Otherworld Company Chapter 201.2: Even If You Work Overtime, Once You Finish Your Work, You Will Feel A Sense Of Accomplishment.

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 From magic such as fireballs and ice spears, to a literal rain of thunder that constantly pours down from the heavens like a thunderstorm, to invisible blades of wind, to iron sand spears that come at me like snakes.


 I push my way through a scene that is so varied that one can only laugh at the abundance of variations.


 I am a swordsman, after all, and it is my job to go forward and fight.


 I can’t fulfill my duty if I don’t make it through this place.



“Don’t let them escape!!” (Jiro)


“Master, I’m going around!” (Himiku)


“Go!” (Jiro)



 In response to my advance, they tried to distance themself from me while dealing with Instructor Fusio’s attacks.


 Not wanting to let that happen, I continued straight ahead, while Himiku changed course to come around from the right.



“Yes, yes, this way is blocked, that it is!!” (Minami)


“I won’t let you go!!” (Karen)



 And, in order to stop their movement even slightly, barriers and ice spears block their path.


 As annoying as it was, the magic was such that it could be shattered with a single stroke, but just to earn that one moment was a huge advantage.


 I could take five steps in that instant.


 If I take five steps, I can advance ten meters.


 The Demon King’s soul glared at Minami and Kitamiya as if looking at annoying insects.



“It’s lonely looking from the outside!!” (Jiro)



 As if it doesn’t matter, I advance my steps to a position where two more steps will put me in attack range, not caring that the instructor’s magic is flying from behind me.


 I can see that the opponent’s movement.


 The balance of power between me, Himiku, Kaido, Minami, and Kitamiya, which had been able to balance each other even though I felt a bit pushed, tipped in the opposite direction with the addition of the instructor.


 It may be slower, but it looks like victory is moving toward us.


 And when the end is in sight, humans are all about rewards.


 The feeling that had been sinking is now rising, as I find the right moment to make the last spurt.



“Human!!” (Demon King’s Soul)


“What are you saying!? Freeloaders like you should be quiet!!” (Jiro)



 My distance, that is, the distance that allows attacks to pass through with the Mineral Tree.


 I’m make a hard swing downwards, nullifying the barrier, shift into a kick, add a sideways rotation to my body, not my foot steady, my other foot into a stepping, so hard that the ground cracks, and connect with the third strike with a cleave using the Mineral Tree.



“You, bastaaaard!!” (Demon King’s Soul)



 It’s fine for you to glare at me with hatred as I approach.


 But I’m just doing what I’m supposed to do.


 Without hesitation, I strengthen my will to inflict as much damage as possible.


 The timing of the third slash is honestly just barely faster than the opponent’s.


 The battle of whether or not I could hit the target seemed to be a tie between the magic that intercepted me and the Mineral Tree.


 Slowly, in a slow-motion scene, I saw my opponent forcibly move their shattered left wrist and turn it toward me.


 I grit my molars, hoping to hit them before they did, and speeded up the strike, hoping that it would be quicker than a hundredth of a second.


 However, my efforts were not enough, and the moment I realized that the magic would be completed and intercepted a few moments before the Mineral Tree hit, I calculated a route for immediate retreat.



“!?” (Jiro)



 It was supposed to happen.


 That’s what it had to be.


 Until a white chain jumped out from the magic circle at the end of their left hand, entwining it with the left hand and blocking their movement with just one arm.


 Then, as if proving that this action was not the Demon King’s will, I saw Amelia’s face turn stained with astonishment.



“Nuraaa!” (Jiro)



 I know that I can’t do it myself.


 But I knew in my gut that I had to do it.


 I forced myself to lean forward and change the position of the Mineral Tree.


 The effort knocked away the blade of wind released by the Demon King’s Soul that was about to cut off my left arm, as if they had not moved of their own volition.



“Full power attack!!!” (Jiro)



 And before I knew it, I was screaming.


 My legs unconsciously widened my stance, switching from hit-and-run to melee on the spot.


 I had abandoned the idea of running away and focused on moving around on the spot, moving around to protect my left arm, which had a white chain entangled around it.



“Himiku!!” (Jiro)


“I understand!!” (Himiku)



 Where I alone was not enough.



“Minami!! Kitamiya!!” (Jiro)


“I know!!” (Minami)


“Let’s go!!” (Karen)



 The others.



“Kaido!!” (Jiro)


“Yeah!!” (Kaido)



 They will fill in.


 With their left hand blocked, their movements became even more slow and the number of attacks I took decreased.


 In the meantime, we completed the encirclement and fought to give them no time to rest.


 It was the right decision.



“Damn!! This Light! This technique! Eight!? Arrows! Sage!! It’s your doing!!” (Demon King’s Soul)



 This time, a magic circle was developed around his left leg, and a chain was wrapped around it in the same way.


 The Demon King’s Soul, who is familiar with that technique, seems to have guessed who is using that magic.


 But it doesn’t matter to me.



“Kaka, a good opportunity, a once in a lifetime opportunity!!” (Fusio)



 Taking advantage of the reduced number of attacks, Instructor Fusio sprouted a huge bone arm from the ground and grabbed both of Amelia’s legs.



“[Mana Drain].” (Fusio)



 He unleashed a life-absorbing magic, the true power of undead.



“Kakakaka!! This is the taste of the Demon King’s magical power! It’s so black and muddy! Sweet, how sweet!” (Fusio)



 The instructor smiles ecstatically as he takes in the soul with all its magic power via the bones grasping Amelia.



“I cannot, never be defeated!” (Demon King’s Soul)



 They are trying to fight, but I don’t think they can do it anymore.


 The white chains that reappeared restrained their entire body, making them unable to move, while the instructor’s absorption magic continued.



“…” (Jiro)



 I silently stare at the Demon King’s Soul inside Amelia, who is struggling to break free from the restraints.


 Then, slowly, I approach.



“Aaa, I will–!” (Demon King’s Soul)


“Your work is done.” (Jiro)



 Slashed like a flash of light diagonally swept from their left shoulder, clearing away the black miasma-like smoke that was still overflowing.



“Ah!” (Demon King’s Soul)



 Did that stop him?



“Leave it to your successor and rest.” (Jiro)



 The bone that had been restraining his leg lets go of his ankle and slowly rolls him over, not feeling as bad as before.


 I catch her.



“It’s over. The Demon King’s Soul no longer exists within this girl.” (Fusio)


“Instead, it hasn’t been transferred into the instructor or anything, has it?” (Jiro)


“Kakakakakaka, that can’t happen. What I absorbed was the magical power of the Demon King, and it was just magical power without any will. It’s impossible for me to be taken over.” (Fusio)



 Instructor Fusio looks into Amelia, who has fallen silently, and examines her, and says that there is no problem using his undead eyes, which glow blue and look like flames.


 It’s finally over.


 In the end, we didn’t kill anyone and that was it.


 It ended for the best.



“Or would it have been better to just act and fight Jiro as if I had been possessed? I don’t mind that though.” (Fusio)


“Please give me a break. My body and mind are already in tatters.” (Jiro)



 I think it would have been better if we could have ended with a joke like this.




Note for the Day

Even if it takes a long time to finish, even if there is still post-processing to be done, I am glad that it is over.



T/N: Instructor Fusio missed the opportunity. So, is Carter dead?



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