Otherworld Company Chapter 211: In Private, I Suddenly See An Old Familiar Face.

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 It’s been several days since I heard from Minami that Masaru is in a good mood.


 Today is Christmas Eve, and bells are ringing, the streets seem even more colorful today.


 It was such a day, but I was walking alone in the town.



“I never thought I’d be here again.” (Jiro)



 I look ahead to the store where I bought a cake roll for Suela a long time ago.


 I remember standing in line for quite a while back then, and the store seemed to be even more crowded than before due to the Christmas season.


 A clerk dressed as Santa Claus was organizing the line, holding up a sign that said “End of the Line.”


 If I remember correctly, the line seemed to be longer than before.



“Huh, lining up for that in the cold?” (Jiro)



 I felt a bit heavy, but I slowly made my way to the end of the line because I had no choice but to stand in line.


 Naturally, the reason I came to this store was to buy a cake for the Christmas party.


 Both Masaru, who is a good cook, and Himiku, who is steadily improving her cooking skills, are not good at pastries, but they both said they could make a cake, but they wanted to eat a delicious cake anyway.


 When I asked the other members if they could make a cake, they said,



“Are you suicidal, Leader, that you are?” (Minami)



 I recall how long it has been since Minami picked up a knife.



“I’m not even a tenth good as Masaru.” (Karen)



 Kitamiya can cook, but at an average level.



“Senpai, I want you to remember. There’s no way I could have a noble hobby like cooking in my private life specially for both of our pasts.” (Kaido)



 Kaido says that he lived a life inseparable from convenience stores with a distant look in his eyes.


 I am similar to him. I can make yakisoba, but when it comes to cakes, it’s a different story.


 And speaking of the otherworld groups.



“I know what a cake is, but I don’t know how to make it.” (Memoria)



 Starting with Memoria, one of the few who have ever eaten cake on this side.



“I’m sorry, Master, but you can look forward to the future.” (Himiku)



 Himiku looks frustrated that she doesn’t have enough training.



“I can cook, too, but I’m not familiar with the cuisine here.” (Suela)



 Suela, who says she is still studying, is currently learning more about Japanese cuisine and is not familiar with western sweets.


 Well, the twin angels who were least expecting it so they asked just in case.



““What is cake?”” (Shik & Miik)



 I had to start by explaining its existence.


 In this situation, the conversation naturally turned to buying a cake and deciding on a store.


 At that time, Suela said,



“If so, I would like to try the roll cake that I had before.” (Suela)



 As if I had just remembered, I mentioned the contents of my present, so the women, Kitamiya and Minami, researched the store.



“Leader, you were the only man in line at that store, that you were!?” (Minami)


“No, this store is famous because it’s hard to buy anything.” (Karen)



 I thought that if it was a famous store, it would be good, but it turned out to be quite an amazing store according to the two ladies.


 I was expected to go there this time as well.


 That is not to say that we came here without any plan.


 I knew that the combination of Christmas and cake would be crowded without a doubt.


 So I made a reservation in advance.



“Well, that reservation was no easy feat…”



 It was quite difficult to get a reservation.


 Since it is a famous store, there are various restrictions when it comes to making reservations.


 First of all, I was told that only customers who purchased one or more were allowed, that I had to make a reservation several days in advance, and various other things were explained to me, and at the last minute I was told that if there were too many reservations, there would be a lottery. I thought about switching to a different store.


 Well, the fact that I am visiting like this means that I got the reservation without a hitch.



“You should have brought someone with me.”



 The only people in line were women, and even though I was just coming to pick up my pre-ordered item, it felt a bit cramped.


 The few male customers were all couples.


 I was the only male customer here alone.


 They say regret is the first thing to go, and that’s exactly what happened.


 Normally, I would have smoked a cigarette to cover up the atmosphere, but in Tokyo, smoking outside of designated areas is subject to a fine.


 If I smoked in such a place, I would surely be kicked out.



“It shows that our company is a blessing.” (Jiro)



 I nodded to myself to cover up the loneliness around my mouth, reaffirming that I am blessed to be able to smoke anywhere there, and tucked in the collar of my jacket to keep the cold at bay.


 The sign that reads “End of the Line” drifts behind me, but I am still a long way from the front of the line.


