Metro Labyrinth Chapter 171.1: School

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~Yoshitsune’s Perspective~



 What is the “probability” of inheritance of Fungal Skills, Fungal Abilities, or the demihuman trait?



 Since statistically there are many cases in which the parents’ Fungal Class or Skill matches the children’s Fungal Class or Skill, the genetic factor has not been completely ruled out. However, there are still those who claim that it is a trick of the divine or completely random based on those factors as well. In any case, no evidence has been found for the existence of any laws.



 If everything is a coincidence, what is the probability that “the same parents will give birth to brothers who are over level 30 and a Fungal Genius?”



 And the fact that only the younger brother was born with an incurable disease rejected by the Metro is too unreasonable, no matter whose mischief it is.



“–are you okay, Yoshitsune?” (Kure)



 My older brother, who was seven years apart, was a kind person.



 The only thing I remember from my childhood is my brother’s face, always peeking at me with concern. He was following me,



(Don’t pay attention to me.) (Yoshitsune)


(Don’t look at me with those pitying eyes.) (Yoshitsune)



 I had always felt that way.



 From an early age, Jubei was praised as a child prodigy, and by the time he became an official hunter, he was beating all the other master hunters at the headquarters. It did not take long for him to eventually become the number one hunter in Meguro Headquarters and the number one hunter in the whole country.



 –The level limit for the High Rank Fungal Classes was around the mid-80s. No one has decided so, but the fact is that no one except for the “Master Threadweavers” has ever been able to reach level 90.



 Tougo Adom, the second generation Commander of the Hunter’s Guild, “Dignified Fungal Ball,” and Diana Wanda, the “Queen Spider”… The “level 90 barrier” that no one, not even the fiercest hunters at the top of the hunting world, had ever been able to surpass.



 Kang Jubei was the first to surpass that.


 Therefore, people came to call him “The Transcendent”.





 Whenever we clashed blades violently, my arms creaked to the bone, and my hand gripping the black sword spurted blood.



“……!” (Yoshitsune)



 An overhead down slash, a front kick after daring the opponent to receive it, and a double backspin cleave. My molars are chipped as I receive using the black sword.



 The blade is the shape of a large dagger, with the tip changing from the forearm to the tip.



 The weight of each blow is not half as heavy as the other. It is not only due to the opponent’s physical strength, but also to the coordination of all the muscles in his body, his own weight, and centrifugal force, all of which are combined to produce the result.



“Hyuu!” (Yoshitsune)



 The “Conductor” takes a small leap forward, swings down, and then slashes up using the recoil of hitting the ground.



 I jumped back diagonally and was chased by a horizontal thrust. Unable to avoid it, my chest was gouged slightly.



 From the outside, it may look like a rough, forceful attack, but from the receiving end, it is not that simple. Each attack is seamlessly connected, threatening as if several huge beasts were leaping at me all at once.



(This sword stroke, there is no doubt about it.) (Yoshitsune)


(–it’s Tougo-style.) (Yoshitsune)



 Tougo Adom, the Commander of the Hunter’s Guild, compiled this unique “Dragon-Hunting-Focused” swordsmanship system to hunt the dragons that inhabit the giant and mighty “Dragon’s Mushroom Den”. It is the swordsmanship school that has produced the greatest number of masters in the Meguro Headquarters.



(This thing, as expected–) (Yoshitsune)



 Many active hunters were disciples, including the “The Transcendent” Kang Jubei.



(This thing is strong.) (Yoshitsune)



 It is unclear to what extent he is able to reproduce the accuracy of the original, but his technique is at least as sharp as those of the Tougo-style with which I have been competing in the field. Before that, the difference in physical ability is too great, probably not even within 10 levels.



“Gah…” (Yoshitsune)



 I was being pushed more and more just by receiving attacks.


 The moment I was forced with my back against the wall and had nowhere to run–



“Now, let me take your soul.” (Conductor)



 A cut runs straight down the neck of the “conductor,” and bodily fluid sprays out.



