Otherworld Company Chapter 200: I Never Thought The Day Would Come When I Would Utter The Words, “I’ve Been Waiting So Long!”

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 Overtime work began with the magic unleashed by the smiling Demon King Soul.


 Naturally, there was no way I was going to just hit him, so I jumped to the side and started running, looking for the right moment to jump in a circle around him.


 I avoided the flying magic, and the explosion of magic that flew away behind me would have let Himiku, Kaido, Kitamiya, and Minami know that the battle was not over yet.


 With the blast at my back, I think about such things as if they were other people’s affairs, eliminating useless things from my thoughts and concentrating on the enemy in front of me.


 The battle after a short break.


 As my concentration increases, my vision slows down, and it becomes easier to see my opponent’s attacks, but,



“Oh!” (Jiro)



 Still, it is difficult to avoid all of them.


 The blade of the wind slices through my arm, and although I feel pain, I do not avert my eyes, and I do not slow down to take advantage of the opportunity I have created to duck at the last possible moment, but I keep pushing forward as if to jump into the gap.


 Just as I’m about to move in to attack, I catch a glimpse of Amelia’s expression.


 Her face, which usually looks like a blooming flower, has a creepy, crescent-shaped smile on her lips, and her eyes are abyssal and cloudy, framing her mouth even more intensely.


 A hatred that is cloudy and black, bordering on madness.


 This is the first time I’ve seen the emotion of hatred reflected so clearly.


 Even though those feelings aren’t directed at me, it still sends a chill down my spine.



“Haha!” (Jiro)



 But I laugh off the emotion.


 If I had shied away from the madness, I would not have taken on this opportunity.


 Originally, our role was over when the heroes arrived.


 I forced it to drag on and created this opportunity like a lost time to save Amelia.


 This opportunity was something I wanted, something I decided to do. I can’t and won’t back out now.


 If there is an end to this overtime, it will be when there is some kind of result.


 If I wish for it, I pray that the result will be a good one.


 So, I take a step forward, even if I have to, believing that this step will lead to a good result.


 As I threw myself into such a battle, an explosion occurred behind me, and at a considerable distance.


 Even though I was concentrating on the battle, I could clearly hear the explosions, and they did not stop after one or two blasts but continued to ring out.


 Without thinking, I decided that it must be the sound of the battle between the hero and the Demon King.


 A legendary matchup.


 There’s no need to worry about such matchup, and I don’t have time to do so.


 However, it makes me laugh just a little.


 After all, the battle between me and Amelia is similar.


 Me, who has the potential to be a hero, and Amelia, who is possessed by the soul of the Demon King.


 I thought they were similar, though only vaguely.


 But that’s all and there is no deep meaning.


 Laughing in my heart, I felt like a hero and pulled myself together to go rescue Amelia, who had become a captive princess.



“Come on, I think it’s okay to show if you’re short of breath!” (Jiro)



 Even though I was grumbling and angry at the same time, I pushed forward.


 The storm of magic still shows no sign of slowing down, the Demon King Soul away from the troublesome matchup of the Demon King and Hero, to regain momentum, the opponent’s behavior seems to be a rehash of the scene that had just been seen.


 Even though I have taken a break, it does not mean that I am not exhausted.


 Even though I was breathing calmly, my body was heavy, my joints were creaking, and my magical power was beginning to hit rock-bottom.


 The strength that had barely recovered to the yellow zone has quickly plunged to the red zone.


 Even so, my body moves.


 Even though the situation is far from perfect, I cannot give up.


 If I reach out my hand, I can still reach her.





“Master, don’t be reckless. I’ll step forward.” (Himiku)


“This is my moment to shine!” (Kaido)


“I will definitely sleep tomorrow, that I will! No matter what Masaru says that I will never not sleep in!!!” (Minami)


“I feel the same as you, but just for now!! I’ll definitely wake up late tomorrow!” (Karen)



 Despite the insanity of the battle, there are those who are willing to help.


 They haven’t given up either.


 As soon as they realize it’s not over, even though they are on the verge of running out of gas, they show their last sparkle as if they are squeezing out their remaining strength and magical power.


 With her armor showing scratches and damage here and there, Himiku leaps forward without hesitation, despite the fact that her body is surely being affected.


