Otherworld Company Chapter 212: Enjoy When You Can Enjoy It. I Think That Is To Divide Public And Private

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 Today is Christmas.


 The world sometimes says it’s a cruel event that separates winners from losers, but that’s only if you look at it from an oblique perspective.


 In the public’s mind, it’s a day to have fun with family, loved ones, and friends.


 But well, for those who don’t fall into that category, it’s the day I mentioned at the beginning.


 I guess I would have to say that the members here are winners if I were to apply it to that.


 The time is 6:00 PM.


 A tree is prominently displayed in the corner of the room, with many presents collected around the tree, and various dishes spread out on a large table placed in the center of the room.


 We talked calmly in that space.


 The Christmas party, which had started around sunset, had been going on for about an hour, and although it was on the scale of a home party, it was quite a lively affair.



“Oh, I never thought I’d be able to participate in such a realistic event. It was worth it to dress up like this.” (Miik)


“Oh my, our hero looks like he’s on the verge of tears, Miik.” (Shik)


“I see that, Shik. Here, my hero, eat this, it’s delicious.” (Miik)



 I think Kaido eating the food offered by the twin angels while showing a crying face is just the right analogy for what I thought.


 The twin angels were told by Minami that this was the formal attire for Christmas, and coupled with the fact that they are dressed as Santa Claus, I think my earlier analogy was correct.


 Kaido’s reindeer costume is a little strange, but that’s okay.


 Another example is Kitamiya, who nodded her head in satisfaction as she asked Himiku about the food, a gesture that suggests she is used to this kind of situation.



“Ms. Himiku, this food looks delicious. What kind of dish is it?” (Karen)


“Oh, this one. This is a bird dish that has been handed down in the Dark Elf village, which was taught by Suela. The key to this dish is to bring out the flavor of the herbs. I have prepared Japanese and Itharian dishes for you this time. Enjoy.” (Himiku)


“Yes, I’m enjoying it. Is the liquor over here from over there, too? I have never had it before.” (Karen)



 Himiku was also going to dress up as Santa prepared by Minami, but I stopped her.


 The Santa costume prepared by Minami was intentionally small, and it was a very tight-fitting outfit.


 I’m glad I noticed when she was called in to try it on, but at the same time, I have fresh memories of silently dropping my fist on Minami’s head.


 Now I had her change and she was dressed in a turtleneck white sweater and a light blue skirt.


 Himiku explains the dishes, while Kitamiya, in her burgundy-based jacket and gray skirt, tastes the food.



“Oh, these drinks are delicious too.” (Mie)


“It’s a fruit wine from my hometown. I’m glad it suits your palate.” (Memoria)


“Yes, the sweetness is modest and the refreshing acidity is impressive.” (Mie)


“Mommy, don’t drink too much.” (Amelia)


“Yes, yes, I know. But today, I can drink a little more.” (Mie)


“How about this one with honey? It’s sweet but has a clean aftertaste, so it’s perfect with this dish.” (Memoria)


“Oh, it looks delicious. Looks like I’m going to eat a little too much today.” (Mie)


“…Isn’t this a dangerous pattern?” (Amy)



 Near the table are Amelia and her mother, Mie, and Memoria is sitting next to them, drinking liquor from the otherworld.


 Amelia and Memoria are dressed as Santas in matching sizes, while Mie declines, so she’s dressed in normal clothes.


 Amelia isn’t drinking because she’s underage, but she’s drinking something that looks like otherworld juice instead.


 However, Amelia, who is sandwiched between the two drinking groups, seems to feel some uneasiness about Ms. Mie’s drinking.


 Well, if it comes down to it, I just let her drink some potion to sober her up, and I watch her quietly.


 Thinking back, it has become commonplace to interact with residents of other worlds in this way, but from the outside, it must be a rare sight.


 This is a space where people other than the human race are mixed together.


 I know what they are doing, but I wonder if the atmosphere changes so much when the cast changes.


 However, the change is not a bad thing; in fact, I think it is a good thing.


 The lively atmosphere is not the same as when I was a trainee, but it is still lively and everyone is enjoying themselves.


 It’s a scene that makes me glad I did it.



“So what are you thinking? How are you sulking on such an auspicious day?” (Jiro)


“Nothing, I am not sulking, that I am not.” (Minami)


“Don’t say things like the words of someone who is drunk.” (Jiro)



 In such a space, I was slowly enjoying a drink with Suela, but we slipped into her lonely space.



“Are you lonely because Mr. Masaru hadn’t appeared yet?” (Suela)


“I don’t think anything about Masaru, that I don’t.” (Minami)



 Minami hides her face by hugging a large cushion that I bought to reduce the strain on Suela when she sits on it, although it’s not a cushion that can change people, but her usual cheerfulness can’t be heard in her voice.


 She was in good spirits when she arrived at the party, but she had been gradually losing her energy ever since Masaru called to tell her he would be late.


 She was very quiet for this Christmas party.


 She was still sipping a can of Chuuhai [T/N: Shouchuu Highball.] and eating the food Himiku had prepared for her, but she was not as energetic as usual.