“What?” (Conductor)


“Oh, that’s effective!” (Yoshitsune)



 The tip of the cut rips through its cheek up to its ear. Without a pause, a fine slash cuts through its entire body.



“Gee!” (Conductor)



 The blade is interrupted by the force of a slash. The slash is a very powerful swing from directly above, and I caught it from the front, sliding forward on the blade, pushing the blade with the tip and cleaves the torso.



“—Seventh Stance, Dark Night.” (Yoshitsune)



 It was a completely unknown school of swordsmanship.



 I was from Torafu Isshin, once a promising hunter at the Meguro Headquarters, he abandoned the world and retreated to the forest, pursuing a style of that was out of sync with the times.



 His dream is to become the greatest swordsman in the world.



 He has sharpened his sword, throwing everything away, covered in blood and vomit, and grinding his soul, in order to slay all other swordsmen.



 In other words, it is a murderous sword that specializes in fighting people.


 Confronting the beast is the way of man. Therefore, it is the skill of an eccentric person who is not looked up to by anyone.



 More than ten years after the man’s death, a boy with natural disposition who shares the same ambition as the man found his book of secrets, which was just waiting to rot away in a dull corner of the forest, by necessity or mad obsession.



 The name of that school of martial arts is—Torafu-style.



“Third Stance, Recall.” (Yoshitsune)



 I sent triple horizontal thrust. Before the opponent can swing its sword, I pierced its neck, chest, and abdomen.



“Gufu!” (Conductor)



 Even a monster, as expected, was frightened and took a sharp step back.



“I’m not sure if you’ve absorbed all that knowledge. The Tougo-style is a little overkill for slaying a man, you know. I’m not joking.” (Yoshitsune)



 It is a hunter’s sword for fighting large beasts and large muscular foes, an offensive style that connects with a flowing combo of powerful strikes. It is not something that can be taken on the receiving end, but the gap is still large.



 On the other hand, Torafu-style is a form of swordsmanship that assumes a person holding a sword. It is possible to kill a person just by inserting the tip of the sword a few centimeters into the brain, even if you don’t split it open from the top of the brain.



“…I was finally able to say that it doesn’t work. It’s refreshing.” (Yoshitsune)



 The “Conductor” shook like a dog, and the wounds that had been inflicted with many slashes were instantly sealed.



“Could the same be said if his neck and torso were separated?” (Yoshitsune)



 The difference in physical ability is obvious… yet in this situation where two people of similar physique are cutting each other, the Torafu-style is clearly superior to the Tougo-style. The Torafu-style is a sword art that was originally created because of the founder’s obsession with defeating the Tougo-style that had banished him.



“Use it, your other Fungal Skills.” (Yoshitsune)



 My current outlook on winning is 50/50. It goes without saying that the odds of winning are higher if we continue to fight each other using swordsmanship alone.



 However, that doesn’t allow me to confirm an important thing.



“What pride can a monster have in itself.” (Yoshitsune)



 The “Conductor” stiffened for a moment and then the corner of its mouth twisted into a grin.



“…Hehe, that’s certainly true. I don’t know why I’d forgotten about it myself. Is this what I call stubbornness? Or is it the soul that shapes me…” (Conductor)



I am trying not to miss any opportunity to make a move on the “Conductor” who is muttering. In the background, Kure seems to be having a fierce battle with the metro beasts a short distance away, and I can hear him yelling with conviction, “Taste my ‘Booty!” There seems to be no danger of us needing to get into each other’s business.



“……well, whatever.” (Conductor)



 I thought that the “Conductor” had gradually become weak,



“Huh!?” (Yoshitsune)



 The [Indestructible Sword] immediately received an attack and a loud screech screams.




As its name suggests, every time the “Conductor” swings its arms, the air splits, and a shock runs through my defending hands.



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