Metro Labyrinth Chapter 173.2: Words Left Behind

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“…Mr. Sudou…” (Shuu)



 Unable to watch any longer, I took my gaze off the screen and my head just went slack.



 Sudou Butler is the deputy captain of the Nakano Security. A nice guy with a baritone voice who calls himself Diana’s complete slave.



 Although I did not have much opportunity to exchange words with Diana, she seemed to be well-liked by him and the other members of the group. It was only yesterday that he lost his right arm to the “Conductor,” and yet he remained in Nakano to fight and, most of all, for Diana.



“Looks like you’ve lost a dear friend.” (Ryousho)


“Yes, we did.” (Shuu)


“Hey, I’m so embarrassed, haha.” (Butler)


““……”” (Shuu & Ryousho)



 When Ryousho and I gingerly turned around,



“M-Mr. S-Sudou…!?” (Shuu)



 The two of us jump in shock. He was standing behind me.



 He was supposed to be dead, but he was still standing there, looking completely fine, folding his arms. His lost right arm is also there.



“Well, I was not scared… I wasn’t… Hmm, this is a surprise.” (Ryousho)



 Ryousho pretends to observe calmly with his hand over his heart. He seemed to be quite scared.



“You’ve been following the mycelial network, but how did you find these coordinates… I see, you were pulled by us…” (Ryousho)


“I don’t really understand… I mean, is this the afterlife? (Butler)


“Eh?” (Shuu)


“Because… I died, right? You saw it reflected there, the way I died.” (Butler)



 The fact that Sudou is so casual about it is rather disconcerting.



“No, if that’s the case… are you dead too, ‘Hero of Sugamo’?” (Butlerr) [T/N: I edited it to Sugamo instead of Akabanesince he was talking about Shuu.]


“Well…” (Shuu)


“No, half of it is wrong,” Ryousho said. “This is not what you would call an afterlife, and Abe isn’t dead yet. However, it’s a little confusing since you and I are definitely dead.”


“I see. I don’t really understand, but am I already dead, huh?” (Butler)


“……” (Shuu)



 Just like the image of Diana from earlier, I had no idea what to say.



“Hahaha! Don’t make that face, Mr. Hero. I’m a hunter too, and I was prepared for a day like this to come. It is extremely frustrating, but–I have no regrets.” (Butler)



 Sudou closes his eyes with satisfaction.



“Yes… I will stay by that woman’s side until the end… but I did not want to leave her alone…” (Butler)


“…Mr. Sudou…?” (Shuu)



 His huge body is clearly visible. But it is like a ghost that has overcome its regrets.



“…Abe, you’re not dead yet, are you?” (Butler)


“I guess so…” (Shuu)



 It is hard to say for sure since my memories before and after coming here are still unclear. I only hope that is right.



“…then could you do me a favor and say a few words to Mistress Wanda? That I was happy to be her slave. Her abuse is a fresh wind of the heavens, and the soles of her shoes are the embrace of the goddess. …Thinking about it, it’s been more than twenty years since I met her since she beat me to completion during my guild training.” (Butler)


“That’s not a few words.” (Shuu)



 While doing so, Mr. Sudou’s body gradually fades away. He himself noticed this and whispered, “Looks like we’re running out of time.”



“Then… just tell her this—” (Butler)


“…I promise, definitely.” (Shuu)


“Thank you. I hope you’ll always be safe–” (Butler)



 He is gone.



 His body disappeared, leaving no trace behind as if his presence had been a lie.



 Neither Ryuosho nor I said anything for a while. Silence filled the room.



“…Is that… Mr. Sudou’s soul?” (Shuu)


“It depends on how you define the soul. If you define it as the ‘sporangium that is the core of an individual’s abilities and characteristics’ as Watanabe does, then it is clearly different, and we modern people have a spiritual concept of ‘the soul of the deceased. ‘ Even if you imagine it as a condensed body of energy that contains a unique will and spirit, it will still be different from reality.” (Ryousho)


“I see.” (Shuu)


“Our bodies are inhabited by mycelium. All mycelium is connected, and all metros are connected. When life has finished its work, the soul will reach the deepest part of the country, where Izanami awaits, the ‘Ghost Shrine’. I don’t really understand it.” (Ryousho)


“That doesn’t mean anything… Gah…!?” (Shuu)






 I clutched my chest and crouched down. Something inside me pulsed so violently that it felt like it was about to burst out of my chest. I can’t even breathe because of the agony and pain.



“Looks like it’s time for you too.” (Ryousho)


“…wha…” (Shuu)


“It’s time to wake up. Unfortunately, our pleasant chat ends here.” (Ryousho)


“…at…” (Shuu)



 I begin to sink, feet first, into the floor. It’s like being swallowed by quicksand.



“Hey, this… Woah…!” (Shuu)


“You have been resurrected from the depths of the earth, you are the last ‘Master Threadweaver’… It is finally time to break out of your temporary cocoon. I have no right to entrust you with the responsibility of atoning for my sins, but… At the very least, I hope you can create hope in this new world.” (Ryousho)


“…messy…” (Shuu)


“And finally… I would like to ask you bring one message. To my poor child… Shoumon… If you ever meet them–” (Ryousho)


“Shut up!!” (Shuu)



 Ryuosho was startled by my scream as I used the last of my strength.



“Damn it… You just say what you want to say while leaving most of the important parts vague…! I didn’t understand you at all and I am confused, and in the end, I just had to deal with your own self-satisfaction, you old bastard…!!” (Shuu)


“N-no… I’m sorry about that… but it’s not my fault…” (Ryousho)



 My desperate resistance was in vain, and I couldn’t stop, my waist, stomach, and chest from continuing to sink. nevertheless,



“Wait, I’m coming…! I will be coming back here…! Next time we meet, you’ll tell me everything you know until I’m satisfied… remember that…!!” (Shuu)



 My shoulders, neck, head… With the last remaining hand, I give a thumbs up.



“I’ll…be…back…!!” (Shuu)


“…Hehe. Wonderful, Abe Shuu…” (Ryousho)



 In the darkness overhead, Ryousho’s voice fades away.



“I’ll be here… You’ll definitely win, you’ll survive… I’ll be here again…” (Ryousho)



 Sinking to the depths of darkness.


 The bubbles that were exhaled rose to the surface of the water far above where a small light was shining.



(……That’s right.) (Shuu)



 I remembered.


 A memory just before this happened.


 The memory suddenly sank into a pool of blood.



(I was…) (Shuu)



 The pain in my chest that was causing severe pain,


 It turned into a burning heat,


 Countless threads spill out from my hands.



“—I entrust it to you…” (Ryousho)



 Grasping the thread, I pull it tight,


 My body slowly begins to surface.



(I know) (Shuu)


(I’ll see you again–) (Shuu)



 Then, the scene returns to the battlefield.



A/N: Now, you might be curious about what happens next. So, I am very sorry to say this,

I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to take a break from continuous updates. I will try to come back as soon as possible.


Until then, I hope you will wait for me by reading the first four volumes of the manga version and the continuation of the story that was recently updated on Firecross. I found a cute illustration of Tamiko on Wakaya Takase’s Twitter (I don’t want to call it “X”). Please check it out.


Thank you very much.



T/N: This is the last chapter at the moment. The author seems to be focusing on expanding the series to other media, so they might be on a hiatus like before.


While you are waiting for the next chapter you can try the other series on the site. The Metro Labyrinth slot will be filled by the currently active series until new chapters are uploaded by the author.



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