Otherworld Company Chapter 213: There Is No Smoke Without Fire. But Few People Care About The Smoke.

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“Are you talking about some strange cult recruitment?” (Jiro)



 I stopped drinking and asked back in a sober tone of voice.


 If you only listen to the story quickly, it sounds like they are going to sell you a lucky pot or a pendant to ward off evil spirits, something that you don’t know if it works or not.


 Kaido’s story seems to be one of those urban legends that you see on Twitter and social networking sites.


 If that were all, it would just be one of those articles that you see often as a gossip story.



“That’s not it. It seems like it’s a real story, and some of our testers were also told about it.” (Kaido)



 If there is an actual experience, it is indeed unreliable to say that it is true.


 The story that Kaido told is also a form of hearsay.


 It falls on being a rumor.



“I’ve heard about that too.” (Karen)


“Kitamiya too?” (Jiro)


“Yes, I heard it at a magicians meeting.” (Karen)


“Eh, I don’t know about it, that I don’t.” (Minami)


“You don’t come to meetings don’t you?” (Karen)



 But the more people who know about it, the more credibility it will have.


 I turned to look at Kitamiya and took advantage of the fact that she had heard it too, and she looked as if she is trying to remember what they had said, she put her finger on her chin and began speaking.



“I haven’t heard the exact details, but it seems that she suddenly spoke to her and told her that she was possessed by something bad. The girl didn’t take it well at first, but she persisted and told her to come to the shrine.” (Kaido)


“That doesn’t sound typical.” (Jiro)



 I thought it would be a shame if it was a bad religious solicitation, and it is not a topic to talk about at Christmas.



“Well, as expected, Kaido’s story ended in nonsense.” (Jiro)


“Wait!? Senior, aren’t you saying that too harshly!?” (Kaido)


“Idiot, why do I have to listen to strange religious recruitment stories on Christmas? Choose a better topic.” (Jiro)


“That’s true, I think a lighter topic would have been better.” (Karen)


“Huh, Kitamiya also got into the topic, right?” (Kaido)


“I just went with the flow of the conversation.” (Karen)



 I thought it would be bad to break the conversation just because it was an unpleasant topic, but I thought it would be a good idea to bring up such a topic at a different celebration, so I decided to just keep it in the corner of my memory and move on to the next topic.



“Sorry. I’m late!” (Masaru)


“Ah, Masaru!” (Jiro)



 With the late Masaru arriving, there is no longer any need to provide a topic.



“Sorry Ms. Himiku. I couldn’t help you with the cooking.” (Masaru)


“I don’t mind. You were probably busy too. We can’t help it.” (Himiku)



 The first thing he did was to go and apologize to Himiku, who was going to prepare the food with her, and then he saw Minami approaching with juice in hand.



“You’re late, that you are~ Was something wrong, that there was?” (Minami)


“I just had some errands to do at home.” (Masaru)


“That it is?” (Minami)


“Yeah.” (Masaru)


“That’s fine, that it is. Then, Masaru should have a glass too, that you should!” (Minami)


“Oh, thank you.” (Masaru)



 Minami is trying to find out what he is late for, but Masaru says it’s nothing important and doesn’t say why, which I find strange.



“Everyone, hold your glasses, that you should! Let’s have a toast, that we will!!” (Minami)



 I also held up my beer to match the excited Minami.



“””””Merry Christmas!!””””” (Everyone)



 The glasses are clinked with the shouts of the excited members, and the Christmas party finally begins to get into full swing.


 Time flies as we play some light games like cards and King’s Game, although it’s not really an event.



“Well then, it’s time for the main event, the gift exchange!” (Kaido)


“Let’s go, that we should!!” (Minami)



 And when alcohol enters the human body, some sense of shame disappears.


 I feel like my resistance to drunkenness increases every time my status increases, but I still get drunk.


 The intoxication is not so bad that it dulls your thinking.


 However, I can say that Kaido and Minami’s tension is the highest among us, probably due to their individual constitutions.


 While I think it’s good that the mood is so uplifting, I look forward to what’s going to happen next and watch with a wry smile as the two of them seem to be about to go wild and burst into fireworks.


 Then a box big enough for hold Kaido to hold in one hand was brought out.



