Otherworld Company Chapter 187: How To Act In An Emergency Varies From Person To Person.

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 I started the car and followed the navigation system on the road.



“Sorry, Kitamiya. You were on leave.” (Jiro)


“It’s fine, it’s an emergency, isn’t it? I just have some free time, no problem. What’s more, what happened to Amy? She called me out of the blue.” (Karen)


“I don’t know, just because I received a message doesn’t mean I understand the situation.” (Jiro)


“That message was from earlier, right? I don’t think that kid would do something thoughtless, but isn’t it possible that it was a prank?” (Karen)


“In that case, that’s fine, but I don’t understand why we haven’t been able to contact her since then. If she kept contacting us like this, she could tell that we were seriously worried. If it’s a prank, then it’s a prank. I’m sure we’ll still get some kind of response. There’s no way she won’t stop responding.” (Jiro)


“Yes, that’s right. I’m starting to feel more worried.” (Karen)


“…Me too.” (Jiro)



 Currently, I am not working within the company, but outside the company.


 How it came to be, was because of just a four-letter message from Amelia.


 I woke up in the morning and was in my room thinking about what my plans were for the day, my strength training menu, and my dungeon improvement plan when I received a message on my phone.


 At first, I thought it was spam or something because it was early in the morning, but the sender was Amelia.


 I opened the message to see if there was something wrong since I hadn’t been able to see her recently due to my poor health, only to find that it said: “Help”.


 It’s been a while since I felt like I was breaking out in a cold sweat.


 When I saw the playful email, I immediately called him, but he never got through.


 I became more and more anxious. Suela, Memoria, and Himiku, who were with me, asked me if something was wrong, and I explained the situation to them.


 Meanwhile, my mind was racing with thoughts of whether I should call the police or an ambulance, but I didn’t know what to do in a situation where I didn’t know what had happened.


 Deciding that the situation might be time-sensitive, I immediately decided to take the day off work and asked Suela to prepare Amelia’s resume and find out her address.


 It might be better if I went directly to her, but I figured there would be no magical involvement because it happened outside the company.


 Then, I decided that it would be better to use common sense and call the police or emergency services rather than to mobilize the company’s forces in a bad way, so I contacted the police first.


 I assumed the worst, and there was a possibility that the police would not take action based on information that was not clear, but the police decided to ask for the address and move on.


 I told them that she had been feeling sick for some time, and they arranged for an ambulance.


 I decided to head to the scene as the caller, but I thought it would be a good idea to head to Amelia’s room alone, so I contacted Kitamiya, she told me that she had no lectures at the university so she could come, so we joined up and this brings us to the present.



“…No, I can’t connect.” (Karen)


“Just as I thought.” (Jiro)



 For the latest time since we met, Kitamiya calls Amelia.


 All I can hear from your smartphone is the recording from the answering machine service.


 There are show no signs of connecting at all.


 It’s hard to tell whether her condition has worsened and she’s unconscious and can’t get out, or if she doesn’t have a smartphone nearby, but from our standpoint, it’s definitely not a good situation.


 A situation where we can only say that something is happening.



“It’s supposed to be around here…” (Karen)


“Not there! There’s a police car and an ambulance!” (Jiro)



 After proceeding to the navigation route, an announcement is played informing us that we are approaching the neighborhood, and since Amelia’s address is nearby, we look around and find something that looks like Amy’s apartment in a residential area.


 When I looked in the direction we were told, I saw two emergency vehicles with flashing red sirens.


 It’s actually not a good idea, but I pull over to the side of the sidewalk and turn on the hazard lights to get out of the car.



“Are you the one who was reported?” (Police)


“Yes.” (Jiro)



 As we ran towards the police car, one of the police noticed us.



“Amelia, what is Ms. Miyagawa’s situation?” (Police)




 I nodded my head, told them I was the one making the report, and checked to see how Amelia was doing, but the police also looked confused.



