Metro Labyrinth Chapter 167.2: A Room With A Fireplace

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 The only thing I vaguely knew was that those two beings held the key to the secret of this new world. I had no idea that they were the very source of the world’s collapse.



“They are simply put… they are ‘the gods who created this mycelium-encrusted world,’ and I am the god’s spawn. How’s that for a connection to my initial floundering monologue?” (Ryousho)


“If that’s true… you have the same level of responsibility as them, aren’t you?” (Shuu)


“It depends on how you think about it. There’s a lot of nuance about it. And there’s no point in turning your animosity on me now, for I’m already dead.” (Ryousho)



 I couldn’t do anything but tightly clench my fist in front of my chest.



“Where… are they now?” (Shuu)


“…Unfortunately, I can’t answer that.” (Ryousho)


“Why?” (Shuu)


“Touching God oneself is not always good news for mankind. Oddly enough, that’s been told in myths all over the world. They are not necessarily the ones to oppose. It’s up to you, the people of today, to decide if they’re going to be the final final boss or the saviors of this world.” (Rousho)



 I don’t know. I have no idea.



“And you–I’m sorry to bring you back to reality, but the one you need to defeat is right in front of you. He is your enemy for the survival of the species, and there is no future for the ‘People of the Thread’ other than victory. As a former one, I am full of support for you, but there is nothing else I can do for you.” (Ryousho)



 *Static noise* Suddenly, a noise like a jittery noise flashed in front of my eyes. After blinking a few times, the noise subsides and the room returns to its original quiet state.



“…Well, the connection seems to be getting unstable. We only have a few minutes left… so what do you say we check on the movements of your friends who have been going their separate ways?” (Ryousho)


“Can you do that?” (Shuu)


“Like I said, I’m connected to the Mycelial Network. Searching to that extent is a no-brainer.”



  Ryosho holds up his hand and a rectangular screen appears in front of the bookshelf. As for me, I was no longer surprised, or rather, Tsuruhashi already did something similar.



“Well, I would have been happy to have any number of reactions of surprise. Anyway, let’s start with your most precious girls. Let’s rewind time a little.” (Ryousho)





~3rd Person Perspective~



“It’s a total, complete crap.” (Maria)



 Nakano Metro shallow layer, northwest. Behind Noa and Tamiko, who were walking with a map in their hand, Hakuou Maria was walking slowly.



“It’s fine to split up, but taking care of a brat and a furball, I’d be better off on my own.” (Maria)


“Sis, you’re awfully quiet?” (Noa)


“Leaving her alone, squeak. Mewnaupause is a delicate time, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“Did you say something, little sh*t?” (Maria)



 Hakuou regretted that she should have complained more when they were divided into teams. If it’s not with her sister, it doesn’t matter if she is with anyone else… A level 30 brat and a carbuncle that isn’t suitable for battle, this way of dividing it is too much of a burden.



“You guys, if something happens, protect yourself.” (Maria)


“But I’ll do my best.” (Noa)


“Leave it to me, squeak. I’ll protect Noa and Granny, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“Oh, you’ve got a lot of big talk. You’re nothing, don’t expect being protected by my Holy Silver Puppets.” (Maria)


“Of course, I will, squeak.” (Tamiko)



 Tamiko turned around and beat her chest.



“I’m the ‘Legendary Carbuncle’, squeak.” (Tamiko)







“…Oh, we’ve arrived. It’s the fifteenth one over there.” (Noa)



 Noa pointed to a huge root of a tree that went from the ceiling to the floor. It was the root of the sacred tree.



“This is the fifth root. That’s not a good pace.” (Maria)


“Thak you, Ms. Hakuou.” (Noa)


“Heh, you’re really a handful.” (Maria)



 While muttering, Hakuou produces a white thread from the palm of her hand. The white threads form the mycelium doll [Makina – Magic Woman].



