Reincarnated Aristocrat Chapter 274: Test Drive

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“Preparation is complete! Please get on board!” (Shin)



 After waiting in the workshop for a while, it seemed the preparations were complete, as Shin, who was on the boat, gave us a signal.



 It took about 30 minutes to get ready to fly.


 It seems that preparation takes less time than expected.



 We all boarded the airship together.



“Are we going to fly now? But this is indoors, and the ceiling…” (Lithia)



 Lithia muttered curiously.


 Certainly, we can’t fly with the ceiling in the way.


 I wondered,



“Open up!” (Shin)




 Shin gives the signal.


 Immediately thereafter, the ceiling slowly began to move.


 The ceiling opened and the blue sky became visible above us.


 I see, so that’s how it works.



“Start the ascent!” (Shin)



 Shin gave the signal, and the ship began to float slowly.


 The speed of surfacing increased gradually, then shot up.



 The ground is getting further and further away.



 It’s likely that magic is used to levitate it.


 Shin had requested that I send over some of the magic soldiers who serve Canale, so it’s likely that they are the ones using the magic.



“It’s so high… I shouldn’t have come…” (Russell)



 Russell said while trembling.



“It’s amazing. Canale Castle looks so small…” (Lithia)



 Lithia said with admiration as she looked at Canale Castle.



“Stop the ascent!” (Shin)



 With Shin’s signal, the ascent stopped.



“Isn’t that amazing? We can fly so high.” (Shin)



 Shin said with a smug look on his face.



“It certainly is impressive… At this height, enemy attacks won’t reach…” (Ritsu)



 Ritsu muttered while looking at the ground.



“That’s right. It would feel good to bombard and destroy an enemy’s fort or something from here.” (Charlotte)



 Charlotte is muttering some pretty disturbing things.



“By the way, we could go a little higher, but it’s dangerous, so this is the effective altitude limit.” (Shin)


“It is dangerous if it goes up too high?” (Ars)


“Yes, it’s dangerous to go up too high. The buoyancy is generated by a device using wind magic stones, but if the altitude is raised to a certain level, the buoyancy disappears, and the airship falls down. If we improve the device, we will be able to raise the altitude, but right now, if we raise the altitude any higher, there is a risk of falling, so we are at our limit.” (Shin)



 Will the buoyancy disappear?


 The reason for this is not clear, but perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the air pressure drops as the altitude is raised. I heard that in places where the air pressure is low, the properties of the magic stone fade away. I’m just guessing.



“W-we’re just floating right now, but how long can we maintain this state?” (Russell)



 Russell asked.



“If it is just floating, it can stay this way for quite a long time. Only when we use magic is the ether consumed, but the buoyancy generator is a device that takes advantage of the characteristics of the wind magic stone, so it doesn’t consume it. Of course, it cannot float forever. The device also deteriorates, so it must be properly cared for. Also, if the weather turns bad, you have to take the ship down because it is dangerous.” (Shin)



 If it just floats, there is no wear and tear.


 If that is the case, perhaps we can build a floating structure in the sky in the future. There are many problems to be solved, such as how to survive in bad weather.



“Well then, let’s try moving.” (Ars)



 After telling us this, Shin began giving instructions to his crew.



 After a while, the ship began to move slowly.



“Full speed ahead!” (Shin)



 The ship’s speed increases.


 We’re outside and the wind is hitting me. It’s pretty cold.



“It’s cold, isn’t it?” (Lithia)



 Lithia said shivering.



“It’s so cold. Do something about it.” (Charlotte)



 Charlotte, shivering, pleaded with Shin.



“Ah, looks like it would be better if you went inside the ship! Stop for now!” (Shin)



 Once we stop, we go inside the boat.


 The ship was small, but there was one guest room, and we were led there.


 There is also a window so we can see what’s going on outside.


 Of course, the view is easier to see from the deck, but this was still good enough.



 Shin once again gave the signal for the crew to depart.



 The ship began to move again.



“But it really is moving. What principle does it use?” (Ars)



 I asked Shin, who was also in the guest room.



“It would take a bit longer to explain in detail. It uses wind magic, but… To explain it simply, it’s like a jet of wind that blows backward and forwards.” (Shin)



 Like a jet engine?



“I had a lot of trouble figuring out how to make the boat go forward. At first, with just my idea, the boat was too slow, but Enan came up with a great device and we were able to make it go quite fast. According to her, there is still room for improvement.” (Shin)


“Did Enan develop this? That’s amazing.” (Ars)


“Yes, she has unusual ideas that amaze me sometimes. Well, it is not surprising that the county mayor brought her here.” (Shin)


“By the way, where is Enan now?” (Ars)


“She is not good with heights, and even if she knew we wouldn’t fall off, she just can’t get on the ship. I think she is in her room right now working on the blueprints for the new device.” (Shin)


“Is that so? As long as she is doing her best.” (Ars)



 I thought I would at least say hello to her since we had come all this way, but I didn’t want to disturb her, so I would have to wait until another time.



“We’ll keep flying at this speed for a while, so enjoy the view.” (Shin)



 Saying that Shin left the guest room.



 The airship continued to fly at a brisk pace through the sky.


 Unlike a ship at sea, the ride was quite comfortable, as it did not sway.



 The earth is filled with magnificent nature.



“It’s a beautiful view.” (Lithia)



 Lithia whispered as she looked at the scene on the ground.



“It would be nice to have the opportunity to look around Somerforce like this someday.” (Lithia)


“…yeah, that’s right.” (Ars)



 I nodded at Lithia’s words.



 If Somerforce eventually becomes peaceful and airships become more widespread, then that future might be possible.



After flying for a while, the airship returned to the workshop.



T/N: Clan wants to climb higher; the empire is a rotting corpse and civil wars are everywhere. That peaceful dream seems extremely unlikely.



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