Otherworld Company Chapter 205: Debriefing Is Done Individually

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 Another Side



~3rd Person Perspective~



 A room in the company.


 It is late at night, and a light is shining in the office where no one is working.


 The light was leaking from a room on the top floor.



“That concludes the report.” (Evia)


“Yeah, it looks like the situation is coming to an end.” (Pre3sident)



 There were two figures in the room.


 One is Evia, standing in front of the only seat in the room, holding a report in one hand, and the other is the Demon King, who is the recipient of the report.



“Yes, the riots and rebellions in the area have been put down one by one, the angels have retreated from the dungeon after capturing the hero, and the dungeon is currently being conquered, but there is little resistance, and it will not take long before the conquest is complete.” (Evia)


“The Dragon King and the Titan King have taken the frontline. There won’t be any mistakes.” (President)



 When the cleanup is finally over, the president leans back in his luxurious chair revealing his tiredness, which he would not normally show, and lets out a sigh.


 On the luxurious table in front of the chair, there was a summary of the incident, including the beginning, the background, and the end.


 He had been reading it until just a few minutes ago.


 It is usual for him to scrutinize the vast amount of information, but although he does not show it in his face, it has already been a week since he fought the hero.


 During that time, the Demon King had not slept a wink and had been working diligently to deal with this incident.


 A strong body that reigns at the top of the Demon King’s army, which is made up of not only non-humans but also monsters.


 Even with that body, he still feels tired.


 The battle is still going on, but they are out of the most dangerous situation and have finally caught their breath.


 Suppressing the rioters, repelling enemy forces, raiding enemy strongholds, supporting damaged village towns, and making up for the lives lost in this battle.


 Although he would not touch the business end of things, there were still many areas that the Demon King, the head of the organization, would have to authorize.



“So? Shall I listen to another report?” (President)



 And the more problems they clean up, the more problems come up.


 A single sigh and the change of pace is complete.


 After a short rest, which could hardly be called a pause, the Demon King once again straightens his posture.



“Yes, I’ve checked the background of the people who were supporting the hero, and I think it’s likely that they are related to the sun god.” (Evia)



 Although not as bad as the Demon King, Evia, who was still recovering from her injuries, was also working tirelessly to deal with the aftermath, investigating the cause of this war.


 It would normally be impossible for a single territory to gather all the angels in a dungeon.


 The Demon King, who believed that there was some kind of hidden support, ordered an investigation.



“They sent out seraphim. I’m sure they are not a half-baked supporter. Of course, they still erased all traces, right?” (President)


“Yes, our investigation led us to the organization they probably used for communication, but we confirmed that all of them were dead. No documents or other evidence have been found. We are currently trying to determine the identities of the deceased members, but we will probably never know.” (Evia)


“I predicted this outcome. I know who is moving around behind my back, but we can’t get to them, even if we can get them by the tail. The hero, nameless man was just used. It’s a typical scheme.” (President)



 After all, it was not the Demon King Army’s prerogative to attack.


 Naturally, there have been many invasions from the hero’s side throughout history.


 This time is no exception.


 And it is usually the hero who is entrusted as the spear of that invasion.


 And most of those heroes are expendable.


 They can attack the Demon King’s Castle and defeat the Demon King, but because of the intensity of the battle, there are almost no examples of them returning alive.


 In other words, they are disposable pawns for their ideal future.



“…reports that the enemy dungeon may have robbed the local dungeon cores and made a chimera core.” (Evia)



 A Demon King with the bloodline of a hero.


 In such a special environment, the Demon King, who bears this one nation on his shoulders, respected his grandmother, who was a hero.


 Therefore, he may have some thoughts about the disposable heroes like this one.


 Sensing such an atmosphere, Evia neither confirms nor denies the Demon King’s words and begins to change the subject.



“Then, this is the reason why dungeons in some towns have stopped working, even though the dungeons that are in operation are precious.” (Evia)



 The Demon King also readily gets with the report.


 He gives off the impression that he doesn’t really care, but nobody can just guess what he’s thinking.


 However, since he did not rehash the conversation at this point, Evia went on with her report.


 For a while, they continue to flip through the documents and confirm their contents.


 Suddenly, the Demon King’s gaze fell on a document.



“Oh, this is one.” (President)


“…What’s the matter with Jiro Tanaka?” (Evia)


“Evia, you know what I’m asking, don’t you?” (President)


“…” (Evia)



 It is a single report.


 The creator of this report was made by Jiro Tanaka, a human who has obtained a position, albeit the lowest one, in the Demon King Army.


 It is not a report that would normally be in a position to catch the attention of the president, but he was a party to it, and the content summarizing the outcome of this event was present here because of its content.


 The Demon King, in a pleasant change from the heavy atmosphere he had been in earlier, flipped through the document.


 Evia also knew the contents.


 After all, it was Suela herself who submitted the document and brought it to this meeting.


 Naturally, she has examined the contents of the document carefully.



“Fufufufu, so many things happen around him. When he brought the fallen angel with him, I thought that unusual things would happen, but if things like this keep happening, I’m afraid that fate has already ordained to happen to him. I almost wonder if it’s true.” (President)



 The Demon King’s smile deepens as he reads through one report after another.