 Kaido, despite his obvious lack of energy, still leaps forward in an attempt to prove his conviction.


 Minami, who had always said that if you work, you lose, is taking the initiative and running around trying to improve the situation.


 Even Kitamiya is fighting, trying to look alright even with an exhausted look.


 Then, I can’t just back down here.


 I run forward after Himiku, who flies forward about to overtake me, and Kaido, who has now come forward, follows behind me.


 I thought Kitamiya and Minami would be in the same position as before.



“I wonder why we are running when I am supposed to be a support magic user, that I am. What do you think about that, Kitamiya, that you think?” (Minami)


“I don’t know. Instead, please support properly! We still can’t get through that girl’s barrier even now!” (Karen)


“I know that I do. However, I feel like I’ve been running around a lot lately, that I am. If I’m running around like this, I’ll run a marathon when I get back, that I’ll take Kitamiya along with me, that I will.” (Minami)


“Oh, that’s great! When I get back, I’ll check to see if there’s a marathon event. I might do better than before!” (Kaido)


“You know you are a pain, right?” (Karen)



 They are moving around in a circle, keeping in check the area where we are fighting.


 Their efforts to draw even a little bit of attention to themselves are clearly having an effect.


 Because they were fixed turrets earlier, they were consuming magic power with defensive magic, but by moving around, they conserve that magic power by allowing them to avoid some percentage of attacks.


 The magic used to attract attention is kept to the minimum necessary in power, and the magic consumption is kept to a low level, while still finding the line at the very edge of whether or not damage can be inflicted on the opponent.


 Kitamiya and Minami, rather than sharing the offensive and defensive duties, respectively, use their magic to fill in the gaps between each other.


 When Kitamiya is about to attack, Minami supports her.


 When Minami is trying to obstruct movement with magic or barriers, Kitamiya is there to support her.


 The two usually quarrel with each other, but at times like this, they work well together.


 Although we cannot expect much firepower as rear guards, we, as the vanguard, can move more easily.


 In order to reward them for their efforts, we try to get even closer to them.



“Master, after this battle is over, I am craving for some sweets.” (Himiku)


“Ms. Himiku, don’t you know that’s called a flag!?” (Kaido)


“? What do you mean? Master said that there is a price for our work. In this time of need, it is important to have a little more than survival.” (Himiku)


“If you say it now, it isn’t funny you know!?” (Kaido)


“Kaido, you say the craziest things. I’ve heard these words a lot. Most of my wishes weren’t granted.” (Himiku)


“That’s why I said it’s a flag!!!” (Kaido)



 It’s definitely better than freezing up from tension, but these guys can’t maintain their tension a little more.


 The same is true for Kitamiya and Minami, but the exchange between Himiku and Kaido is also something that seems to relieve the tension in my shoulders.


 I can only laugh at the fact that they can afford to be having this kind of conversation despite the fact that we don’t have the barriers and the attack is more intense than before.



“Hahahaha!! That’s okay, Kaido! Let’s just snap it in half and laugh it off like it doesn’t matter! By the way, I want a beer when I get home!!” (Jiro)


“Even you Senior!? Well then, when I get home, I’ll go to my usual and get a higher-level service.” (Kaido)


“Oh, stop that, you’re really going to die.” (Jiro)


“Why is mine no good? And you even have a serious face, Senior!” (Kaido)



 It’s not a conversation to have while fighting or wielding a sword.


 Even though spells were still approaching the side of my face and right in front of me, I realized that my nervousness had subsided, and I felt that my body had become a little lighter as well, perhaps because of that feeling.


 Is this why instructors Kio and Fusio laugh at while fighting?





“It’s really tough!!” (Kaido)


“That’s right!!” (Jiro)



 Even if you feel lighter, it’s still close to nothing.


 The current situation hasn’t actually changed, just because I feel more comfortable.


 Himiku, who took the initiative to rush forward, wielded the Hotian Gageki and fought with a slash that seemed to crush the wind itself, but she was the one who took the most hits.


 Thanks to her, Kaido and I were able to keep our injuries to a minimum.


 Even so, it was tough.


 I feel a sense of urgency to do something about it.


 There is no time to spare, no chance for a rematch.


