Otherworld Company Chapter 191: Judgment Standards Differ From Person To Person

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Another Side



~3rd Person Perspective~




“Think carefully…” (Kaido)



 After Kaido contacted them, Masaru and Minami came to the party room that evening.


 Kaido chose his words to suppress his usual cheerful mood and tell them that the situation was as serious as possible.


 Speaking of the two people who were told about Amelia’s situation and what Jiro had said about being prepared, it seemed to Kaido that Masaru was having a hard time deciding what to do as if he were old enough to know what to do.


 And speaking of the other Minami.



“Hmm~” (Minami)



 He is seriously worried.


 Kaido, who knew that Jiro was busy and would come back later, but did not expect Minami to have this reaction, was honestly at a loss as to how to respond.


 Kaido, who had thought that he would get an immediate, tension-driven response, was even thinking about how to pacify her.


 Contrary to his expectation, she was seriously thinking about it as if she was reassessing everything.



“To tell you the truth, I want to go rescue Amy immediately, that I do.” (Minami)


“I see.” (Kaido)



 Kaido knows that the women at his party are on good terms.


 Although they don’t act alike, he sometimes thinks they are like sisters.


 The first sister, Kitamiya, is the leader of the group, Minami is a problem child but a mood maker, and Amelia is the youngest sister who is loved by both Kitamiya and Minami.


 Kitamiya and Minami often clash with each other, but they are so close that they fight with each other but have no intention of hurting the other.


 That is why they have been able to continue working together like this.



“But I understand what Leader says, that I do. I didn’t think I would go to war either, that I didn’t think.” (Minami)



 Although at first glance Minami may seem to be acting in a flippant and energetic manner, she is in fact the most skillful in controlling her emotions.


 She is exquisitely good at knowing just the right amount of what kind of emotions to express and in just the right amount that is okay.


 This might be surprising considering she is semi-reclusive and considers human relationships to be troublesome, if not to say she avoids them, but in Minami’s case, the order is reversed.


 It’s not that she’s semi-reclusive because she finds interpersonal relationships troublesome, but because she’s sensitive to other people’s emotions and knows what kind of emotions to direct toward them, she’s the type of person who gets to know them deeply and finds them troublesome.


 Simply put, Minami is insightful.


 Kaido was similar in this regard, and he somehow guessed it, too.


 In his case, it was something he acquired at a black company, where he had to keep track of relationships in detail, and in dealing with superior-subordinate relationships to see who was short-tempered and how short-tempered they were.


 But he was inwardly impressed that she could control her emotions to this extent.



“But, well, that’s okay. Yes, Senior Kaido, I’m going to rescue Amy, that I am.” (Minami)


“Eh?” (Kaido)


“No, Minami? You don’t have to decide so easily, you know. Look, even if you say it’s not much, we still have some time.” (Kaido)



 However, that assessment was soon overturned.


 It was also revised upwards instead of downwards.


 Her childhood friend, Masaru, who was supposed to know why she was able to decide so easily, ends up looking like she is someone he doesn’t know.


 Kaido tells Minami to think again, stopping her from making a quick decision after thinking about it a while ago.



“No problem, that I am sure I will not change my mind, that I will not.” (Minami)



 Despite Kaido’s concern, Minami says she will not change her decision.


 Compared to Kitamiya, who was showing her emotions earlier, Kaido knew that she had thought it over and made up her mind.



“I, no, just for now, I think it’s better to speak normally. I like the atmosphere here.” (Minami)



 So, it’s been a long time since Masaru has seen Minami speak normally, and he’s puzzled.


 Minami looked calm, but she stretched out her body, back straight, and looked like a completely different person.



“Perhaps, if I continue and just leave without doing anything, I won’t be able to stay here. That’s what I think.” (Minami)



 Neither Kaido nor Masaru could deny that this was true.


 Minami chooses her words as if she is talking to herself, or rather, confirming that her determination is not false.



“I will act if it’s to protect a place where I can be myself and honestly enjoy myself.” (Minami)



 She did not use the word “bloodstained,” but they both feel as if she had said that she would even go through with it.


 There is no one here who doubts her determination.



“…Oh no! I’m so embarrassed! Seriousness doesn’t suit me after all, that it doesn’t!” (Minami)



 The tense atmosphere was loosened by the return of Minami.


 Kaido put his hands on his cheeks and gently relaxed his shoulders as he looked at Minami who was joking with all her might. He thought she was able to express her intentions so clearly even though she was younger than him.