“There are numbered capsules in this box. The numbers are paired with the gifts on the other side, so the number you draw will be the gift! I’d like let the ladies draw first, but that would be boring, so I’ve prepared this. Minami!” (Kaido)


“I understand, that I do!! Come on, bingo machine!!” (Minami)



 Minami, who was standing next to Kaido like an assistant, cheerfully placed a large bingo machine on the table.



“As you can see, it is a plain bingo machine, that it is!!” (Minami)


“It’s not a giant-made bingo machine, is it?” (Jiro)


“No, I thought about it, that I did, but I didn’t think it would be funny enough for me, that I decided not to do it this time.” (Minami)


“You thought about it?” (Jiro)



 Since it was surprisingly well made, I thought that some giants were involved who wanted to give it some kind of weird effect, but that wasn’t the case, and it was just something that was sold normally.


 I thought that the bingo machine of the giants with their twisted ideas would cut something important every time I turned it, so I had better check it out.


 Kaido and Minami explained to the otherworld group, who were looking at the paper curiously, that they had received a piece of paper that was also used for bingo.



“We’re going to turn this and a ball with a number written on it will come out, and you’re going to punch a hole where that number is written.” (Kaido)


“When the line is formed, it is bingo, that it is! The person who gets a bingo draws the prize raffle, that they will!” (Minami)



 The otherworld group of Suela, Memoria, Himiku, Shik, and Miik silently nod and stare at the paper seriously as the two perform in such high-energy that one wonders if they are some hosts of some variety show.


 I hoped the party would go on in a friendly manner.


 First up was the twin angel group, who had the right kind of luck on their side.


 The bingo paper was blank in the center, with five rows, five columns, and twenty-five squares, and the minimum number of bingo balls required was four, but Shik achieved bingo with four balls and Miik with five balls.



“What is this? Do you know, Miik?” (Shik)


“I don’t know, Shik. Is this… a weapon?” (Miik)


“Masaru, I don’t need any cooking utensils as a present, that I don’t. And I don’t need to have a pressure cooker either, that I really don’t.” (Minami)


“Well, I heard that people don’t cook for themselves, so I thought it might be useful.” (Masaru)


“No, even if you’re a beginner cook, you don’t need to use this, that you don’t.” (Minami)


“But it’s convenient to have one, isn’t it? Ms. Himiku also got a new one last time and she said it’s easy to use.” (Masaru)


“What would have happened if it had hit me, that it would have?” (Minami)


“…It was a blind spot.” (Masaru)


“Masaru.” (Minami)



 What Shik got was the pressure cooker prepared by Masaru.


 This is a very high-quality item that he bought with his part-time job money.


 It is said to be recommended for housewives as it can cook not only stewed dishes such as pork stew and meat and potatoes stew, but also rice.


 However, unfortunately, it would be difficult for an angel from the otherworld who has never tried cooking to properly react to the gift.


 In fact, if you look at Shik, who sees the pot from the box as a weapon, you can’t deny that his choice of gift is a bit off.


 Well, I moved on to the next item, praying that Kaido would make a good meal out of it.



“What is this? It smells nice, Shik.” (Miik)


“Yes, is it the scent of flowers, Miik?” (Shik)


“It’s a bath salt, I picked out a bunch of different flower scents for you. It’s a good one, so please enjoy it.” (Karen)


“It’s beautiful. It’s something you don’t see very often in our world.” (Suela)


“Ms. Suela, if you like, I can tell you about the store.” (Karen)


“Yes, please.” (Suela)



 And speaking of Miik, who won second place, she won a beautifully wrapped basket of bath salts.


 This present seems to have been prepared by Kitamiya, and I can sense Kitamiya’s good taste.


 I thought that the fragrance of otherworld flowers might cause people to have different likes and dislikes, but the twin angels were honestly showing their expressions of joy.


 Suela, Memoria, and Himiku also looked a little envious, and it seemed to be well received by the ladies.





“Kitamiya, what were you going to do if you got Leader or Senior Kaido, that you were going to do?” (Minami)


“There’s nothing wrong with that. Mr. Jiro can just give it to Ms. Suela, and now Mr. Kaido has a use for it, right?” (Karen)


“I have a good feeling about the result, that I do.” (Minami)


“You can wipe off that smirk on your face, can’t you?” (Karen)



 If we, the men, had won, as Minami said, we would have definitely given the gift to someone else.


 So, in a sense, this result was a good thing.


 And by having different gifts, we were able to enjoy more what kind of gifts we could get, and the weird atmosphere created by the pressure cooker was swept away and we moved on to the next one.



