Otherworld Company Chapter 208.1: Sometimes I Think Everyday Life Has Changed A Lot When I Look Back On The Past.

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“The food in the other world is good, but the food here is also good, Senior.” (Kaido)


“Ah, I guess it’s because I’m used to eating it. When I want to eat, I eat.” (Jiro)




 This is not the company cafeteria or our room in the dormitory, but a ramen shop in Tokyo.


 Kaido and I, two men, sit side by side at the counter, slurping the steaming noodles as if to warm our chilled bodies in the winter cold.



“Anyway, something like that happened, but no one in this world knows about it.” (Kaido)


“The police got involved, but that’s as far as it goes. If we take proper external measures, information will not be leaked. I understand the nervousness about confidentiality considering the special nature of our company. If that’s the case, then it’s only natural that we would take the necessary measures this time.” (Jiro)



 The recent disturbance caused by Carter, who was apparently a hero, has now died down, and the level of caution within the Demon King Army is gradually decreasing.


 Even so, it does not mean that it has ended, and I have heard from instructors and supervisor that they will be forced to clean up the mess within the year.


 In the midst of such a day, I miss Japanese food, although the food from otherworld is delicious.


 Normal work has gradually resumed a few days ago.


 It is my day off while working as a tester.


 Today was the first time in a while that Kaido and I had the same day off, so we went out to a ramen restaurant that we used to frequent in the past.


 I was relieved to find that the taste of the ramen soup was the same as it had been in the past, and when I remembered the ingredients, I had eaten recently, I felt nostalgic even though not even a year had passed.


 On a summer day, the newscasters were making a fuss about the disappearance of a group of high school students, but now they are talking about the soon-to-come Christmas.



“Come to think of it, Christmas is almost here.” (Kaido)


“It’s a little late for that, isn’t it?” (Jiro)


“Until last year, it was an event that had nothing to do with us. Especially this time of year, it’s a rush, so maybe that’s why. It feels strange to be eating ramen so leisurely.” (Kaido)


“I don’t know about that feeling, but last year we didn’t have anything to do with Christmas.” (Jiro)



 On the other side of the screen, cakes looking delicious.


 The restaurant with a night view.


 A special feature on date spots where you want to spend time with your sweetheart.


 It was full of much calmer sceneries.



“Before, if I had time to ponder the meaning of ‘Christmas, I could prioritize becoming as efficient as possible in crunching the numbers instead.” (Jiro)


“At the same time, I was thinking about how I could legally punch my boss in the head.” (Kaido)


“Yeah, me too.” (Jiro)



 I remember my last Merry Christmas was so busy that I could have typed “Merry Suffering” instead. [T/N: Wordplay of merii kurisumasu (Merry Christmas) and merii kurushimimasuto (Merry Suffering).]


 I don’t know how many energy drinks I drank.


 The papers that never decrease.


 I don’t know if it was the heating or what, but the air in the unventilated room was stagnant, and the complexion of the people in the room was as bad as expected.



“To be honest, I didn’t expect to be able to spend the end of the year leisurely like this.” (Kaido)


“Ah, there may be some confusion, but it’s because I thought we’d be busy at the end of this year.” (Jiro)



 We are able to laugh about the old stories now that we have gotten away from that kind of company.


 While thanking the current company for bringing us to such a state, I think about the other departments that are still buzzing.


 The aftermath of this incident, which was not too much to call it a civil war, still remains.


 As someone who was involved in such an incident and uproar, I cherish the days when I can spend time peacefully like this.



“There are more noodles to slurp.”  (Jiro)


“Oh.” (Kaido)



I was so lost in thought that I took my eyes off the TV screen, which I had been watching for a while, and ate the remaining ramen noodles.


 Since I’ve been exercising more, my appetite has increased compared to last year, and I ordered a large portion, but before I knew it, I’d finished eating.


 Once we step outside through the sign door curtain.



“Ugh, it’s cold.” (Kaido)


“It’s December. It rarely snows, but the cold is expected.” (Jiro)



 The winter cold is cooling the body that has been warmed by the ramen noodles.


 Kaido rubbed his hands to keep warm, and I pulled up the collar of my long coat.


 Unlike the usual warmth of the office, Tokyo winters are chilly.


 We didn’t have any plans to stay here, so we didn’t say anything and started walking toward the station.



“What can I say? We’ve changed, haven’t we?” (Jiro)


“Ah? We haven’t changed that much, have we?” (Kaido)


“No, the building hasn’t changed, but how do you call it? You know, the way you look at things, your feelings? Something like that.” (Jiro)


“A difference in perspective?” (Kaido)


“That’s right. Thinking about what I learned at our current company, this scenery looks a little different.” (Jiro)


“…Maybe so.” (Kaido)



 An ordinary Tokyo streetscape.


 There are a lot of people, there are tall buildings, and it’s noisy.


 In the past, we would have thought it was just a normal occurrence and would not have felt anything, but now it seems different.


 The casual flow of people, and this peaceful scene that has no whisper of conflict.


 To begin with, I felt that before, I would have recognized that peace equals boredom.


 Now I feel as if this view is very precious.


 My perception may have certainly changed since I changed jobs this spring.


 There are a lot of people, and there are complicated relationships, but this is certainly a country that is protected by law and maintains peace.


 I am reminded of such things now.



“It doesn’t seem right.” (Jiro)


“Did you say something, Senior?” (Kaido)


“I didn’t say anything.” (Jiro)



 With a bitter smile, I laughed off the words that were running through my head, wondering why I was being so sentimental even after finishing such a big job, and continued on with my almost halting steps.



“Now that I think about it, Minami said she was going to set up a Christmas party. I think it’s okay, but what do you think about it, Senior?” (Kaido)


“Was she? I was planning on taking both Christmas Eve and the day off.” (Jiro)


“Oh. I think we can do it! Then let’s do that!” (Kaido)


“Don’t ignore my thoughts, could you?” (Jiro)



 Kaido cheerfully talks about what I thought, as if he doesn’t know about my thoguhts, and if I give him a positive answer, he happily says what he wants to do.



“Well, since it’s Christmas, we’re supposed to be exchanging gifts!” (Kaido)


“Is it already decided?” (Jiro)



 I thought they might be feeling like students, but I noticed that Suela and the others didn’t do many events on that side.


 Then it would be good to do something like that once in a while.


 If we have a Christmas party, I think it would be a perfect occasion.



“I think it’s a good idea. We don’t have too many days left, so we’ll have to tell the participants as soon as possible.” (Jiro)


“That’s right! I can’t wait to see what the people on the other side have in store for us!” (Kaido)


“Before that, let’s finish our errands. We’re not even halfway through our plans yet.” (Jiro)


“Yeah!” (Kaido)



 While chatting like this, we walk through the crowds toward our destination.


 The streets of Tokyo are in a Christmas mood.


 The streets of Tokyo are decorated with lights, under which part-time and full-time employees are dressed as Santa Claus and waving signs that match the type of business, they are in.


 I would have wanted walked with Suela, Memoria, and Himiku, but I was walking alone with Kaido instead.



“Was it just down this street?” (Kaido)


“I think it was somewhere around here.” (Jiro)




Kaido and I were both shopping for Christmas gifts for the girls.



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