Metro Labyrinth Chapter 170: “The Transcendent”

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~Kure’s Perspective~



“–Yoshitsune, do you know about the game called baseball? It was one of the games that was very popular among the people when this country was still called Japan. Senju Tribe, where I was born and raised, it was a staple of children’s park games. Simply put, it is a game of hitting a thrown ball with a bat. You hit the ball with the bat.” (Kure)


“Why did you say it twice?” (Yoshitsune)


“In Japan, there were some highly paid professional baseball players who made their living playing this game, and it was so popular that world tournaments were held with countries across the sea. Sometimes, the size of the buttocks was considered important as an indicator of whether or not a person had potential as a professional athlete. Do you know what I mean? In order to throw an eye-popping fastball or hit it back over the horizon… such a performance requires enormous power that is linked from the lower half of the body to the rest of the body. Yoshitsune, do you understand? In other words, baseball is a complex competition between well-trained men who clash with each other’s buttocks and pride.” (Kure)



~Shuu’s Perspective~



“Mr. Ryousho, can I have you fast-forward from this point?” (Shuu)


“Abe, were you interested in baseball? I was born in Tokyo and am a Hanshin fan. One of my regrets in life is that I didn’t get to see the Hanshin win the championship at the end of the Heisei era. Even now, I sometimes see it in my dreams. …If the new year had come without incident, I wonder if I would have been able to see a Hanshin victory before I lived out my natural life.” (Ryousho)


“I guess it’s impossible (Giants fan).” (Shuu)



~Kure’s Perspective~




 The sharp conical arm tip, like an assault spear, extends out while spinning at high speed.



 Unable to block or parry, I dodged it by diving close to the ground. I clamp my hands around the opponent’s ankles, flip, and take to his back.



“Kya!” (Conductor)



 With a strange cry, the “Conductor” pulls back its arm and pushes it behind its back.


 Kure pushes his arm down. Lifting the chin of the person leaning forward,



“Entering Throw.” (Kure)



 Slams the back of the head into the ground. As if his tongue had been cut, black blood overflowed from the “Conductor’s” mouth.




“—from–” (Kure)



 The frightened opponent is rolled onto his face,



“Kure-style Life or Death Technique [Choke Hold].” (Kure)



 I wrap my outstretched arms around its neck and strangle it from behind. By the way, it was improvised.



“You guys don’t have any joints, but you seem to have brains.” (Kure)


“G-Gigi…!” (Conductor)



 The “Conductor” flapped its legs and struggled, but I held it back with my knees and controlled my opponent’s movements.



“Gyaaaaah!” (Conductor)



 With a snap, an arm was torn off. No, it cut it off of its own will.



“Tsk—” (Kure)



 I throw the arm away, and in that moment he slips out of the restraints.


 It changes its left arm into a spear and attacks.


 So, I also attack head-on. The base of the rotating spear, I flip its wrist with a hand chop,



“This one is mine–” (Kure)



 The impact pierces from its chest plate to its back. The impulse of the attack doubles the force of the impact. The name of the attack,



“—[Flying Dragon Booty]!” (Kure)


“…Gaffu…” (Conductor)



 The “Conductor” spurts fluid from every hole in his face and collapses in a heap. He wilts like a withered old man and falls completely silent–



“Phew… it’s finished, Yoshitsune.” (Kure)


“It took a while. The roots have already been cut.” (Yoshitsune)



 Yoshitsune said as he shook off the sap from his [Indestructible Sword]. At his feet lay the corpse of the metro beasts that the “Conductor” was commanding.



“*Cough*, *cough*, *cough*…” (Yoshitsune)


“Are you okay?” (Kure)



 It appears to be an attack of his chronic illness, Metro Asthma.



“*Cough*… Hmm… It’s okay, excuse me for a moment.” (Yoshitsune)



 Yoshitsune takes a pouch out of his bag, puts it to his mouth, and breathes in. The bag contains leaves, which seems like a bad idea, but it’s a Vapor Mint that relieves the symptoms of Metro Asthma.



“Huh… I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. Can we take a break for a while? I’d like to have some of these guys’ sporangia.” (Yoshitsune)


“I don’t mind, there’s still time.” (Kure)



 While his face was a little pale, Yoshitsune began to dismantle the beasts with great enthusiasm. The “Conductor,” which is also humanoid in shape, is not missed either.