 Kaido, aware of his mixed feelings of not being able to lose and not being able to do it himself, wondered what he would do.



“Minami, I–” (Masaru)


“Stop, that you should. You should think about it twice, that you should.” (Minami)


“I want to think about it now, too. I’ll think about it with you, Masaru.” (Kaido)


“Oh, Senior Kaido is going to think about it, that he is? Should I be worried, that should I?” (Minami)


“Excuse me!? I can think a little too! I have my own problems too!?” (Kaido)


“Is it true, that it is?” (Minami)



 Minami stops Masaru from trying to decide what to do with the flow, and Kaido nods to agree with her.


 As for Masaru, he was impatient with the fact that his childhood friend, whom he had always been with and thought was no good without him, was now moving ahead on her own.


 He had always told her to be independent, but nowadays the only time he ever said that was when she was neglecting her chores.


 Other than that, the opportunities for him to say it have diminished.


 Masaru felt lonely and left out, and the exchange between Kaido and Minami, who were joking around with each other, seemed somewhat distant.



“I am…” (Masaru)



 He never said out loud what he would do, and the rest of the sentence never came out.


 Since before, Masaru had many opportunities to act for Minami.


 Masaru, who had not had many opportunities to act for himself, was troubled as to what he should do.


 Minami was not allowed to interfere because of her proximity to him, and she trusted her childhood friend who was struggling with the issue.



“That’s the truth!” (Kaido)


“For example, that they are?” (Minami)



 Kaido decided to respect the choices of their childhood friends.



Another Side End



~Jiro’s Perspective~



 In a space smaller than a training ground, but still large, Himiku and I were standing surrounded by Giant.



“I’m sorry, Himiku.” (Jiro)


“It’s okay, but I’m happy to be trusted by Master.” (Himiku)



 I was looking at the various weapons and armor that must have been brought in from the warehouse.


 The woman giants were busy moving around to find a match for Himiku.


 The female giants are intimidated by the presence of the fallen angel, but their hands are precise as they take Himiku’s measurements.


 While watching this scene, I have a conversation with her.


 Her cooperation is absolutely necessary for the rescue of Amelia.


 However, it is out of the question for me to ask a woman who is more like a companion than a subordinate to follow me into a war.


 That’s why I feel relieved when she smiles and says not to worry about it, but on the other hand, I feel sorry that I am taking advantage of her goodwill.



“If it were true, it would be best if I could protect you. As a man.” (Jiro)



 Smoking is not prohibited in the store, but I don’t feel like smoking in front of the craftsmen and Himiku who are preparing the equipment for me.


 I’m watching Himiku, who is at the center of the giant’s movements, taking measurements and deciding what kind of equipment for us to use.



“It’s okay! Master will eventually surpass me! I can guarantee that!!” (Himiku)



 It’s really embarrassing to have such honest expectations.


 To be honest, there was a part of me that was worried about whether I would be able to save Amelia, but when Himiku says it like this, it makes me feel like I have to do my best.



“Hey, Jiro. Your armor is fine, but what about weapons? If you want, I can get you a special weapon…” (Hanz)


“I don’t need a cursed magic sword.” (Jiro)


“Tsk. Did you already know?” (Hanz)


“That’s what you always make.” (Jiro)


“It can’t be helped. Fallen angels are rarely seen. It’s even more so if they’re seraphs.” (Hanz)



 Hanz, the weapon shop owner, interrupts the calm conversation and has her disciples bring in a large number of weapons.



“Himiku might not have a problem… but I don’t want to have any worries.” (Jiro)


“Tsk, that’s boring.” (Hanz)


“Don’t look for fun here.” (Jiro)



 I’d say don’t put such a cursed weapon in the hands of a woman who confessed to falling in love with me.



“Hmm? Is this the prepared weapons? Master, can I use any of the ones here?” (Himiku)


“Yes, I have permission from the supervisor. Find me one that fits.” (Jiro)


“Okay. Shopkeeper, I’ll have it to you.” (Himiko)


“Y-yes.” (Giant)



 Himiku, who had finished taking measurements, slowly approached the pile of weapons and looked at each one carefully, not caring that the giants were moving away from her.



“Shopkeeper, do you have a larger weapon? This sword is fine as a backup.” (Himiko)


“Hey, that’s an ax for giants, you know? I doubt there is something bigger than this?” (Giant)



 The ideal weapon, regardless of its quality, is hard to find, apparently.


