Reincarnated Aristocrat Chapter 275: Airship Operation

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“You have done a wonderful job this time. I feel sincerely happy to have invested in you. Thank you.” (Shin)



 After getting off the airship, I thanked Shin.



“N-no, not so much. Thank you for believing in my abilities. I’m going to make something even better from now on, so please expect better things!” (Shin)



 Shin also expressed his gratitude.



“Lord Ars, I think we should build a second and third airship right away. It will cost money, but it will be worth it.” (Ritsu)



 That’s what Ritsu suggested.


 Needless to say, I thought the same thing about this.


 If we have several of these airships, we won’t be defeated even if the enemy forces attack.



“I would like to build several of them, but I would also like to develop new ships in this workshop. As I said before, I would like to build a larger ship, and there are many things that can be improved on this ship.” (Shin)


“That’s true… In that case, how about we build a new shipyard? We could manufacture the ships there and have Shin do the development here.” (Ritsu)


“That’s good. In any case, this workshop is a bit inefficient when it comes to building ships.” (Shin)



 It is true that if we want to increase the production of airships, we will have to build a shipyard. It would cost a lot of money.



“At any rate, I would like to gather everyone together for a meeting to discuss the construction of the shipyard and how to operate the airships.” (Ars)


“Yes, that’s a good idea since it’s an important matter.” (Ritsu)



 With that decision, we left the workshop.





 A few days later.


 A meeting was held at Canale Castle regarding airships.



 The vassals who were originally at Canale Castle, Mireille, who was in charge of Lamberk, the three Fujimiya siblings, who were assigned as assistants, and Shin also attended the meeting.



“Lad, are you feeling alright?” (Mireille)



 Then, for some reason, Mireille spoke in a concerned tone.



“Oh, I’m fine.” (Ars)


“That’s good then.” (Mireille)


“Is Mireille doing her job seriously in Lamberk?” (Ars)


“What kind of question is that? I’m obviously working seriously.” (Mireille)


“Rikuya, what’s the truth?” (Ars)


“She’s been working properly lately. Well, she still drinks a lot of alcohol, though.” (Rikuya)


“I see.” (Ars)


“Hey, why are you asking Rikuya? Don’t you trust what I say?” (Mireille)



 Mireille had a dissatisfied look on her face.



“Well, the airship was completed faster than I thought. I’m looking forward to seeing it fly.” (Mireille)



 Since Mireille had been in Lamberk until recently, it seemed she hadn’t seen the airship fly.



“Can that airship really fly in the sky? I find it hard to believe.” (Maika) 



 Maika said, looking skeptical.



“It’s an incredible invention, so it’s not surprising that those who haven’t seen it doubt it. After the meeting, I’d like you to fly it again in front of everyone, okay?” (Ars)


“It’s fine though. If we’re just flying it won’t use up that much fuel.” (Shin)



 Shin agreed.



“Then let’s begin the meeting.” (Ars)



 So, I began the meeting.


 The first topic on the agenda is how to operate the airship.


 After much discussion, it was decided that it should be used for military purposes.


 It would be difficult to operate the airship for military use as it is now, but if it were modified, there would be no problem.


 The catalyst engine should be mounted around the bottom of the ship so that we can attack the ground.


 It is difficult to mount a large catalyst engine due to its weight and other reasons, so a medium-sized catalyst engine is likely to be used.


 Charlotte can use powerful magic even with an intermediate catalyst engine, but other magic soldiers lack firepower with an intermediate catalyst engine. In the future, we hope to see improvements so that a large catalyst engine can be loaded as well.



 After that, we discussed building a shipyard.



 Since there was not enough land in the city, it was decided to build a shipyard at a slightly remote location.


 It is going to cost quite a bit of money.


 It costs a lot of money to build a shipyard and even to construct a single airship.


 Since wind ether is needed to operate the airship, money is also spent to collect it.



 Canale’s economy has been doing well recently and tax revenues have been rising, but it would be difficult to mass-produce airships due to the cost.



“I have a suggestion. How about we talk to His Majesty Clan and ask him to invest some money in this?” (Lithia)



 Lithia said.



“An airship is a very attractive idea, and I think he might be interested.” (Lithia)


“Certainly, His Majesty Clan has more money than anyone else, so he might be interested in an airship.” (Ars)



 Clan is the lord of Sempler, Messiaen’s most powerful commercial city, and the capital, Alcantes.


 There is no doubt that he is quite wealthy.



“That’s right… Now that we have succeeded in developing the airship, we will have to report to His Majesty Clan- some point, and it might be a good idea to ask for investment at that time.” (Ritsu)



 Ritsu said so.


 If my lord, Clan, found out that I was hiding the airship, I would be punished for treason.


 It would be difficult to use an airship without Clan finding out.



 I’m a little worried about telling Clan about the airship.


 Although he said that he had no intention of actively start warring, that may not be his true intention.


 He might plan to mass-produce airships all at once and wage a war to unify Somerforce.


 If they could easily unify them, it would be good because there would be no more battles for the time being, but would it end so easily?


 Airships will be strong, but I don’t think they will be enough to win the war for sure.


 In Messiaen, the amount of wind magic stone mined is low, so if trade becomes difficult, we will run out of fuel and won’t be able to move the airship.



 Well, there are some worrying factors, but given the current position of the Louvent family, we will have to report it.


 I hope this doesn’t lead to a major war.



“An investment, huh? I wonder if they’ll accept it. Airships are an incredible invention, and they could completely change the way warfare works, but they haven’t proven themselves in battle yet. It’s unclear how effective they will be until they try it out. They might not invest heavily in it until they’ve proven themselves. I think we should report that the airship has been built, though.” (Russell)



 Russell had a somewhat negative view of the situation.


 Indeed, it is still unknown how active this airship will be. It would be easier to convince Clan if we had a better track record.


 However, as a matter of course, achievements cannot be accumulated without battles.


 Although Sights seems to be strengthening its forces, it should remain difficult to attack Canale, which suffered a heavy defeat in the previous battle.


 War may not happen for a while.



 As I was thinking about this, a servant came rushing into the conference room.



“Excuse me for interrupting the meeting! I have received a letter from His Majesty Clan, so I have come to deliver it!” (Servant)



T/N: This is a terrible sign. I thought they might have some time to create more airships. Looks like Clan is in a hurry. 



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