“Shall we get on with it?” (Noa)


“I can do it even with just my hands, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“How long will a rat like you take?” (Maria)



 The [Magic Woman] moved quickly and slammed the hypha weapon [Axe Spear] into the roots. The blade bites into it like a log, and the cloudy white sap spurts out. The smell of the sap, which seemed to be dozens of times denser after the rain, filled the air, and Tamiko frowned, “Ugh, squeak.”



 *Chop**Chop* The [Axe Spear] digs into the roots again and again like a lumberjack. If it were alive, even a hunter would be fed up with this hard work, but the hypha doll is not fatigued.



 It continued to slash at it without a break, and finally succeeded in cutting it into two pieces after about ten minutes.



“Phew… If I do this over and over again, I’ll get tired. Little girl, water and steamed buns.” (Maria)


“Here, thank you for your hard work.” (Noa)


“Thank you, *nomnom*.” (Maria)


“I have acorns too.” (Noa)


“Thank you, *nibble-nible*” (Tamiko)


(—Can you hear me, you small fries) (Voice)


“”!!!”” (Girls)



 The voices reached all three ears at the same time.



“…it is creepy no matter how many times I hear it.” (Maria)



 It’s a hypha earplug planted in the ear, the Fungal Skill [Whisper] of the fake Tsuruhashi Minato. The principle is not clear, but it is said that through this it is possible to send a voice directly to someone far away.



“Watanabe is just around the corner, and there’s still ten minutes left before the battle begins. There will probably be a lot of enemies in that metro as well. Quickly withdraw small fries whose quota has been cleared by more than 80%. In about an hour, we’ll move on to the final step. If you are still in the metro, I can’t guarantee your life, so please be prepared for that. That’s all–” (Voice => Tsuruhashi)



 *Poof*, the voice wass cut off and it became quiet.



“…what is the final step?” (Maria)


“He didn’t tell us.” (Noa)



 The fake Tsuruhashi’s strategy is to damage the roots of the tree to increase the spread of the tree’s beast repellent properties and slow down the momentum of Watanabe’s army.



 It is well known that the “Super Phytoncide” [T/N: a.k.a. repellent.] emitted by certain mycelium plants can calm down ferocious metro beasts, but the effect of the Sacred Tree is said to be far more potent than any other. Hakuou understands that it is a kind of “harassment to make the war a little more advantageous”.



“Little girl, how is our quota?” (Maria)


“We’re twenty, so one more and we are exactly 80%.” (Noa)



 The five teams working on the operation are the Hakuou team, the Kure team, the Giran team, the Diana team, and Dignified Fungal Ball is acting alone. The five teams were divided into five groups, each targeting only the “main roots” designated by Suzuki, who knows the metro and the sacred tree very well.



“Well, 80% is a good level. It’s time to go, let’s head for the exit.” (Noa)



 According to the map, there was a hidden exit to the north of Nakano Village, where they would not be caught in the monster war as soon as they left.



“Is this alright?” (Noa)


“That guy’s last strategy is nothing good anyway. It’s a loss just to get involved, so I’m going to get rid of it quickly.” (Maria)


“—Quiet, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“Huh?” (Maria)



 Tamiko’s voice was sharper than ever. The little ears twitched.



“…I can hear, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“What–” (Noa)


“Coming, squeak!” (Tamiko)



 Boom! and the bedrock was blown away.



“…an encounter.” (Noa)



 It crawled and appeared,



“A lively looking soul, let’s eat.” (Conductor)



 A humanoid monster with no skin or hair–it was Watanabe’s avatar, a “Conductor”.



A/N: I hope to update this story somewhere next week. Stay tuned.


Volume 3 of the “Metro Labyrinth” manga version will be released on December 1st. The cover of the manga version seems to be mainly about the other heroine. She is so cute that I won’t be able to say she is a shadow of the first one.


The manga is also supposed to include past chapters of Mom and Tamiko, which have not been published in the web novel version. There seems to be a purchase bonus as well, so please check Comic Fire for details.



Once everything settles down, I’ll buy Tactics Ogre…



T/N: Bought Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, PSP version is the better copy. Latest version is not bad since I can play it on my laptop.



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