“Mr. Masaru will be here soon. Until then, let’s talk to each other.” (Suela)



 Suela gently pats Minami’s head, which is a rare sight in, but it is interesting to see the combination of Suela and Minami, who are dressed in a Santa Claus costume and wearing loose-fitting clothes that are beginning to show her pregnancy.



“Hmm, if you weren’t Leader’s wife, I would have asked you to marry me, that I will. Leader, please give Ms. Suela to me, that you should.” (Minami)


“I can’t do it.” (Jiro)


“Hehe, I can’t give myself to you.” (Suela)


“Waah~ I was rejected that I was.” (Minami)



 Minami who had been a little gloomy, but due to Suela’s kindness seemed to be slightly more energetic, and her sullen expression began to subside.


 While Suela was playfully poking Minami’s forehead with her finger, Suela and I were talking to Minami as if we were dealing with a sister who is much younger than us, and Minami acting like herself suddenly blurted out a topic,



“By the way, I know it’s a little late, but there are various haunted places and power spots in Japan, that there is a connection with magic power, that there is, right?” (Minami)



 This is a topic that is still ambiguously defined by the Japanese people.


 It is an existence that can only be measured in terms of whether it is beneficial or not.


 It is a place where some people say there is something, while others say there is nothing.


 I used to dismiss it as being fine either way as long as it didn’t have anything to do with magic, but now it’s different.



“Come to think of it, do you look into places like that at our place too?” (Jiro)



 I had never paid attention to it before, but even today there is no shortage of such myths, ghost stories, and other occult tales.


 It is often said that there is no smoke without fire, but since there is such a story, I thought that it was not only fiction but also fact, so I asked Suela some questions.



“Yes, I have researched that there is no magical power in this world, but I wonder if there is a power similar to that, or if there is a spiritual vein that is the source of magical power, so even the army is searching for it.” (Suela)


“There may be some power spots that are really power spots, that there are.” (Minami)


“Currently, we have not achieved any results as far as we can confirm. We have not been able to make contact with magic or non-human beings like us.” (Suela)


“I see, that is a pity, that it is, isn’t it?” (Minami)


“However, there have been some interesting reports.” (Suela)


“Interesting reports?” (Jiro)



 Suela replied in the affirmative that they were conducting an investigation.


 The result of the investigation was the answer that there is no mystery in Japan at this moment.


 Minami said she was sorry to hear that, but Suela smiled and told her about the report she had received.



“We have confirmed that there are several areas that even we cannot penetrate. They are artificially hidden places, deep in the mountains or unexplored areas that are not considered important bases in Japan.” (Suela)


“Oh, is there really a hidden village, that there is?! Are they ninjas, that they are? Or onmyoujis, that they are?” (Minami)


“I don’t know about that, but there is no doubt that there is something there. We have also confirmed that there are artifacts hidden in nature. The artifacts strongly suggest that they do not belong to the military of this world. One of the people involved, who is skilled in detection, suggested that it might be related to something mystical. Therefore, we are in the process of deciding whether or not to make contact with the organization that is in hiding. Therefore, the current situation is that the investigation is carried out within the range where our presence is not noticed.” (Suela)



 When she told Minami that it was still too early to know the details, I started growing concerned.


 If it is said that there is actually a mystery in Japan, it is understandable that I would be concerned.


 I myself have wondered if my mother’s unconventional background as a daughter of a Shinto shrine might have some mysterious power.


 I feel a sense of glee when I think that this might be an ancient Japanese power.



“I also gather information, including gossip. There is so much information out there, it’s a big job just to confirm the truth.” (Suela)


“There are so many false rumors, that I can only imagine what you are going through, that I do.” (Minami)



 In a sense, even casual gossip is a valuable source of information for Suela and her colleagues.


 However, most of the sources of information were written as a joke, and it would be no small task to find out the truth from them.


 Although I thought it would be difficult, so I sipped my beer.



“Ah, I heard something interesting recently about that kind of genre.” (Kaido)


“Oh, what is it?” (Miik)


“I’m also curious.” (Shik)



 While we were having such a conversation, Kaido also joined the conversation.


 Then naturally the twin angels joined in the conversation.



“What kind of story are you talking about, that it is? Since its Senior Kaido, I feel like it’s going to end just like that, that it will.” (Minami)


“I got it alright! It’s really interesting.” (Kaido)


“Oh, you’re going to raise the bar even higher here, that you will. I know what you’re doing, that I do, Senior Kaido.” (Minami)



 Minami watches with admiration as Kaido proudly puffs out his chest, thinking that he’s made a big impact, as Minami spins words of encouragement.


 Suela also seems interested and listens intently to Kaido’s words.



“I heard that something’s been going on lately.” (Kaido)


“Is it a ghost, that it is? In that case, I’m tired of hearing it, that I am.” (Minami)



 Although he was a clumsy storyteller, Kaido paused for a moment and said something like this.



“No, that’s not it! It looks like it’s not a ghost, it’s real. It’s also about the same age as Masaru and the others, it is about a girl who tells me that she’s enchanted by a demon.” (Kaido)



 I don’t think anyone present had any idea that this conversation, which began with such a preamble, would turn out to be such a disaster.



Note for the Day

It may not seem possible to switch your mind, but if you could, it would be useful in many ways. 



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