 When it takes a while longer, I grabbed my phone, bracing myself for the stares from the women around me.


 I was about to advance my finger to look at a suitable news site, but.



“Ah, it that you, Mr. Tanaka?” (Voice)


“Huh?” (Jiro)



 My lowered gaze was soon raised again.


 I don’t know if I should say this myself, but there are plenty of people with the surname Tanaka.


 It is a surname that is so familiar that it is typical for the characters to be different but the pronunciation is the same.


 I don’t know how many Tanaka’s there are in this line, but I somehow knew that this voice was referring to me.



“Oh, it’s you.” (Jiro)


“It’s been a long time! What are you doing here, or rather, why are you standing in line all by yourself?” (Voice => Kawasaki)


“If I didn’t have something to do, I wouldn’t have stood in line either. You are as energetic as always, Kawasaki.” (Jiro)



 When I turned my gaze, the owner of the name that had emerged from my memory saluted and greeted me.



“My energy is my strength! That’s why! If you take that energy from me, only my beauty will be left.” (Kawasaki)



 Her voice was loud, but not too loud.


 The voice was loud and familiar, and when I looked in the direction of the voice, relying on my memory of it, I saw a familiar face.


 Midori Kawasaki.


 This is someone I met at my previous company’s sales office.


 As you can see, she has a lot of energy, and although it sounds good to say that she is innocent, she is sometimes called an annoying woman.


 She must have been five years younger than me, but her petite figure makes her look younger than she is.


 She has a pretty face that is more childish than beautiful, wears a beige trench coat, has light brown hair cut at the shoulder, and still smiles and smiles.



“You really haven’t changed. As you can see, I came here to buy cake.” (Jiro)


“All alone?” (Kawasaki)


“I don’t know why you’re emphasizing that part, but stop that expression, you’re too serious. I’m just getting annoyed. I’m just shopping. I’m having a Christmas party with my family.” (Jiro)


“Huh? Mr. Tanaka, when did you have that much free time? I thought it was always a death march for you… but to be honest, when I saw you standing in this line, I thought it was just someone that just coincidentally looked like you.” (Kawasaki)



 I thought she was as honest as ever, but I thought there was no need to hide it, so I answered honestly.



“Oh, you didn’t know? I quit my previous company. So now I’m under elsewhere.” (Jiro)


“What? Mr. Tanaka changed jobs? I was wondering why I haven’t seen you recently! Why did you change jobs? Don’t tell me you finally beat up that old baldy? If that’s the case privately… I’d like to say good job.” (Kawasaki)


“Shut up, I didn’t hit him. And be aware of our surroundings. If you’re going to make a scene, please leave.” (Jiro)


“Oops, my bad.” (Kawasaki)



 A conversation while standing in line.


 The women in the same line in front of us and behind us complained about the noise, and Kawasaki bowed her head.



“So? Did you just want to talk about the old days when you came all the way over here to talk to me?” (Jiro)


“Yes! I had an appointment to meet my cousin and I had some free time, so I was wandering around! Then, I saw someone I knew lining up in an interesting place, so I called out to you!” (Kawasaki)


“I see.” (Jiro)



 It’s good to be honest, but when someone says clearly that I’m killing time, I feel refreshed, but I start to wonder what this guy is talking about.


 I have been thinking this since I often visited the other party’s office and had discussions with her, but I can’t hate her somehow.



“Well, I guess it’s good because I’ll be able to kill time too.” (Jiro)



 It would be great if I could have someone to talk to as well.


 I was getting tired of standing in such a long line by myself, and it was getting a little noisy, but maybe it was just the right thing to do under this cold sky.


 I was about to talk to him, and I said,



“Kawasaki! Please stand in line for me!!” (Jiro)


“Huh!? Wait, Mr. Tanaka’s legs are fast!?” (Kawasaki)



 Behind Kawasaki, opposite the cake shop.


 A boy was happily juggling the soccer ball that was probably bought for him as a Christmas present, but I could see it slipping away from the boy’s small hands.


 Perhaps it was the result of my usual training, but I already knew what was going to happen, so I started to move quickly and reflexively before I could even think about it.


