Shadow Court Magician Chapter 59: Octavia’s True Identity

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 We defeated the two magical beasts called Nightmares.


 Perhaps it was because we were in a different space, but the corpses soon disappeared, but the question was who had summoned and controlled the magical beasts.


 Nine seemed to be thinking the same thing and said while mending his clothes that were torn from the battle with the giant horse.



“I’m sure he’s a good magician to be able to use such a powerful magical beast.” (Nine)


“Probably. At least a Master class.”


“Master class?” (Sicily)



 Sicily tilted her neck in confusion.



“Oh, I just used magician term. A Master-class, in essence, are magicians who take disciples and teach others.”


“I see, so they are a mentor.” (Sicily)


“That’s how it is–“



 As I say that, my words stop there.


 The image of the criminal once again hammered by the unexpected words from Sicily.



(…I knew it was that person who burned the magic book and created this other space.)



 At the same time as I concluded this, I noticed that Nine’s body was on fire.


 It seems that an enemy has appeared.


 Nine’s emotions were running high as he said,



“Octavia-sensei!” (Nine)



 In front of Nine’s gaze, was a woman who was tied up by a black shadow monster.


 She seemed to be tied up with a magic rope and had a look of agony on her face.


 I lightly thought of the title of a sensual novel, “Female Teacher, Rough Rope of Agony,” but halfway through, I remembered that Sicily next to me, and promptly closed my mouth.


 Instead, Nine yells out.



“You’re the one! You’re the demon that kidnapped my teacher and brought us into this space!?” (Nine)


“……” (Shadow Monster)



 The black shadow was silent as it answered, but it did indicate that it would kill us if we approached. It did this by turning a part of its body into a sickle and bring it closer to Octavia’s throat.



“Oh, to take sensei as a hostage. You cunning bastard!” (Nine)



 Sicily also responds.



“I can’t overlook you taking a woman hostage! And I don’t like the way you’re hiding in the shadows!” (Sicily)



 Sicily and Nine did not hide their anger.


 However, there was someone that laughed loudly at the figure.






 The voice echoing in the created space.


 The name of the owner of that voice is Leon von Almarsh.


 In other words, it was me.



“Le-Leon-sama!?” (Sicily)



 Sicily is probably worried if I went crazy.


 Nine seemed to be angry at my inappropriate laughter.



“Leon Bro, there are times when it’s okay to laugh and times when it’s inappropriate.” (Nine)



 So I respond sincerely to his words.



“No, yeah. You’re right, I’m sorry. But it was so funny that I couldn’t help laughing.”


“How can you laugh when we’re trapped in another space and my teacher is trapped in it?” (Nine)


“Well, I’m sorry. I mean, you really liked Octavia-san, didn’t you.”


“What!?” (Nine)



 Nine’s face turns bright red.



“No, no. Idiot, you mean that auntie?” (Nine)


“Don’t deny it, I can tell by your attitude. Anyone would be angry if someone took their first love hostage.”


“Is that so? Did Nine-sama like Octavia-san?” (Sicily)



 Well, he could only quiet down.



“……” (Nine)



 Perhaps he thought that it would be useless to hide it in such a place especially at this moment. So Nine says while his cheeks are dyed red.



“…Uhhhh, yeah, yeah. It’s called youthful indiscretion. When I was in school, I had a crush on that auntie.” (Nine)



 I looked at Octavia’s reaction when she heard those words, but she didn’t show much of a reaction.


 However, I feel that there is a slight gloominess in her expression.


 Seeing that, my suspicions turned into conviction, so I turned to Nine and apologized to him.



“…………” (Nine)



 Nine’s expression turns serious when he sees me bowing deeply. He must have realized that I wasn’t trying to be funny. He knew I was about to say something important.


 So I speak to Octavia.



“-So. If you’re a former teacher, you can’t be so cavalier about a former student who liked you and came all this way to help you. Can you please stop the theatrics?”



 When I said this, Octavia’s body clearly twitched.


 She finally looked at me and moved her lips.



“…since, when have you noticed it?” (Octavia)


“Great, a dialogue between a criminal and a detective. I’m going to answer with the usual words. I’ll say what they always say, ‘From the beginning’.”



 The words confuse Sicily.



“What do you mean, Leon-sama?” (Sicily)


“It means exactly what it means. She is the one who burned the book, tried to blame Nine, and brought us into this space.”


“What!?” (Sicily)



 Sicily’s surprise was hammered into her face. Nine has a shadow on his face.



“What is the basis for you to say such a thing?” (Octavia)


“I have a basis. That is the first words that Octavia-san said, that is the beginning of my suspicion.”



 I recalled her words together with them.



 A series of valuable grimoires have been destroyed by someone. I can’t believe that someone would burn valuable grimoires in order to steal the ‘ashes’



 That is the first phrase she said upon seeing us.


 After a few seconds, everyone noticed something weird.



“…A-ashes…” (Sicily)


“You are correct. Octavia-san knew the purpose of the culprit from the beginning, that’s why I marked her from the beginning.”


“But it could just be that she was also investigating and coming to a conjecture.” (Sicily)



 I argue against Sicily, who is acting as the Devil’s advocate.



“There are other grounds as well. The reason why all the magic books being burned are fire-based is that she thought she could blame Nine who was obsessed with those. I think it was her pride as a librarian that no other magic books were damaged, and she feared that valuable magic books other than the ones she wanted would be lost.”


“……” (Octavia)



 I see Octavia, but she has a small voice,



“…You are indeed a librarian. You know everything, don’t you?” (Octavia)



 She said



“Sensei……” (Nine)



 Nine fell on his knees as Octavia confessed to her former student.



“Yes. I carried out the entire series of crimes. My husband is sick. He has an incurable disease. His life would be in danger if I don’t create an elixir made from magic books.” (Octavia)


If it’s a work in progress, then you still need the ingredients.”


“Yes. I was about to burn the last book to get the ashes when you guys came. Plus, you said you wanted the military to intervene in the investigation, and I didn’t have time.” (Octavia)


“So you just threw us into subspace and tried to get rid of us?”


“…I was just trying to render you incapacitated so you would stay in subspace for a while.” (Octavia)



“It was a little rough for it to be that,” Sicily said, but Octavia’s face was calm if one looked closely. Perhaps she was not lying when she said that. That’s why I didn’t want to hurt her any more than I already had.


 So I advised her to surrender, but she didn’t follow it.



“…Leon Von Almarsh. And Nine Snipes. I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. My husband is sick, he’s suffering from a disease called ‘Burning Fever’ and he’s still in bed. So I need to get the last grimoire and finish the elixir.” (Octavia)


“Is it okay to lose the original grimoire for that?”


“…I love my husband.” (Octavia)



 Knowing that there wouldn’t be a compromise, she had magical power surround her and began to use the Shadow Demon.


 Apparently, it’s going to be another battle.



 Feeling disappointed, I readied my favorite staff.






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