“That’s the thing, we can’t find her.” (Police)


“Can’t find her? What do you mean?” (Jiro)


“We arrived about ten minutes ago, but we went to the room and rang the doorbell to make sure she was okay, but she didn’t respond, so if she was unconscious, every second counts, so the paramedics entered the room earlier. However, we couldn’t find the person in question. The door was unlocked, and I was able to find what appeared to be her shoes and her cell phone, so I don’t think she went out, but maybe after the report was made. A family member may have taken her to the hospital, so we are currently searching the surrounding area and checking with nearby hospitals.” (Police)



 The police officer’s explanation left Kitamiya and me puzzled.


 When we came to the house to ask for help, we found that the person in question was not there.


 The police and paramedics were also puzzled.



“Since there were no signs of a struggle and the valuables were left untouched, there is little chance of a robbery or kidnapping, but we will also ask around to make sure. We would like to confirm the circumstances that led to the report and the contents of the e-mail that was sent to us. If possible, please provide us with any information that can confirm their appearance.” (Police)


“Got it.” (Jiro)


“I’ll look around here.” (Karen)


“Okay, just make sure you contact me. Don’t push yourself too hard!!” (Jiro)


“Got it!” (Karen)



 Kitamiya, anxious after hearing what the police had to say and unable to stay put, ran off and went to look for Amelia.


 I saw her off and showed the police the message I had received to fulfill my duty as the one who had called the police, and also confirmed the time I had received it.


 After that, I told him the characteristics of Amelia, personality, and appearance, and he also asked me about our relationship, so I gave him the business card of the company I have permission from Suela and told him about our relationship at the company.



“…I can’t say at this stage if this is an incident, but I have not received any confirmation from the emergency services that the girl with the reported characteristics has been taken to the hospital. Perhaps we may act as a case investigation depending on future developments. I am sorry, but I would like to know your contact information so that I may contact you in the future. Also, do you have any of her family’s contact information?” (Police)



 After I finished my explanation, the police officer, who had read my e-mail and heard about the circumstances up to this point, began to assume the worst, given the situation in the room, and his expression became more serious.


 If this was just a case of me going to a nearby convenience store in the sandals I had at home, that would be fine, but I can tell you that the chances of that happening have gone down.


 If it was a misunderstanding and I was wrong and I was wrong too soon, then I can apologize for what I did.


 I might get a warning, but let’s say that’s the way it goes.


 But the police don’t seem to think I’m worrying too much.



“Yes, I understand. In the meantime, I have her mother’s cell phone number. I haven’t been able to reach her, probably because she’s at work, is that all right?” (Jiro)


“Yes, I will have the department contact her.” (Police)



 It’s enough to deal with police writing things down on documents and notepads.


 After the exchange is over and I am about to be released, my cell phone rings.



“Excuse me, yes. Tanaka speaking.” (Jiro)


“Hello, my name is Miyagawa.” (Amy’s Mom)


“Ah, are you Ms. Miyagawa’s mother? It’s been a while.” (Jiro)



 The timing was right, the person on the other end of the line was Amelia’s mother.


 The police were paying close attention to my conversation, perhaps because I had mentioned the last name, Miyagawa.



“Um, I received a call, did something happen?” (Amy’s Mom)


“I’m sorry to bother you while you’re at work. I’m sorry to bother you, but is Mrs. Miyagawa with your daughter right now?” (Jiro)


“Amelia? No, my daughter should be at home.” (Amy’s Mom)


“You are not together?” (Jiro)



 When the police officer learns that Amelia is not with her mother, they begin contacting someone by radio while listening to me.



“Yes, um, what is it about my daughter?” (Amy’s Mom)



 I talk to Amelia’s mother, who is mixed with anxiety and concern, and just prefaces it by asking her to calm down and listen.



“I received a message from your daughter just a few minutes ago asking for help, and I’m at your home right now with the police, but there’s no one at home.” (Jiro)


“Eh?” (Amy’s Mom)



 A bewildered voice comes over the phone at the text message asking for help and the fact that the police are there.



“I thought it was an emergency, so I called them and asked them to come. I had just arrived at your home a few minutes ago since there was a chance that she was not feeling well and was unconscious, so they decided it was an emergency and the paramedics they had called with them went inside. There, they confirmed that our daughter was not here.” (Jiro)



 It’s no good to explain emotionally when the other person is confused.