“This ‘Conductor’ is clearly using a hunter’s Fungal Skills.” (Yoshitsune)


“I guess it’s an avatar that grew out of a human sporangium. If that is the case, is the sporangium of the conductor really human or beast. This is a bit of a philosophical question.” (Kure)


“*Nomnom*…I feel like it’s really a really powerful one though.” (Yoshitsune)



 I also got one. I have never experienced cannibalism, but I do feel like it is becoming part of my own flesh and blood just like any other beast. Even if the base was human, they would have been transformed by Watanabe when they were reborn as a “Conductor” like this.



“*Nomnom*… I am amazed at Yoshitsune’s insatiable appetite for leveling even at a time like this. I must learn from you. *Nomnom*” (Kure)



 Yoshitsune, who has Metro Asthma, cannot hunt freely in the Metro. The quantity and quality of the beasts on the surface are not good enough, so he can’t help but crave for the sporangia of his powerful enemies.



“Well, *nomnom*… If I don’t do that, I won’t be able to catch up… *nomnom*.” (Yoshitsune)


“*Nomnom*… The person you’re aiming for… Oh, you’re talking about your brother, right?” (Kure)



 The chewing suddenly stops. Yoshitsune furrowed his brow and shook his head slightly.



“…My goal may be a little different, though.”





~Yoshitsune’s Perspective~



 After finishing our meal, the two of us decided to head to the next point.



“Um… where is this place…?” (Yoshitsune)



 Before I spread out the map,



“It’s a little south-southeast of the previous point, ‘He-13,’ and I think the next closest point from here is ‘Ro-9.’” (Kure)



 When I checked, I found out that Kure was right.



“…I know I keep saying the same thing over and over again, but when I look at you, Kure, I feel ashamed to be called a genius.”



 He memorized the entire map, which is as complicated and random as a child’s doodle, at the first glance. And he could devise the shortest route to the next destination anywhere he went in seconds.



“The scale and perspective of that map have been beautifully reproduced. The people at Nakano must have researched every nook and cranny of this metro. Well… Is that the work of the real Sect Leader?” (Kure)


“Not the residents, but that Beast King? Why do you think that?” (Yoshitsune)



 Kure gave a small twist of his head and shrugged vaguely, “Well, sort of.”



“Anyway, our quota is twenty-two roots, and the number of roots we have processed so far is nineteen. We’ve already met that man’s minimum of 80%, but I think we can get one more root done in time. How are you feeling, Yoshitsune?” (Kure)


“It’s okay. The attacks are still mild, and the mint is working. Now that you’ve come this far, we should be able to complete our quota.” (Yoshitsune)


“No… Let’s just finish the next one and get out of here. Your physical condition is one thing, but before that…” (Kure)



 Kure looks up at the ceiling.



“The great monster war has already begun on the surface. Our role is to damage the Sacred Tree and have it secrete excessive amounts of ‘Super Phytoncide’, slowing down their advance and morale.” (Kure)


“After that, we’ll move on to the final operation, so get the out of here fast, right?” (Yoshitsune)


“The reason he didn’t tell us the details was probably because he was afraid that the enemy would absorb all that knowledge. I suspect that the man’s true goal is that ‘final step’.” (Kure)


“It makes sense, but… What is the plan?” (Yoshitsune)



 Kure paused for a moment before answering.



“…I have a few ideas, but it might be better not to say them. In any case, it seems better to evacuate as soon as possible. I want to rush to Shuu as soon as possible.” (Kure) 



 The dead end that we reached, this is “Ro-9”.



“This again… It looks like it’s going to be a bit of a pain.” (Kure)



 Once again, huge roots were exposed. It’s noticeably thicker and sturdier than before. The stuffy atmosphere that is unique to the Sacred Tree is even stronger. Looking up, Yoshitsune creates his [Indestructible Sword].



“Could you please keep an eye around us, Mr. Kure?” (Yoshitsune)


“……” (Kure)


“Mr. Kure?” (Yoshitsune)



 He did not answer my request. He put his hand on his chin and remained rigid as he looked up at the roots. As if diving deep in thoughts.



“…Is that it…” (Kure)


“Eh?” (Yoshtitsune)


“…well, let me make think… If I were him, I’d go with a ‘bridge’…” (Kure)


“Mr. Kure? Hello?” (Yoshitsune)



 When I briefly interrupted his gaze with my hand, Kure finally came back to his senses.



“Is there something that bothers you?” (Yoshitsune)


“No… Let’s finish our business here first. Then–” (Kure)


“Hi.” (Voice)



 At our feet,


 A face suddenly appeared.



“–!” (Yoshitsune)



 The two of us move to attack at the same time,


 Before we could, a blade appeared from the ground, aiming at us.



“Tsk.” (Yoshitsune)



 As they jumped back, the owner of the face crawled out of the ground like a worm and stood up. A naked, humanoid monster—a “Conductor”.