 The ball continues its momentum into the road, and the child chases it.


 My well-trained eyes accurately capture the scene and allow me to calculate the time between the approaching car and the boy.


 With each step, I accelerate, feeling as if I am the only one moving fast as my vision slows, and I leap out onto the road and jump on the boy.



“Takashi!” (Woman)



 Probably this boy’s mother.


 If I too, were to look away for a moment and a child jumped out onto the road, I would scream.


 I spun around once, and as I heard the horn echoing past me, I felt relieved that I had somehow managed to run through the road, and pushed the boy back towards the woman who was running toward us.



“It would have been dangerous if it weren’t for me, kid, it’s also dangerous to just suddenly jump in.” (Jiro)



 I handed the soccer ball to the boy, who didn’t know what had happened, and said nothing to his mother, who was touching him all over his body to make sure he was not hurt.



“Be careful next time.” (Jiro)



 I patted his head as I crossed the pedestrian crossing and returned to the cake shop.


 I hear a woman’s voice from behind me saying thank you, and I turn around once, give a slight nod, and continued on.


 I was wondering if Kawasaki had lined up, but I thought it might be impossible since it happened so quickly.



“Mr. Tanaka, weren’t you amazing?! What was that?! You must have been an Olympic athlete in the past, or maybe you were a police!?” (Kawasaki)


“Calm down, I just had a chance to work out recently.” (Jiro)



 It seems like she dutifully stood in line for me and saved me a spot.


 I was a little worried because I was in a place with no magic essence and no support from the magic crest, but I’m glad it worked out somehow.


 Kawasaki approached me showing that she couldn’t get over her excitement after seeing my actions, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell her the truth.


 I had to cover it up like this.


 She still insisted on asking me what kind of training I was doing, but I couldn’t talk about it.


 I just dodged and dodged, and time passed.



“By the way, how about your meeting time?” (Jiro)


“Ah! That’s crazy, it almost time.” (Kawasaki)



 When I pointed out the time, it seemed like it was time for her meeting, and when she looked at the watch in her left hand she started to panic.


 I thought this would finally calm her down.



“Oh, Leader, Ms. Midori. Why are you together?” (Masaru)


“Masaru?” (Jiro)


“Oh, if it isn’t Masaru!” (Kawasaki)



 Another person joined the space.


 When I saw Masaru approaching us in casual clothes, I called out his name, but I had no idea that Kawasaki was also an acquaintance of Masaru.



“Mr. Tanaka, did you know Masaru?” (Kawasaki)


“Yeah, at my current workplace. It seems like you’re acquaintances too.” (Jiro)


“Fufufufu! We don’t just know each other, Masaru is my cousin! And, let’s not hide it, I’m Masaru’s first crush!” (Kawasaki)


“Wait!? Ms. Midori!!” (Masaru)


“I see.” (Jiro)



 I wondered how they knew each other, but it clearly showed the relationship between the two.


 Kawasaki’s expression was amused when she talks to Masaru, saying it’s been a while since I’ve seen him, and Masaru doesn’t have his usual mature expression, but instead has a look that’s appropriate for his age.


 In that case, I think the introduction that Kawasaki gave earlier is quite spot on.


 And I somehow understood the reason Minami was in such a good mood.



“I had recently contacted him about a consultation, and we had talked about a lot of things, but I thought we should have dinner anyway, so I invited him over today!” (Kawasaki)



 He showed excessive skinship as if he was doting on his real little brother, and I could only smile but my mouth could not help but chuckle, and I inwardly felt thankful that he seemed to have helped me see more of a normal Masaru.


 If my concerns are resolved, my doubts will also be resolved, and if that’s the case, it would be a bad idea to keep her around for a long time.



“I see, then it would be a bad idea to keep you back any longer. Please enjoy your holiday at your leisure.” (Jiro)


“We’ll do that! Come on, let’s go, Masaru!” (Kawasaki)


“Ah, Leader, please excuse me!” (Masaru)


“Sure, be careful.” (Jiro)



 It was refreshing to see Masaru, who usually pulls Minami, being pulled like that, and remembering the long line, I reminded myself to be patient for a while longer.



Note for the Day

Isn’t it quite common for people you know to be connected in strange ways?



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