.” (Balls)


“I’m sure–” Yoshitsune said. “I heard that the blue beasts exterminated by Sugamo didn’t have sporangium. I haven’t actually seen them.”



 Bending down, he cut open a shriveled slime carcass with the tip of his [Indestructible Sword], which had shrunk like a deflated balloon.


 Inside the grotesque guts, there was indeed sporangium.



“…then do these creatures come out of the metro?” (Kure)



 With this timing?


 Is there such a coincidence?



“No, that’s not possible either.” (Balls)



 Fungal Balls shook his head again.



“I have a bad feeling about it. Look, my crotch has been tensed since we entered, and my they have retreated to my body like this.” (Balls)


“You don’t have to take your clothes off.” (Yoshitsune)



“In times like this, bad things usually happen. Let’s hurry ahead. I must quickly bring the doggie back and get back into the hot spring.” (Balls)



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