“I never expected that angels would be gathering around him again. I’m surprised the nobles around didn’t complain.” (President)


“Do you think they won’t?” (Evia)


“No? I don’t expect those stubborn blockheads to say anything. They were going to start preparing the execution table anyway, weren’t they? But that hasn’t happened. I’m sure some nosy ogre or undead made a move, but I’m also sure there’s a shadow of another demon out there.” (President)


“…” (Evia)



 The report is about two more angels, in addition to Himiku, a fallen angel who recently took up residence in the company.


 A being that would normally be impossible to welcome is now roaming the dungeon managed by Evia.


 In Himiku’s case, she was able to force her way through the conversation because of her fallen status, but this story is different.


 They are not corrupted and is still in the company with their pure white wings.


 This is a sight that is completely out of place in the eyes of the demon king’s army, even before any logic is involved.


 However, there are always exceptions to the rule.


 Because of that exception, there is a reason why something like this was allowed to go through.


 The Demon King, who knows about the exception and is in a position to give permission, looks over the sentence happily with a slight laugh escaping from his mouth.



“Even I didn’t expect this outcome. I knew something would happen. Even though I intentionally arranged the testers to be potential heroes, I didn’t expect such a result. Even if you arrange for them not to be potential heroes, their qualities make them candidates for becoming heroes. An Angel’s Covenant. I had no idea that they had done it.” (President)




 Angel’s Covenant is a kind of contract that is equivalent to a command from their God for angelic beings.


 Originally, it is a higher level of a quid pro quo contract, in which you get something in exchange for not doing something, but in this case, it was used in a somewhat special way.


 The contract was that instead of restricting the attack on the Demon King’s army except for self-defense, I would be allowed to stay by the side of the hero.


 There are more details to be worked out, but in general, the contract was something like this.


 But of course, that is not enough to convince people.


 There are other costs as well.



“I am also grateful to be able to obtain information about the current state of the Sun God. If you consider it a pledge to ensure its authenticity, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to carry one or two dangers within your body.” (President)



 The twin angels presented the demon king with priceless information.


 This negotiation would normally amount to an act of treachery.


 This is an event that could have led to them being expelled from the heavenly world, but the twins in question obediently presented the information they knew to the Demon King Army without a care in their eyes.



But I didn’t expect them to sign a contract not with Jiro Tanaka, who has a contract with a fallen angel, but with his subordinate, Tadashi Kaido.” (President)


“I have received reports that he became attached to the twins when he first rescued them from the battlefield and then took care of them.” (Evia)


“They tamed an angel, especially the highest-ranking angel. I’m curious as to what method they used.” (President)



 Even if it’s the highest angel.


 In addition to their fighting ability, their personality is very complex as they often act based on their own judgment.


 If they could bring in such a being and even make them cooperative, it made the Demon King think in his mind that peace through dialogue, which he had abandoned long ago, might be possible. [T/N: President is looking cooler than ever. Peace should always be an option.]



“Jiro Tanaka told me that it was a miraculous event that seemed to have happened by coincidence.” (Evia)


“Yes, the color of Tadashi Kaido’s soul, and his character, and his response to the angels this time, all of them are the result of all of it combined together, as the report says…” (President)



 The Demon King, who has known Evia for a long time, understands that when Evia’s expression becomes a little cloudy, it is when she is in doubt.


 Although it can be said that her facial expression hardly changes, he could guess from the subtle changes in her atmosphere that she was thinking about whether or not to explain the method.



“It says that they hit it off because they were like magical girls, but did they also send a magician who was the same age as the angels in question?” (President)


“I don’t know the details, but I’m told it’s a story about a fictional being that exists in their world.” (Evia)


“Huh, I’ve heard that their world is rich in entertainment, but I didn’t know there was such a thing.” (President)


“I think it’s a culture that we haven’t fully grasped yet.” (Evia)


“Perhaps that is the reason why the summoned heroes are able to adapt to our world so quickly. I heard from Jiro Tanaka that such information was given in the dungeon improvement plan. Do you think we should investigate such a culture?” (President)


“It’s hard to say, but it might be worth considering.” (Evia)



 The Demon King’s opinion was based solely on the information that came from the paper media, but in Evia’s case, she also listened to Jiro, the person in charge, in order to confirm the contents of the report.


 Jiro, who was summoned by Evia, reported the current situation to Evia, not with a wry smile, but rather with skepticism, wondering if the angels were really all right.


 In fact, in the name of monitoring, Jiro kept the angels close by.


 At that time, among the DVDs that Kaido brought to spend his leisure time, there was an anime for girls.


 And there are angels who are obsessed to it?


 Or should he impose a vow equal to the command of their god? After comparing the information given by Himiku, a fallen angel, Evia agreed that people and angels have different hobbies and preferences and have decided that as long as they keep quiet, it’s fine.


 From Evia’s point of view, who obediently submitted the information as is, she couldn’t understand what was wrong with the actual footage.


 However, she judged that it had some value because it was actually producing results.


 Therefore, she is taking the Demon King’s opinion positively.


 Evia didn’t know what effect this will have on the Demon King Army later on.


 This is just the content of one conversation in one post-processing session.


 However, this conversation may trigger something terrible.



 Another Side End



Note for the Day

Sometimes, when we are reflecting on the results of our work, we are surprised to find that the results are unexpected.



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