Shadow Court Magician Chapter 32: Suppression Order

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 I’m enjoying the brief moment of peace with the princess, but the Ernia Army wasn’t kind enough that I get paid for doing it.



 The next day, a messenger arrives at the princess’s office in the Ministry of War.


 It was a messenger moving on behalf of the King, much to my dismay.


 He read out the King’s name and accomplishments and then ordered Sicily to suppress a rebellion that was about to take place in a certain region before it even starts.


 Sicily’s beautiful brow twisted at the order. She asks the messenger in return.



“A pre-emptive suppression of the rebellion in the Wagner region?” (Sicily)


“Yes Ma’am.” (Messenger)



 The reason why she replies in a dignified manner is probably that she is the king’s representative. The person working behind the scenes maybe his second brother, Kerich.



 The princess was aware of it but asked questions without offending.



“I have a feeling that the Wagner region is under your Brother Kerich’s jurisdiction?” (Sicily)


“It’s not Kerich-sama’s territory.” (Messenger)



 He did not say that it would be the domain of Viscount Wagner, who was a follower of Kerich.


 In any case, if it is an imperial order, we must accept it.


 I’ll ask the messenger for details.



“Speaking of the Wagner region, there was a rebellion six months ago, does that mean there are disturbing movements again?”


“Yes. The bandits who rebelled six months ago and caused a stir in His Majesty’s Imperial Court are once again making disturbing movements. Please send in the army in advance and crush the bandits.” (Messenger)


“We can’t attack the people who haven’t rebelled yet.” (Sicily)



 The princess insisted, but her second brother’s subordinates would not accept such an argument.


 The messenger left the place saying, “At any rate, I have delivered the imperial decree.”



 After that, they looked at each other and sighed briefly, but they didn’t just sigh in inaction.



 We knew that Kerich had his own agenda, but as a soldier, we could not disobey orders if they were imperial orders.



 Returning from the office in the Ministry of War to the residence near the Royal Palace.


 Chloe, the maid, welcomes us with a graceful bow of her head.



 She asked, “Would you like to take a bath? Or would you like to eat? Or do you need some information about the Wagner region?”



 As expected of a maid who is also known as a ninja maid. She seemed to already know about the imperial decree given to the princess.


 So, I requested the information from her.       


 The maid bowed her head and said, “Yes, sir,” but instead of just giving information, she made a cup of tea first, which I thought was very impressive of her.


 As we sipped the warm tea, the princess and I listened to the information.



  The Wagner region. A mountainous area in the eastern part of the kingdom. It is the domain of Viscount Wagner, but there was a rebellion there half a year ago.


 Well, I knew that much and so did the princess, but I didn’t know why the rebellion happened.


 Chloe can tell us that.



“Viscount Wagner had been bribing His Highness Kerich heavily in order to gain his favor. It seems that he was hoping to rise through the ranks with the help of His Highness Kerich.” (Chloe)


“Like with a campaign fund?”


“Yes, but the Viscount’s territory was too small to prepare a large bribe.” (Chloe)


“You mean the Viscount kept on bribing more than his income, instead of bribing as much as he reasonably could?”


“That’s right. In order to pay the bribes, the Viscount imposed heavy taxes on the people, causing them to rebel.” (Chloe)


“Then there is nothing wrong with the people, is there?” (Sicily)



 That was the princess’s argument, and she was right.


 The last rebellion was just the people protesting against the unfair tax collection. They had reported it as a rebellion to the upper echelons of the military and asked an army to defeat them.


 Of course, both the confiscation and the execution were done within the limits of the law, but it was always powerful who decided the law. No matter how many appeals the residents made, nothing would change.


 Sicily seems to be aware of that, but she still has a compassionate heart and cannot overlook such things.



“… The same thing cannot be overlooked twice. I want to prevent the residents from running amok this time.” (Sicily)


“I thought you would say that.”



 The princess nods and spoke her mind.



“Fortunately, the inhabitants have not yet rallied. This time, and it’s our Libra Division that’s being dispatched.

So let’s persuade them to settle the matter peacefully before the people really rise up.” (Sicily)



 I thought she would say that, so I wouldn’t oppose her.


 Glancing at Chloe, I wish she would accompany me with this.



“If we approach with an army, we’ll provoke the residents. So the only way to convince them is for us to go in alone.”



 I searched for Chloe’s reaction when she heard those words.


 At first, I thought she would get angry. I thought she would say, “Please don’t put the Princess in danger,” but she didn’t say anything like that.


 On the contrary, she praises my decision.



“If you say you’re going to suppress it with the army, your highness will go to Wagner by herself. But if you take us from the beginning, you will consider your choices more.” (Chloe)



 That was Chloe’s idea.


 Sicily opened her mouth wide and said, “Well,” surprised, as if she was surprised by her own actions.


 Well, I think it’s easy to predict if it’s the Princess’s personality, but I dare not touch on that point.


 Instead, give the princess a quick sermon.



“This time we will meet the princess’s request, but instead do not act on your own at Wagner. Always stay with either me and Chloe.”



 Upon hearing the sermon, Sicily nodded and began ordering the maids to begin preparing for the trip.


 Chloe quickly joined the circle and began to gather the things needed for the journey.


 I’m sure the princess’s maids will be able to complete their preparations without any difficulty. Just as I was thinking that I should go home and start preparing for my trip, one of the maids brought me a suitcase.


 There I found the robe and underwear I usually wear.



“Leon-sama is not particular about what you wear, so we kept yours in this building as well.” (Maid)



 The maid smiled at me.


 Well, it seems that my lack of attention to my belongings is a well-known fact.


 I chuckle lightly, but still, before I go to the Wagner region, I’m going home for once. I don’t need my luggage, but I do need my books.


 I can stand to wear the same clothes for a few weeks, but I can’t stand to live without my books. Books are my travel companions.


 I quickly went home and put the books I was reading and the ones I was interested in into my bag.


 I quickly left my room, got on my horse, and met up with the princesses on the outskirts of the royal capital.



 The three of us rode on and headed for the Wagner region.






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