“That face… it looks familiar.” (Kure)


“I don’t know how you can tell the faces apart… I remember that arm.” (Yoshitsune)



 The arm that is transformed into a huge blade – the one that cut off Sudou’s arm when they appeared in the hidden metro.



“I remember you too. Bountiful souls.” (Conductor)



 *Thump*, *thump*, the metro beast appears from underground or from the wall. The lineup includes familiar yet diverse faces, from goblins to ogres.



“Now, Yoshitsune, let’s play the customary game of rock-paper-scissors. The winner gets the boss, and the loser is the small fries…” (Kure)



 Kure was about to speak, but I stopped him with the [Indestructible Sword].



“I’m sorry, Mr. Kure. I can’t give up on this one, I have something important to do.” (Yoshitsune)


“……” (Kure)



 After making eye contact for about two seconds, Kure nodded with a wry smile.



“There’s nothing I can do then. I’ll accept your determination. I’ll use the rest as my experimental samples to complete ‘Dragon Booty’ and ‘Diamond Booty’.” (Kure)



 Kure jumps towards the beasts with a click of his tongue. I directed my killing intent and pinned the “Conductor” to the spot, and as expected, it was wary of Yoshitsune and did not move.



“…Can I ask you one thing before I kill you?” (Yoshitsune)


“I am impossible to kill, but what is it?” (Conductor)


“Do you have any memories of the person you were made from? Or… Do you know me?” (Yoshitsune)



 This monster–he was using a sword that I knew well.


 My brother, the strongest man in the hunter’s guild, “The Transcendent” Kang Jubei.



(The Beast King’s invasion has begun.) (Yoshitsune)



 Watanabe, who has been contained by the hunters from Meguro headquarters for decades, is about to go to the ground and invade here. It is more natural to think that the siege network has already collapsed.



 In that case, what about my brother?


 Isn’t this monster in front of me the final form of that person?



“……” (Conductor)



 The “Conductor’s” eyes widened, and it tilted its head in confusion.



“…I don’t understand the question. I am me, I am one me, part of all me. As for you—you are a soul that is making me impatient and drool, and that’s all that matters to me.” (Conductor)



 Does that mean he has no memories of his life?



 I snorted a little,



“…Well, that’s all right. I’ll know when our swords clash.” (Yoshitsune)



 I pointed the tip of the black sword straight ahead.



“If you’re my brother, it’ll save me a lot of trouble. I–I’ve been honing this sword so that I can surpass the strongest hunter someday.” (Yoshitsune)



A/N: The next update will be on 9/28 (probably). Thank you for your cooperation.

Also, “Volume 4 of the Manga” will be released on September 29. There is a squirrel on the cover! A cat! A pig uncle on the cover!

You can pre-order it now at stores.



The following is a ramble:


The story of how I received a warning from the God of Balls.

As a reminder to myself and for your health awareness.


Yesterday, I visited a local urologist.

For the past week or so, I have had a faint dull pain in my right balls from time to time. I wondered what it was, and last night I did a self-check in the bath,


I found a mysterious lump in my right balls. I was shocked.


I hurriedly looked it up on the Internet and found many names for it. Among them, there was one word that would send this author into despair:

Testicular cancer.


My spine froze. I could hardly sleep that night.


The next morning, I went straight to the hospital. The doctor palpated me, applied gel, took an ultrasound, and gave me a diagnosis,



The doctor said it was like a “cold in the testicles,” which causes inflammation at the top of the testicles. The doctor said it was a common disease and that it would go away if I left it alone (although the lump might remain).


I had seen the name of the disease when I googled it, but the symptoms of “accompanied by fever” did not apply to me.

When I asked the doctor about it, he replied, “There are many cases, both chronic and acute, in which there is no fever.” If you are worried about it, see a doctor. Anyway, I was relieved that it was not testicular cancer.


Perhaps it was a warning from the God of Balls, or perhaps it was just my bad luck that I had written about testicles in a funny way in this article. From now on, I will change my mind and live my life while taking good care of my testicles.

Testicular cancer is a very rare disease, but it is also a frightening disease because it has few symptoms and progresses so quickly that it is difficult to notice on your own.


I hope you, the readers, will occasionally palpate your testicles and listen to the voice of your balls.



T/N: This is so scary. I have family members from my father’s side who had prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Most of them got them in their retirement age but testicular cancer is more common in younger males. So, I know how it is important to check for lumps. I don’t want to lose any of my buds. Boys check your balls occasionally, especially if you have family history of the disease.



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