Otherworld Company Chapter 206.1: Human Relationships Are Always Changing

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T/N: Some parts of this chapter might be confusing because some scenarios that might not have happened were actually in the manga. So, they kind of did. Just read with an open mind. Especially with Kaido’s situation.



 I’ve always thought that a problem is what brings on the next problem.


 There may be no end to the number of small problems, but the recent rebellion by Carter’s may be one of the big ones.


 I’ve heard that he was involved in the dungeon slaying incident in the dungeon and the subsequent incident that occurred when we made a contract with the spirits.


 Finally, he was so brazen during the competition that Amelia’s life was in danger in the aftermath.


 Oh, it was such a series of troubles that I thought the year was bad.


 To be honest, I want to say that I’ve had enough of this.



“Hey, Kaido. I have to clean up Amelia’s mess and write a report on this incident. What do you think about that?” (Jiro)



 With dark circles under his eyes, Kaido shifted his body from the desk he usually uses in the party room and looked down at me, implying that he was busy.


 I’m smiling and blowing a cigarette as Kaido gets down on his knees in front of me.


 To the casual observer, it may look like a yakuza getting a regular guy down on his knees, but I don’t care.


 After all, this is the fourth day of all-nighters.


 It’s a form of postwar processing, and we’ve been working day after day, night after night on reports and briefings for the top brass.


 Although I say this is the fourth day of all-nighters, I have taken a nap in between, for a total of five hours of sleep. However, to be honest, I don’t remember resting except for eating and taking a bath.


 During the daytime, according to the schedule prepared by the supervisor, I was taken by a demon instructed by the supervisor and was made to explain the background, usefulness, and safety of the twin angels, Shik and Miik, whom I had protected this time, to the bigwigs, who were probably aristocrats.


 Normally, I would have been able to finish the briefing by simply reading the report, but these people were so obstinate that they would try to undermine my position if I showed even the slightest hint of weakness.


 They were the perfect epitome of horrible bosses.


 While I was mentally and physically tired and wanted to take a break, at night I had to prepare reports and presentation materials for the next report.


 I feel like I am doing something similar to what I did at the previous company, but unlike the previous company, I do not feel gloomy, although it is physically and mentally painful.


 If it were like the previous company, where the supervisor quickly leaves and I am the only one working, I would not only complain, I would lose my temper, but all the departments in the demon army, not just the supervisor’s, are similar.


 Both the top and the bottom are moving around equally.


 It has become what I would describe as a busy season.


 So, I don’t think there is any complaint from my mouth or from my heart.


 If I had to say something, I would like to say a few words to the busy people with money and power who are probably tranquilly drinking tea in right now, but it would be a waste of my time and effort.


 So, I was going on with my work without any complaints.


 In the midst of all this, Kaido dared to get down on his knees.


 That was enough to tell me that something must have gone wrong.


 To be honest, I was already full of it.


 I don’t want him to bring more problems.



“Senior! Please teach me how to treat girls.” (Kaido)


“Do you think I know?” (Jiro)



 I thought about giving him a little time because he was my old friend and junior, but apparently that wasn’t necessary.


 As soon as I heard the content, the space I had created in my head was filled with thoughts of work in the blink of an eye.


 With a single word, I cut him off and returned to work.



“Please wait! It’s my future, it’s my future, you know!?” (Kaido)


“Okay! Don’t cling to me, it’s annoying. I’ve been up all night and I’m sleepy!” (Jiro)



 Kaido had switched from prostrate position to clinging to my legs, and I tried to shake and pull my legs, but Kaido, who was clinging to my legs, not planning to let go, used his magically strengthened body to his full advantage. You could break someone’s bones.


 I, too, am using my body enhanced with the magical crest in a way that is different from its original use, for the death march, but I am using it for tonight’s sake.


 Yes, today is Amelia’s discharge day.


 After being rescued and waking up, she had been hospitalized in the company hospital in the form of a test hospitalization. As a result, although she is physically and mentally exhausted, there are no problems, and she will be discharged from the hospital today, the fourth day of her stay.


 Minami suggested a party to celebrate her release from the hospital.


 Kitamiya and Masaru, who was away, at home, agreed, and Suela, Himiku, Memoria, and the rest of the women are now steadily preparing for the party in my room.


 I am unable to participate in the preparations due to work, but I have given Himiku a larger budget and Suela and Memoria are cooperating, so it will be a reasonably luxurious party.


 So, in order to attend the party, and to avoid being interrupted by urgent work, I was on a death march day after day, night after night.



“This is probably about the angels that you picked up! They are the angels you picked up and are living here. So, with them needing food, clothing, and shelter, then just take care of it!” (Jiro)


“That’s right! That’s right! That’s what I did you know?!”  (Kaido)



 And during that death march, Kaido’s frustration was actually coming to me.


 Originally, I was supposed to share the work with Kaido, but Kaido left the party room, and I was the only one who had to fix this mountain of report writing.


 Kaido, who was released from this death march, has been entrusted with one task.


 He is now free from this death march, and Kaido has been given one task: to watch over the twin angels, Shik and Miik, and help them adjust to life in modern society.


 Or perhaps you could call him a caretaker, but I don’t care what we call him at this point.


 They are two young people who look like they have just reached junior high school age, and they are angels, two people who should not normally be here.


 On the surface, they needed a guardian, but those with power due to factional relationships or those with hostility toward the angels from a historical perspective were excluded from being candidates for guardianship.


 Then, various conditions were added, and Kaido, who belonged to the Demon King Army, had no prejudice, and had protected them, was selected as a candidate.


 I saw the moment when the young twin angels, who had negotiated with the president and the supervisor in a way that I did not expect to see, won the right of residence.


 So, I understood that they were not as old as they looked on the outside to the extent that I questioned whether those twins needed guardianship.


 I also knew that I shouldn’t make an enemy of them.



“It’s a harem just like you wanted, right? It just started with lolis.” (Jiro)



 Remembering this, I puffed on my cigarette and told Kaido about his desire to be popular with girls on a daily basis had been fulfilled, albeit in an anomalous way.



“I want you to stop!? You make it sound like it is real, but it isn’t, so I want you to stop it!!” (Kaido)



 Well, from modern Japan’s point of view, it looks like an adult man surrounded by underage girls.


 It’s like a harem transported to some other world. Japanese common sense has become a stopper for me to rejoice.


 Kaido honestly doesn’t seem to be happy about this.




“Shut up! I’ll even add the acronym ‘legal’ if you want! The fact that you are a lolicon is well known in the company, as you have tamed even Ms. Amiri, the Machine King, without my knowledge! Right!?” (Jiro) [T/N: This started in the manga before the disaster that became the catalyst for Jiro and Suela’s love to start. So, around Chapter 18-19.]



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