“It’s number 37, that it is!” (Minami)


“Master, is this right?” (Himiku)


“Oh, that’s good.” (Jiro)


“Hmm, then Minami, I have a bingo.” (Himiku)


“Well, you’re an angel, you’ve got a monopoly on luck, that you do!” (Minami)


“I am a fallen angel.” (Himiku)


“Well, I don’t think that’s a problem.” (Jiro)



 Following that, Himiku achieved bingo on the seventh ball.


 After checking the paper with holes in it in a horizontal line and telling him that there was no problem, a frustrated Minami held out the box.


 Himiku reaches into the box and pulls out a ball from inside.


 And what is the gift for that number?



“Who is this?” (Himiku)


“Oh, that’s me, that it is! I’ve won it, that I’ve spent a lot of money this time, that I have!!!” (Minami)



 She seems to have drawn the number prepared by Minami.


 And the present prepared by Minami is quite large.


 It was bigger than any of the other gifts.


 Himiku took it out of the wrapper while everyone around her was wondering what Minami had prepared.



“Hehehehe, this is an assortment pack of classic retro games prepared by me, that it is!!” (Minami)



 There are many games that I can’t help but feel nostalgic about.


 As for how nostalgic it is, in this day and age when images are so beautifully drawn and realistic, it’s nostalgic enough to produce pixel art and polygon art.


 And the game case looks brand new.



“Hey, how did you get this?” (Jiro)


“Hehehehe! Akihabara has it all, that it does!” (Minami)


“Master, what is this?” (Himiku)


“Simply put, it’s a toy.” (Jiro)


“I see, it’s a toy… for playing, right?” (Himiku)


“…I’ll teach you how to use it later.” (Jiro)


“Um, yes please!” (Himiku)



 But what we Japanese might call nostalgic is just a box to the rest of the world.


 Himiku’s head was filled with questions as she looked at the box from all angles, trying to figure out what it was.


 I was afraid that she might use it like a building block, so I told her that I would explain it later and made her put it away in the bag.


 And as the fourth one, I thought it was about time for the Japanese group to start. [T/N: Jiro, your luck has been terrible so far, just so you know.]



“Oh, it’s me!! Bingo!” (Amy)



 Perhaps her wish was answered, as Amelia came in fourth.


 Amelia, who was two balls after Himiku and on the ninth ball, happily held up her bingo paper and reached into the box.


 He then showed the number that came out to Kaido and asked what the prize was that Kaido had brought him.



“What is it…? An envelope?” (Amy)


“Oh, that’s mine.” (Memoria)


“Ms. Memoria’s prize? What is it?” (Amy)



 Amelia was handed a beautiful postal envelope and curiously asked if she could look inside.



“This is a discount coupon that can be used at our company. There is no expiration date unless the company goes bankrupt.” (Memoria)


“No, is that okay? And it’s a 70% discount. Is it applicable to the original price?” (Amy)


“huh? I heard that it is customary to give a gift that is useful and pleasing to anyone who receives it, but is that a bad idea?” (Memoria)


“I don’t think it’s a bad idea. There are people who give out lottery tickets.” (Jiro)


“Ahaha, I was a little surprised, but I’m happy! Next time, I’ll be shopping at Ms. Memoria’s store!” (Amy)


“Yes, if you let me know, I will even purchase items that are not available.” (Memoria)



 The coupon is a discount coupon that can even be used at Memoria’s parents’ home, Tris Trading Company.


 However, it is not a coupon-like thing as we know it.


 If anything, it might be something similar to a gift certificate.


 A letter appears in the hand of Amelia, who can read, write, and speak the language of the other side due to the knowledge of the sage.


 It is a letter of introduction that promises to sell at a low price within the range permitted by Memoria’s authority.


 Although it is within the discretion of the only daughter of her parents, she can buy quite a few items at a low price.


 I pretended that I didn’t notice that Masaru, who had a strong frugality, was looking at her with envy.


 Amelia was honestly happy because it would be a positive thing for Amelia’s family, which is not in a good economic situation.


 Memoria was not used to the Christmas season, so she mixed up these gifts, but she thought that this was just the way it was.



“Now, let’s go to the next one!” (Kaido)



 The party was in full swing, so let’s move on to the next one.



Note for the Day

Rumors are just that, rumors, and it is best to just keep them to the back of your mind. 



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