 As if trapped in a dead end, there is nothing to do.


 I feel helpless that I have no choice but to just coast and bide my time.



“Kakaka, I’m relieved that you have such a lively soul as always. Jiro” (Fusio)



 It was then that I heard a voice I wasn’t supposed to hear here.


 A voice I wasn’t supposed to hear here echoed.


 With a thud, the scenery in front of her distorts and Amelia’s body leans forward.



“Gravity magic!? Instructor Fusio!!” (Jiro)



 I had time to ask why he was here, but before I asked.



“I will help you at the Demon King’s order. I’m late, but let’s get into the afterparty.” (Fusio)



 It is as powerful as the magic deployed by the Demon King’s soul.


 A scene will be made public that shows that the position of general is not just for show.


 Floating in mid-air, the magic is performed on the spot.


 As if a boxer stops the melee and just keeps shooting magic, as he tries to beat his opponent with it.



“Jiro don’t relax. The soul you seek has not yet given up, and there it is, small as it is, a still shining soul.” (Fusio)


“Yes!” (Jiro)



 The Skeleton Gentleman glances at me and declares that there is still a chance of her survival.


 The instructor is an undead, a high-ranking being too.


 It is said that there is no one better than him in the field of soul detection.


 If he is so sure that Amelia can still be saved, then I am more fired up than ever.


 I know I’m going to be plunged into a storm of magic, but I’m aware of that.


 And I’m not too worried.


 After all.



“Even though you are the first pillar, you are not the master that I serve, and I am also in front of my disciples. Please do not expect mercy.” (Fusio)



 I have the very reliable instructor on my side.


 Hey Amelia, all these people have worked so hard to help you.


 It’s time to wake up.



“Let’s cut in!!” (Jiro)


“Yes!” (Himiku)


“Yeah, am I going to have to jump in too?” (Kaido)


“Yes, yes, we will support you, so Senior Kaido will also be able to go, that we will.” (Minami)


“You should have an active role too.” (Karen)



 It’s going to be a little rough.


 The wind changes direction.


 No, I guess it would be better to say that it was changed.


 When I feel that, the Mineral Tree in my hand starts to pulsate.


 It wasn’t the same feeling as normal magic circulation.


 I know this feeling.



“You.” (Jiro)



 I didn’t think you would come at this timing.


 At that time, I was able to connect with the Mineral Tree.


 Then what are you going to show me this time?


 I looked at the tree in my hand and nodded to it, which flickered with magical light as if to affirm my thoughts.


 As I do so, the Mineral Tree extends a portion of its roots and wraps them around the blade covering it.


 The three roots twisted and coiled in a spiral, transforming the sword from a large dagger to a blunt weapon.


 It looked like a sword in its scabbard, and it did not look like it was going to be very sharp.



“Wow, the shape of the weapon has changed!? What is that!?” (Kaido)


“I don’t know.” (Jiro)


“No, is it okay if you don’t know?” (Kaido)


“Hm.” (Jiro)



 As Kaido said, I’m not at all worried about the sudden change in appearance, but I think it’s okay.


 There is no basis.


 However, I don’t think that Mineral Tree change their appearance for no reason.


 I think it has some meaning.


 I continued the battle.



“Master!!” (Himiku)



 At such a time, a magic stream, not just a ball, flew toward me.


 The one fireball that the instructor had left through.


 It was headed straight for me.


 Even I could handle it in terms of timing.


 I nodded in agreement to Himiku’s warning and used the Mineral Tree to knock the fireball away.



“Oh, it’s gone.” (Jiro)



 As if the fireball had been sucked in, the Mineral Tree erased the magic.


 No, it didn’t just disappear.



“It absorbed it.” (Jiro)



 I could tell what had happened by the way the tree was circulating and the amount of magic flowing into me had increased slightly.



“Last quarter, this is it.” (Jiro)



 At this point in time, Mineral Tree awakened its anti-magic ability.


 I’m tempted to say, “What kind of nonsense is this?”, but it’s good it’s convenient.



“That’s great!! Partner!!” (Jiro)


 In addition to this ability, the instructor is also participating.


 Victory is in sight!!



Note for the Day

It’s comforting to know that it’s going to be all right.


T/N: Flags everywhere. 



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