Otherworld Company Chapter 214.2: It’s Better To Enjoy Everyday Life When You Can.

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 Well, I thought this conversation would take a long time if we continued, so I simply proposed a simple and less time-consuming game, but I don’t expect it to go through.


 In fact, Minami refused because of the difference in status.


 It was the first time for me to be asked for my status in a game of rock-paper-scissors, but I was convinced that it was true, and proceeded to play bingo quietly while drinking beer.



“It is not good is it?” (Jiro)


“Well, it’s like this.” (Suela)



 I check every time the ball comes out and try to make a hole, but I can’t get one easily.


 Suela looks in worriedly.


 I tell her that it’s okay, and look at Minami, who is determined not to lose in the game.



“If I get one more number, I’ll win, that I will!” (Minami)



 Minami, who is the complete opposite of a hot-blooded character, is unusually passionate.


 She is staring at the next bingo ball as if she does not care about the hosts.


 I was looking at her happily.



“By the way, Shik, Miik.” (Himiku)


“What’s is it, sister?” (Shik)


“What do you need, sister?” (Miik)


“What presents did you guys prepare?” (Himiku)


“Oh, sister, you’re spoiling all the fun.” (Miik)


“Yes, I was disappointed when I heard that it wouldn’t necessarily end up in the hands of our hero, but Miik and I thought it would be a good idea to prepare something good.” (Shik)


“It’s safe, right?” (Himiku)


“Of course, I can guarantee that. Hey Miik.” (Shik)


“Yes, Shik. We thought about it seriously.” (Miik)


“Above all, it’s something we made, and I’m sure they’ll be happy with it.” (Shit)


“Yes, we have prepared something useful.” (Miik)



 Himiku was curious about what her sisters had prepared and so she asked them, but the twins said that the best part of opening a present is the experience of opening it, and they did not say what was inside.


 I felt a little uneasy because of their attitude.



“By the way, Kaido, do you know what’s inside?” (Jiro)


“Oh, brother-in-law, that’s so mean.” (Shik)


“Yes, Hero, please don’t answer brother-in-law.” (Miik)


“Hahahaha, that seems to be the case. Well, I don’t know what they have prepared either.” (Kaido)



 By the way, the way these twins call me is recognized as the master and lover of Himiku, and they call me brother-in-law.


 It feels strange to be called “brother-in-law” by an older person, but I am convinced that there is no problem from a visual point of view. [T/N: All your girls are older than you, Jiro.]


 While we are talking about this, another ball comes out.



“Oh, I got it.” (Jiro)


“I got it, that I did!!!” (Minami)



 The moment I saw the number, the remaining numbers of the few numbers I had reached were filled in and I got a bingo, and Minami also let out a yell.



“Oh, you don’t mean at the same time, do you? So do you want to play rock-paper-scissors or sudden death until the next bingo, that we will?” (Minami)


“No, I can do it later. Minami, you can draw first.” (Jiro)


“Eh, is that okay, that it is?” (Minami)


“It would be amazing since you did better.” (Jiro)


“Oh! You’re generous, Leader, that you are! If that’s the case, I won’t hesitate, that I won’t!” (Minami)



 The result was a tie, so I was able to enjoy the atmosphere, so I thought it was a good idea and told Minami to draw first.


 Then she happily reaches into the box and holds the number in her hand high for everyone to see.



“Hehehe, there are two bags of the same size left, that there is. Now, how about a present for me, that it is!” (Minami)


“Oh, this number is Shik’s. Well then, take this.” (Kaido)


“Thank you very much, that I do! It’s quite heavy, but I wonder what’s inside, that I do.” (Minami)



 She rummaged through the bag, which is about 30 centimeters high, grab it firmly and pull it out.



“…is it a potion, that it is?” (Minami)


“Yeah, it’s a magic potion I made.” (Shik)



 The shape of the bottle looks familiar to me, the size of a plastic bottle.


 It is larger than the potions we usually use, but at first glance, it looks like an ordinary potion.



“Oh, it’s a potion made by an angel that it is. It must be effective, that it should.” (Minami)


“Yes, it works well.” (Shik)


“By the way, what is the effect, that it is?” (Minami)


“Fufufu, that’s a sex change medicine. If you take a sip of it, your body will be reversed instantly. The effect will last for an hour. I made something like the ‘Party Goods’ that the hero talked about.” (Shik)


“It’s a sex change medicine, that it is!? It doesn’t seem to be of any use in conquering the dungeon, that it’s not. There are ten of them… how should I consume them, that I should?” (Minami)



 However, it seems that the contents were joke goods.


 I had heard of sex change medicine in fiction, but I never thought they would actually produce them.



“Huh, the only thing I can think of is to use it next time I cosplay as a male character, that I could.” (Minami)


“Did you come up with that idea? Well, okay. Kaido, I’ll draw mine next.” (Jiro)


“Let’s go.” (Kaido)


“By the way, is it the same for mine?” (Jiro)


“No, I made something else.” (Miik)


“Huh. Is it okay for me, a man, to take it?” (Jiro)


“Yeah, no problem. It’s useful for both men and women.” (Miik)


“Got it. I’m looking forward to it.” (Jiro)


“I brought it! Here, Senior.” (Kaido)


“Okay, then let’s open it up.” (Jiro)



 I smiled at Minami as she found a use for the medicine, and then I too rifled through the bag and pulled out the contents on the desk.


 I could see that the contents of it were not empty, but properly filled.


 Now, the problem is the effect of this.



“Now, what kind of medicine is this?” (Jiro)



 It didn’t look suspicious, so I let my guard down.


 Miik smiled as I looked forward to seeing what would happen after the gender change.



“Yes, it’s a night medicine. It can guarantee you a sweet night.” (Miik)


“What?” (Jiro)



 She said something outrageous.


 She looked like a middle school girl, so for a moment I couldn’t understand what she was saying, so I couldn’t help but ask her back.



“Oh, you’re trying to make a woman to say such a thing? You’re quite the terrible person.” (Miik)



 However, she just smiles teasingly and doesn’t answer.



“It’s easy to use, just add one drop to your drink and you’ll be energized for the rest of the night. Adding too much can cause problems, so use it in moderation.” (Miik)



 Well, in moderation, there’s a lot of stuff like that in here…


 However, Miik left me confused and thoroughly explained how to use it, smiling happily.



“However, in your case, brother-in-law, it would be better to put in a little more.” (Miik)



 Although she looked like a middle school student, she was actually older than me, so she started teasing me as much as she could.


 I can kind of understand the reason for the teasing.


 Himiku and Memoria, who listened to Miik’s words and looked at me expectantly, meanwhile Suela, who looked disappointed. [T/N: Harem bastard explode!]



“…don’t put anything in there that is hard to react to.” (Jiro)


“Ah, you’re so embarrassed, Senior.” (Kaido)


“Shut up.” (Jiro)



 The Christmas present exchange session ends as Minami is given something that makes me wonder if it’s something that is normal in the otherworld, but Minami seems relieved that it’s something she can play with.



Note for the Day

It was an unusual but interesting day. 



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