 I’ll just explain this calmly and chronologically.



“Mrs. Miyagawa, I’ll call your daughter by her name to avoid confusion, but is Ms. Amelia feeling unwell this morning?” (Jiro)


“Yes, yes. Yes, she is. I came to work this morning because she was feeling relatively well, but if you ask me if she was feeling well enough to go out and walk around, I’m sure she wasn’t. I heard this morning that she also has a headache and a fever. Um, about my daughter.” (Amy’s Mom)


“Currently, my colleagues and the police are searching the surrounding area. I will also start searching the surrounding area.” (Jiro)



 I may be like a drop over hot pavement, but it’s still a comforting reassurance.


 I could tell that she was upset on the other end of the phone, unable to hide her anxiety and confusion as to what to do.


 That’s how shaky her voice was.


 I said these words to ease her mind, even a little.



“S-soon, I’ll be back too.” (Amy’s Mom)


“Okay, but please don’t panic. If you get into an accident, you won’t be able to help.” (Jiro)


“Okay, goodbye.” (Amy’s Mom)


“Okay, goodbye.” (Jiro)



 I don’t know if it was helpful.


 I looked at my phone after the call where I heard the agitated voice in my ears, and asked myself if I should have responded that way.


 However, that can be for later.


 Now that we know that she was not taken to the hospital by her family, there is a high possibility that something unforeseen has happened.


 In the worst-case scenario, something might have happened to her after she lost consciousness.


 Considering that every minute is precious.


 All I can do is look around using the legs my parents gave me.


 Fortunately, I have plenty of time.


 The police officer said he would stay there and wait until Amelia’s mother arrived, so I asked him to contact me when she arrived, and I started to search the surrounding area.



“Rain, huh?” (Jiro)



 I returned to the car with a bad feeling as the rain began to trickle down.


 The sky was cloudy and there was a good chance of rain.


 It would have been fine if it had rained, but I hoped it would have been avoided if at all possible.


 I parked the car in a nearby toll parking lot, took out a plastic umbrella from the back seat, and started moving from here on out, relying on my feet.


 It gradually began to rain hard, and people began to disappear from the roadside.


 We drive through such a space.


 I run through the puddles of water that are beginning to form and look around to look for Amelia’s distinctive blonde hair, but I don’t see her.


 It has been less than five minutes since I started running, but my anxiety grows heavier with each passing minute, even if it is only a minute.



“Where are you Kitamiya?” (Jiro)



 I called Kitamiya, who was running ahead of me to search the surroundings.


 I called her to see if she had any information.



“Amy, did you find her?!” (Karen)


“No, not yet.” (Jiro)



 With one ring, she answered.


 She answered immediately whether she had her phone in one hand or not, and her voice was hoarse and her breathing was erratic, probably because she was running and looking for Amelia.


 After that, she stopped and took shelter from the rain, as her breathing changed from shallow to deep.



“I got in touch with Amelia’s mother. She’s not at the hospital with her mother, I can confirm that. You got anything on your end?” (Jiro)


“Right now, I’m checking every nearby convenience store, and I’ve visited three convenience stores, but none of the store staff saw Amy.” (Karen)



 I’m impressed with how much she was able to cover in such a short time.



“Then, in a different direction?” (Karen)


“I don’t know, blonde hair isn’t uncommon these days, so they might have overlooked her.” (Jiro)



 Unlike the police, we don’t have the best search abilities.


 It would have been nice if she was at a mochi shop and kept quiet, but she couldn’t stay still.



“If I could only use magic.” (Karen)


“There’s no point in asking for something we don’t have. For now, I’ll look for her a little more and if I can’t find her, I’ll join you.” (Jiro)



 Magic cannot be used in this world.


 It’s only natural that it has no magical power.


 That’s normal in the world, but at times like this, I wish I could use it even if I can’t.


 After Kitamiya, hung up the phone, I started running out into the rain again.



Note for the Day

Damn, I’m getting really worried.



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