 The double-edged sword at her waist is a short sword with a blade of about 50 centimeters.


 The material used is a special metal called Orichalcum, and special magic symbols are engraved on the blade.


 It is such a magnificent sword that it would be better not to ask the price of one.


 Hanz, who was sitting next to me, seemed impressed by Himiku’s discernment, thinking she would choose that one.


 However, it is only a backup weapon.


 She’s having trouble finding her main weapon.


 Himiku wielded a large axe more than her height with one hand, but her expression clouded with satisfaction, and her face told me she would have to compromise with the best weapon.



“…I see, there’s none.” (Himiku)



 Seeing her so disappointed, as if she were an abandoned dog, made me think that there was nothing we could do about it.



“No, we have one.” (Hanz)


“That one?” (Giant)



 As if to deny it, Hanz gently asked the apprentice to fetch something.


 Hearing this, the apprentice asks again if she is really going to get it.



“Worrywarts!! Bring it, quickly!!” (Hanz)



 Hanz yelled and the three disciples ran away in a panic.



“Hey, what are you planning to bring?” (Jiro)


“It’s one of the best I’ve ever made. I’m sure Miss Fallen Angel there will be satisfied with that. But…” (Hanz)


“…a magic sword?” (Jiro)


“There’s no doubt that it’s a magic weapon. There’s no doubt that the specs are outrageous. As someone who made it, I can tell you that its quirk is being too strong.” (Hanz)


“Talk about the effects later. What are the disadvantages?” (Jiro)


“First of all, it is simply heavy. Even a strong Giant warrior has to be carried by three men.” (Hanz)


“It’s dangerous at that stage. And that’s the top-most.” (Jiro)


“Ah, there’s another thing that’s troublesome. This guy is an incredible magic-gobbler. It has no disadvantages mentally or physically, but its fuel efficiency is extremely bad. If you make a mistake, you’ll be crossing the mortal plane in no time.” (Hanz)


“Hey!” (Jiro)



 I look at Hanz with reproach, wondering if they are going to let Himiku use such a thing.



“That’s all there is to it. What weapon can satisfy that Miss?” (Hanz)



 When I saw the weapon that was brought to us, I felt something disgusting all at once.



“Houtian Gageki.” (Jiro)



 Looking at the black and ominous weapon, I, who had recently acquired some knowledge about weapons, said the name of the weapon.


 It is the same weapon that is said to have been used by General Fei, also known as Lu Bu Fengxian.



“It’s made of Damascus, a hard metal, using our own unique manufacturing process. How is it?” (Hanz)


“Master.” (Himiku)



 Seeing this, Himiku must have been pleased with the weapon.


 I was a little worried when she asked me if she could take it.



“If anything happens, just let it go.” (Jiro)


“I understand.” (Himiku)



 She nodded slowly.


 Then, Himiku reached for the weapon on the pedestal and slowly grabbed the handle.


 She lifts it up.


 That alone drew cheers from all around.



“Phew…” (Himiku)


“Are you alright?” (Jiro)


“Um, no problem, master! It’s just a little heavy, but I like it!” (Himiku)



 I check to see if there are any physical problems, but Himiku herself seems to be fine.


 She began swinging the Houtian Gageki energetically.


 It may be light and intended to break it in, but even so, the air is screaming.



“What do you think, Master?” (Himiku)


“Oh, that’s amazing, Himiku.” (Jiro)


“I see! With this, I can protect Master!!” (Himiku)


“Oh, yes, I will rely on you.” (Jiro)


“Hehehe! Please keep relying on me, Master!!” (Himiku)



 Aside from Hanz, who was relieved that nothing was wrong and astonished that it was really happening, I looked at Himiku, who was vigorously wielding the Houtian Gageki.



“Oh, she’s really reliable. Your potential wife I mean.” (Hanz)



 Her appearance is an overwhelming champion who seems to be announcing the end of everything.


 She is smiling and seems pleased with what I expect of her, but her weapon completely swallows the mood.


 I thought she was a little cute while looking at her like that, I guess that means I am steadily falling in love with Himiku.



Note for the Day

How you do it or think about it is up to you, but what kind of combination is a fallen angel and a Houtian Gageki?



T/N: Good for you Jiro, you-piece-of-sh*t-Riajuu!!! RAAAA!!!!! Ehem.

Well, I knew Minami was reliable when things get bad but changing her tone is really weird. Mama Masaru has empty nest syndrome, get well soon.



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